S1E10: 6/6

Cerise is sitting on a grassy knoll with her back to the concrete wall of the bridge's main support column, cheek resting against her fist. She only notices you when you draw close.

"You came," she says, turning her face to regard you. You can't help feeling guilty that she sounds surprised.

You sit beside her. "Hi," you say. "Were you waiting very long?"

"No. I just got here..."

You have a feeling that's a lie. You think she was probably waiting for you ever since the windsurfing competition ended five hours ago. But you decide not to press it.

"Well?" Cerise says. "You have the floor, Alabaster. What's the big surprise you wanted me to come out here to see?"

"Just wait," you tell her, smiling warmly. "I have a plan."

You take her by the hand and stare her in the eye, warm feelings washing over your artificial heart.

"Alabaster," she says uncertainly. "You're acting weird."

"Trust me."

And just like that, as if on cue, the sky lights up.

Not with fireworks. With an angry blue bolt of lightning.

Your smile collapses like a thing shot dead as you peer into the heavens.

"No," you say, your voice low. "No. You've got to be shitting me--"

The attendant thunder booms like an explosion, so loud you can feel the pressure differential against your chest.

"No..." you say again. But there's nothing to help it. The clouds open up, and a torrential downpour the likes of which you have never seen unleashes itself. It falls in sheets, slanted, drops the size of silver dollars. Electricity arcs through the sky like magma in underwater fault lines. Rolling thunder rages amidst the awful patter of the monsoon.

You and Cerise are instantly drenched, head to toe.

You find a door that leads into a spiral stairwell inside the bridge, used mainly as an access-way for maintenance crews. Luckily, it isn't locked. You and Cerise stumble inside, shutting the heavy door behind you. The sound of the storm outside is muffled and weirdly echo-y inside this cramped, fluorescent-lit space.

You pound a fist against the cream-colored wall, leaving a wet dent behind. "God damn it," you grunt. "God-- damn it--"

"Alabaster," Cerise says, "what's your deal? You're acting like a schizophrenic hobo off his meds." She wrings her hair out, head cocked to one side, heavy dollops of water squelching against the concrete floor.

"This was supposed to be a surprise," you say, closing your eyes. "It was--"

You sit down on the corrugated metal stairs. "There was a fireworks show scheduled."

Cerise sits with you. "Fireworks?" she says. "That's a bit lame to be making such a fuss over, isn't it?"

You look at her like you can't believe what she's saying.

"I just thought it would-- I thought it would make things up to you," you say.

"Make up for what?" Cerise asks. "Taking your harem of used-up sluts on a bunch of dates when you could have spent that time masturbating to hentai with me?"

You narrow your eyes at her.

"I'm joking," she says. "...Mostly joking. Half joking."

She puts her hand on your knee. "I just wanted to do something nice, for once. Do you remember that 4th of July when we went to the beach--"

"Of course I remember," Cerise cuts in. "The fireworks weren't the important part. I could give a greasy shit about fireworks."

"It was me," you say. "I was the biggest disappointment of your life, wasn't I."

"No. The biggest disappointment of my life was us."

"*Was* us-- or is us?"

"Well, that depends on what your definition of 'is' is..." Cerise shoots you a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, Cerise."

"Me too."

You lean forward and kiss her. She opens her mouth to yours for a brief moment -- but then pulls back, hands pushing against you.

"What is it?" you ask, and you can't help the note of frustration that sneaks in.

"I'm sorry," she says. "I'm sorry for always pushing you away like this. It's just-- I'm scared, okay? I haven't..."

"You -- haven't?"

"Try not to look so shocked!"

"But... all that time in high school... I mean, you bragged nonstop about what a sl-- about how much you got around--"

Cerise fixes you with a simmering, vulnerable gaze and says:

>What do you do?

[X] Something

You take Cerise by her still-damp shoulders. She trembles like a wounded bird in your embrace. "You stupid," she says, half-senseless. "You stupid-- you really believed--"
She can't even bring herself to meet your gaze. Her eyes fill with tears. Her pupils are moist and her irises swirl with refracted colors in the light. You tilt her chin up with your finger.
"It's all right if you're a virgin," you say. "That's sort of my thing, you know?"
Even through the anxiety and verging tears, Cerise giggles. Then her face turns serious once more. "That isn't fair," she says. "Did you ever stop to think that *I* like virgins, too? But you fucked just about the whole population of planet Earth before me..."
"I'm a virgin where it really matters," you say. You clench a fist in an open palm. "Blood-related sibling incest is the only sex that counts to anyone with taste!"
Cerise snorts.
"So-- here?" you ask.
"Why not here?" Cerise counters. "It doesn't need to be perfect, you dweeb."
You kiss her again. This time she doesn't pull away.
Cerise's mouth is warm and inviting, but her lips and face are still cool from the rainfall. The contrast is strange against your searching tongue. She breathes heavy against you, her full chest heaving, her hands tracing invisible patterns across your dripping back.
You turn her around so she lies against the stairs. She winces as you settle her in place.
"Are you comfortable?" you ask. "Those edges are sharp."
"I'll be a lot more comfortable when you're inside me," she breathes, her voice dreamy with anticipation.
You run your hands up and down her delicate body. She's damp all over, little droplets standing in neat rows along the micro-crevices of her gooseflesh. You poke your fingertips gently against her belly and watch the raindrops converge at your touch, forming little rivulets that trickle down into her navel, or even further, to the hemline of her bikini bottom.
This body of Cerise's is not exactly in the best of shape -- not fat and not scrawny, but un-toned, pale. It's the body of a girl who doesn't get out much, the body of a NEET. This body is your fault. So you feel guilty for adoring its every curve and bump. But you do, with all your soul. You maul her with kisses. You devour her and consume her with kisses, big wet smacks and little pecks and everything in between. Your lips find her dainty toes and fleshy calves, they find her long forearms and her taut belly, they find her hands and her neck. Your lips find her lips. And her lips find yours. Cracks and snaps of approaching thunder outside fill the space between your needful breaths -- breaths which come syncopated and strangely synchronized.
"I love you," you say, over and again: "I love you I love you I love you." She nuzzles your neck, her nose tickling your Adam's apple, as you repeat your mantra into the crown of her head.
"You always did?" she asks.
"I always did."
"You always will?"
"I always will."
Cerise's reaches for your trunks, arms straining. You help her pull them off of you. Your member is already hard. She grits her teeth at the searing heat of it against the soft cold skin of her stomach. You grit your teeth at the contact, too. For a moment the tiny stairwell echoes with your collective sigh: an "ahhh" that dangles, unrelieved, in the air above you.
Your fingers find her bikini bottom. Like the rest of her, the crotch is damp. But this dampness is hot, and pulsing, and it runs through the folds of your fingers like ambrosia. You tug her bottom off with one swift motion. You enjoy the suppleness of her bare cleft against your hand, so wet and needing. You can practically feel her ache, the singing of her every nerve ending, begging for release. Your manhood twitches and sings and burns for the coming pleasure just as badly.
"Now," she says, "do it now, do it right now before I go crazy..."
You do it.
You position yourself at the dewy entrance to her mound and slide into your older sister. Her silken inner walls surround your shaft and shudder deliciously around you as they accept you in. You let yourself savor it, sinking in slowly, millimeters at a time. Her neck muscles strain and her face contorts in a silent scream of ecstasy.
She claws at her bikini top and tugs it down, out of the way, baring her nakedness and her vulnerability to you in full. She reaches out for you, stroking your face. Her breasts are two perfect white domes topped by two perfect pink nipples. You lean forward so she can wrap her arms around you as you finish pushing yourself in. Her nipples touch your nipples. Her chest is pillowy against your pressing weight. The head of your penis makes contact with her deepest and most intimate parts.
Cerise lets out another sigh, her voice staccato and high-pitched. It's a noise insane with lust and begging for more, but filled also with love. It's a noise that says "I am yours, I am at your mercy, do whatever you want with me." Her hands run in circles through your hair. You suckle on her neck as you lie there inside her, simply enjoying the throbbing wetness of your genitals mated so obscenely together, a brother fucked inside his sister.
You pull out, and it makes an audible sound that sends a new thrill coursing through you. Cerise's inner walls cling to you, as if they don't want to let you go. But she's so wet, and your cock is pouring so much precum into of her, that those walls can't hold on forever. You pull out almost all the way, hugging her neck for support as you raise your hips. Then you slide smoothly back inside -- all the way. In this manner you establish a steady pace. The stairs clatter beneath you. Cerise reaches at the ceiling for nothing, her hands curling and uncurling into fists. Sweat pearls with the rain on her skin.
"Cerise," you moan. "Cerise, I'm going to--"
"Yes! Yes!"
You rub your cheek with hers, and then lock lips. With one more savage thrust, out and in again, you plunge yourself to the root and fill her greedy body with semen.
"Alabaster! Alabaster--!! aaahhhhnnn--"
You empty yourself completely, your mind going blank, your tongue mating with her mouth and your seed filling her tender womb. Your cock pulses; you grunt and heave; she trembles and cums -- and cums, and cums. She cums all around you, all over you, milking you off. You stare deeply into her half-lidded eyes as you cross this, the final rubicon.

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