S1E7: Turning Up the Dial

You sit. Spancer sits down on your other side. "Why are you hanging out with Spancer Jar-head all of a sudden?" Whitney asks, a bit disgusted.
"I'll explain later. What's going on?" you ask. "Why is there an assembly today?"
Stackleford answers. "Rose is officially announcing her candidacy for reelection. That's the real reason."
"Of course that's not what she *says* the reason is," Whitney adds. "She says the real reason is to announce special events for Homecoming."
"Which just happen to include the student council elections..." Stackleford says.
"Cheating bitch," Whitney says. "She's using this as a campaigning event."
"Is anyone even running against her?" you ask.
"Pfft. Who knows?" Whitney says. "The student council made the rules for campaigning so strict that if someone else *was* running, you'd never know."
Whitney leans in close so Stackleford can't hear. She cups her hand over her mouth. "Did you bring the remote?" she asks.
"It's in my pocket," you confirm. Then, playing coy: "What are you thinking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm thinking about, cockbreath. We can make her announcement really... interesting."

[X] Let's do it.
[ ] Let's spare her for now.
You wink. Whitney laughs evilly.
"So anyway," Stackleford says when Whitney faces forward again. "With enough chi--"
"Stackleford," Whitney says, her voice very level and polite. "Shut the fuck up."
Stackleford stops talking.
About two minutes later, Rose steps onto the stage. She approaches the dais, adjusts the microphone to her level, and calmly clears her throat.
"SILENCE!!" she bellows. The gym falls instantly quiet. Rose smiles warmly. "Thank you."
She gives the signal to someone off-stage to lower the lights. The vast room is washed in dimness, and a spotlight clicks on over Rose.
Rose sweeps her view across the assembled student body. Like a hawk finding prey, her eyes fall directly upon you -- but it's pretty clear who the real prey here is. She slits her eyes and frowns with contempt. Smiling back, you pull the remote from your pocket and hold it up. You shake it side to side tauntingly.
The look of panic that sweeps over Rose's face lasts only a split second, but it's unmistakable. She wore the vibrator today. Now she's at your mercy.
Rose composes herself and clears her throat again. "Well--" she says, flipping through her notes. The catch of fear is plainly audible in her voice. "We've got a lot to go over, but I'll try to get you all back to your classes as quickly as possible..."
"Do it," Whitney whispers. "But start her off slow."
"I know what I'm doing," you hiss back. "I've played enough ero games, haven't I?"
"Homecoming is fast approaching, as you know," Rose says. She takes a handkerchief and wipes her sweating forehead. "Which means there's a lot to do! ... The Sadie Hawkins dance is next week... girls, this is your chance to rein the takes-- um, take the reins... where was I..."
You haven't even turned the vibrator on, but she's already losing it. This is too delicious.
"Right. The North High Bobcats play the Verdun High Bruins this Thursday in varsity football... tickets are $2 and you can purchase them through the canteen, the dean's office, or the student council office. Let's all wish them the best..."
Muted applause at this.
Rose continues. "Our quiz team has their first match this Saturday. Team captain Alabaster Soliloquy will lead us against--"
You decide this is a good moment to flip the remote on. You set the dial to 1 out of 10.
Despite what must be almost imperceptible vibration, Rose's spine goes rigid. Her knuckles clutch the dais tightly.
She continues, her voice now strangled-sounding. "--will lead us against Centennial High." She looks at you with eyes full of hatred, but takes a few moments to compose herself. She loosens her grip on the lectern and her voice returns to normal.
"Our boys' and girls' soccer team will be playing an exhibition match against one another this afternoon," Rose says. "You can pay however much you like for tickets. Proceeds will go to the student org fund..."
You move the dial to 2. Rose whimpers, almost inaudibly.
"--On a more personal note..." Rose says. Is she trembling?
"Student council elections will be held next Monday. That means w-we only have a w-week to go--" She leans forward a little.
"And I have wonder-- wonderful news," Rose says. She's starting to sound breathless. "I p-plan to run for a-another--"
You click the dial to 3.
"--anotherrr-- terrrmmmmm" Rose leans forward even further, her massive tits squeezing against the podium. She closes her eyes. You think you see some drool at the corners of her mouth.
"Another termmm as presssssident-- mhhhh" Her head slumps and her lips touch the microphone. Her sensual groan of pleasure morphs into hideously shrill mic feedback that makes everyone -- you included -- cover your ears in discomfort. When the interference abruptly ends, Rose is still a hot mess. One of the student council members approaches her uncertainly and the assembled students begin to whisper to each other.
Over the microphone, you hear the other student council member whisper "are you okay?"
"I'm fine-- I'm--" Rose's eyes shoot open as if she's been injected with speed. She takes in the room before her, jaw slackened.
"This is hot..." Whitney whispers to you. You glance over at her. In the darkness, it's hard to see clearly, but you can tell she has one hand inside the waistband of her spats. And the way her shoulder moves leaves no room for mistaking what she's up to. "Look at that slut squirm up there," she says.
Rose gulps hard several times, as if fighting for air. "There's so much to do-- so I w-want you all to d-do your best this Homecoming," she says. "G-g-go Bobcatsss! YES! FUCK YESSSSS!!! YES! YES!!!"
She stumbles backward and falls with a hard thud. The microphone whistles momentarily with some kind of phantom interference and then goes silent. The student council mobs Rose, some of them fanning her with papers, others trying to help her to her feet.
Principal Armstrong quickly glides to the podium. "Ah-- I think that's all for today," he says. "Everyone-- go back to class. Now."
You chuckle as students begin to file out. They rubberneck and gawk at Rose, whispering and wondering. Rumors will be swirling in no time.

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