As you head for the exit, Rose pops out from around a corner. Her face is beet red and shiny with a day's worth of perspiration. Her eyeliner runs a little in rivulets down her face and her hair is all mussed like she just got plowed by every jock ay North High. Her right eye twitches pretty much continuously.
Clearly, she hasn't had an easy time of it.
"A-Alabaster--" she says, her voice fluttering and catching. "My records s-show you haven't officially signed up for any clubs yet, d-despite taking part in certain club activities."
"...What?" you say.
She pauses to run a hand through her hair. She takes a wild step backward, nearly falling over, like she's literally drunk on the sensations coming from her cunt.
"I-it's a requirement of all students to please join a club all right. Okay." She holds out a generic club application form, gripping it around the middle in her balled up fist, so tight her knuckles are drained of color. Her hand is trembling. You grab hold of the application and it takes Rose several long seconds to register this before she lets it go.
You pretend to read the crinkled application form, but instead you focus on Rose from the corner of your eye. Her whole body is vibrating.
Surreptitiously, you reach into your pocket and kick the remote control up to its final, highest setting: 10/10.
The reaction is nearly instant. Rose gasps and falls to her butt, knees splayed akimbo. She leans forward, supporting her weight on her palms, while an orgasm ravages her entire body.
"Aw geez," you say with false concern. "Are you feeling all right? Do you need some help?"
"I'mmmm--- I'm finnnnnne," she says, cumming her brains out. "I'm not-- I'm not-- I'm not-- cummmmminggggg---!!!" She rocks back and forth, her mouth agape in a silent howl. A puddle forms on the linoleum underneath her. She paws at her tits.
You turn to go, but she grabs your pant leg, stopping you. She looks up at you with pleading eyes.
You frown at her. "You're a real fucking mess, you know that? Absolutely fucking disgusting."
"I did what you asked. T-the school day is over. Please, PLEASE, let me take this out. Please..."
[X] Good girl. You can take it out -- if you admit you're a slut.
[ ] I think you should go to bed with it tonight.
You turn the vibrator off.
"I'll let you take it out," you tell her. "Just one thing..."
Rose's lips tremble.
"Here," you say. You grab Rose by the back of the head and force her face against your crotch. She struggles and pushes at your knees, but in her weakened state, she can't do anything to stop you.
"Look at me," you say. "Hey."
Rose stares up at you. Her nose is buried in your denim jeans directly against your balls and leaking cock.
"Say you're a slut," you tell her.
"No," Rose mumbles into your crotch. Her eyes simmer with defiance.
You run your thumb across the remote's dial, bringing it randomly up and down the scale. Rose goes rigid and tries to pull away again; you hold her in place.
You turn the vibrator off and let Rose fall away from you. She curls up on the ground.
"Say it. Say: I, Rose Mallory, and a cum-pig."
"There are still people on campus, you psycho... we could be seen..."
You crank the vibrator up to ten. Rose writhes side-to-side, pulling at her hair like she's going insane. You can actually smell her pussy creaming itself at this point.
"Call me your master."
"Never-- I'll neverrr-- ghhhh-- fuuuuuck!!!" Her back arches and she cries out in orgasm, hands and legs spasmodically flapping.
"We can do this all day if you want."
Rose pants for breath. "Stop-- fine-- stop, please!"
You turn the remote to 0. Rose clambers to her knees and looks up at you.
"I, Rose--"
"Call me master first."
Rose's body shakes with revulsion and contempt. "Master--" she says through gritted teeth.
"Say, master, please accept me as your willing cum-pig."
"M-master-- please accept me as your willing cum-pig..."
"Say, please use me as your cumdump whenever you like."
Rose closes her eyes and bows her head. "Please... please..."
She goes quiet for a long time. Then finally, in a very small voice: "please use me as your cumdump whenever you like. I exist to drink your filthy cum, master."
You arch your eyebrows appreciatively. You never told her to say that last part.
"All right," you say. "Good job." You push her shoulder gently so she lies down on her back. You guide her to her side using the tip of your shoe.
Kneeling down, you yank her panties to her ankles. Rose claws helplessly at the tile, panicking.
"No--" she says. "No-- I did everything you asked--!"
"Calm down," you say. You yank the vibrating egg from her sodden cunt and drop it next to her.
"Enjoy the rest of the day, Rose. Wear it again tomorrow."
You turn to go. Rose quickly pulls her underwear up and crawls forward on all fours to stop you.
"That's-- that's it?" she asks.
"What? Of course."
She stares at you, blinking. It's almost as if she's disappointed.
As you head off, Rose has parting words.
"Alabaster..." she looks at you with a weird mixture of hatred and revolted lust. "You s-should consider joining the student council... I think you could go far..."