Interlewd 3: Razzle Dazzle~

Rose is waiting for you in the Student Council room. She sits at the head of a long oak conference table, alone. The room is cast in the orange pall of an early California sunset. The days are getting shorter already.
Rose's skirt is hiked up around her waist. She sits with her legs spread wide, not wearing panties, and masturbates openly.
You approach her, grinning, and reach out to grab her around the neck.
Such a good pet, to be waiting for you like this.

But as your fingers wrap around her, she does the unexpected. She quickly produces a small spray can from her blouse pocket.
You try to course-correct, step back, dodge it -- but too late. She squirts a burning hot cloud of aerosolized pepper spray in your face.
You wail and fall to your knees. Your eyes well up and your sinuses begin to drain, pouring thin mucus down your chin. Your face becomes a wet mess.
You try to say something, anything, but can't. You can hardly breathe. Your respiration is shallow and panicked. You wheeze on the stray particles of mace still tumbling complexly through the air.
"Ohhh-- that felt good," Rose murmurs, running a hand through her hair.
Spluttering, you manage: "what the FUCK! Oh, Christ! It burns!"
"Stop complaining, you baby. Sit up -- look at me. Hey."
You clamber to your feet and adopt a defensive stance, ready to strike back if she tries to mace you again. But you can hardly see her. You can hardly see anything. You paw at your eyes with the back of your palms. She grins tauntingly.
"That was just a warning," Rose says. She pockets the spray can. "I wanted to talk to you before the -- event..."
"I'll make you sorry you did that," you growl.
Rose grins with only one corner of her mouth. "Mm. I'm sure."
She regards you for several long moments. Then, looking down at her fingernails and playing nonchalant: "I want to be clear. I'm not submitting to you. Or to Whitney."
Rose looks you directly in the eye.
"I hate you," she says. "With every fiber of my being."
"Stop lying to yourself. You were begging Whitney for my cock just yesterday."
"My hatred for you is pure and black and perfect, like the space between the stars. Let me tell you how much I hate you, Alabaster. If the word 'hate' was engraved on every nanoangstrom--"
"Get to the point, you dizzy cunt."
"I hate you more than anyone. And... I respect you. More than anyone."
This throws you for a loop.
"I hope you understand we're kindred spirits, Alabaster. You'll never find a woman more like you than I am."
"I sincerely doubt it."
"Believe it. We tick the same way... like clocks that are off with the other clocks. We have the need to dominate. We have aberrant urges. But the difference--" Rose pauses, contemplative.
"The difference is, I have to wear this mask. Warm and welcoming Rose, goody two-shoes Rose, conscientious Rose. You get by without it."
"So you don't believe all that social justice crap after all."
"Oh, I believe it. I just don't give a shit."
Rose places her hands on her knees. She spreads her legs again, baring a dripping cunt nestled between fat thighs.
"I want you to rape me, Alabaster."
You wipe the mucus from your face and approach her, tugging at your belt. If rape is what this bitch wants, you're more than happy to oblige.
But Rose gives you another spurt of mace when you try again to grab her again.
You reel back. Groaning in agony, you lean against the wall for support. You drool. Your nose runs like a spigot.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!!" you yell. "Goddamn it!"
"I never promised to make it easy," Rose says. "I'm not going to be your braindead cum-toilet. If you want me, you have to take me. And don't cheat. Using Whitney is unfair."
"You call the pepper spray fair?" Your voice is nearly unintelligible through the spittle.
"I'm only using it today, to lay out the terms. After today it's gone."
You turn to face her, your vision doubled through the burning haze of pain and tears.
"I never knew how it felt to be dominated until you came along. Now I need it. Try to understand. I live amongst people incapable of making a single decision on their own. I have to decide everything... down to the color of stationery to use for memos in the student council. It's driving me insane."
Desperate for relief, you blow your nose on your t-shirt. "I couldn't tell!" you say. "You seem perfectly sane to me!"
"When you pin me down, I'm free. I don't have to decide anything. You decide it all for me. And when I think of you pouring your cum inside me... I feel like I'm drowning, but it's such a nice feeling, too.." She hugs herself, shivering. Her pussy drools.
"Fine. Got it. Lots of rape. 40 pounds of rape, coming up. Put the fucking pepper spray down."
"--But I still have those other urges, too. And judging by how you reacted when I rubbed my feet in your worthless fucking face, you have the same cognitive dissonance that I do. See? We're soul mates. You begged me to let you cum. You loved being dominated, too."
"...What are you saying?"
"I need a slimy little worm to violate, and you're it. May the best rapist win."
[X] You're on.
[ ] We play by my terms. I'll never submit to you.

Rose takes the pepper spray out of her blouse pocket and tosses it away. The canister clatters against the ground as it rolls into the corner.
She crooks a finger at you, as if to say: "come on, then."
In an instant, you're upon her. You lunge forward spastically, grabbing for her. She leaps up to meet you halfway, and you collide in a whirlwind of limbs, fists, and savage grunts. You grab each other by the hair and spin around, banging against the wall and into filing cabinets.
Gaining the momentum, you push her back as hard as you can, straight into a window. Her head smacks against it so hard that that one of the panes cracks, leaving behind a spiderweb pattern in the glass.
Rose knees you in the stomach and pushes back. You go tumbling backward against the conference table, Rose on top. Papers go scattering everywhere.
"Fuck you!" you shout. "I will rape you to death!"
Rose headbutts you, and you accidentally bite your lip. You feel a trickle of blood running down your chin. Enraged, you headbutt her right back, and she goes falls to the ground with a thud.
You loom over her, but before you can land another hit, she rolls to the side and jumps to her feet.
"Razzle-dazzle~" Rose mewls, pivoting behind you. She pulls a dog collar from her other blouse pocket and snaps it around your throat. You windmill your arms, trying punch her in the face. But not quickly enough. She deftly avoids the punches.
Spinning around, you charge her again. But then you feel an awful surge of agony radiating from your neck -- an electric jolt that shorts your brain's circuitry and turns your muscles to rubber. You collapse to the ground in a heap.
Rose cackles. Her taunting laughter bounces around your skull, failing to register for a few moments. Through slitted eyes, you look up at her, and see a remote in her hand.
"They use these to train dogs," Rose informs you.
You stand and try to attack again, a drunken swagger to your step.
BZZT -- She clicks the shock button with her thumb and sends you face-first to the ground. Your forehead collides against the hardwood with a disturbing crack. Spittle pools at the corners of your mouth.
"How does it feel to be on the other end of the tazer, you fuck?"
She kneels and clasps your chin in hand. You can smell her roiling pussy underneath her skirt. She gives you a long, luxurious kiss that you don't return -- but she doesn't seem to mind that. With her mouth wide open and grunting, she licks your mouth, your face, your eyelids. Her own eyelids droop and she blushes heavily, savoring her every excess.
You growl at her. "I am going to rape you so hard that your fucking womb falls out. Count on it."
Rose gives you another shock -- BZZT -- that sends you into a minor convulsion and makes you briefly lose your sense of time and space. When your vision uncrosses, Rose is smiling warmly down at you.
"I look forward to it," she says.
"If I had Whitney--"
"But you don't, do you? You're useless without that whore. Just a little fucking wimp waiting to get fucking raped... you're so cute, Alabaster..." she strokes your cheek with one hand, lewdly, somehow making even this innocuous gesture feel like deep violation. She does this for a few moments -- and then, suddenly, she spits in your face.
"You make me sick," she says.
"I'm going to--"
BZZT. You flop around on the ground like a fish. When you go still again, Rose grabs you by the hair and roughly guides you to a sitting position. She steps back to admire her work. Your face is blank with loathing as she -- oh God -- steps out of her shoes.
Leering, Rose snakes a hand under her skirt.
"Now-- you're a dog, so act like one," she says. "Say: woof, woof."
[ ] Woof, woof.
[X] Fuck you.
Rose frowns.
"That's right!" you continue. "I said fuck--"
She gives you another shock that causes your spine to go rigid. You fall to the side, spasming and seizing. Your mouth froths.
Rose steps forward and rubs her stockinged foot underneath your nose. It's pungent and penetrating -- like a mossy rock in wet soil, fetid, organic. It makes you dizzy but also brings you back into focus.
Opening your eyes, you spy the pepper spray canister lying only a few feet away.
Rose hauls your face upward. She rips off her blouse, baring her massive tits, and rubs your face in her armpit. Whether she shaves or simply hasn't budded fully yet, you can't tell -- but all that's underneath her arm is the barest hint of fuzz that tickles your face. Her sweat leaves a greasy film on your face as she rubs against you.
"That's it, you fucking pig," she grunts. "Smell me. You worthless cocksucker!" She masturbates herself as she violates you.
You gaze at the pepper spray out of the corner of your eye. If you could distract her long enough to reach for it...
You dart your tongue out and start licking Rose's grimy sweat off of her body. It has an awful tang that clings to the back of your throat and makes you nearly gag. Rose moans in delight.
"That's right! Lick me! Worship your mistress!" She diddles her cunt with wild abandon.
The humiliation of all this makes you shudder. But it's for a greater good. You need to keep her attention elsewhere.
"Look at how hard you are~" Rose coos. She uses one foot to step on your crotch, prodding it with her toes. It's true -- for some reason, you're hard as a rock right now.
Your tongue works up and down her smelly armpit and Rose continues to pleasure herself as she pets your hard-on with her dirty sock. Her toes has the dexterity of fingers, and work your cock through the denim of your jeans with expert precision.
Reaching out surreptitiously, your hands find the pepper spray canister and wrap around it.
Moving quickly, you aim the nozzle and blast Rose in the face.
She shrieks, tumbling backward, and lands on her butt. In an instant, her eyes become red and puffy, her face becomes covered with mucus -- just like yours.
You stumble awkwardly to your feet.
Her eyes wrenched shut, Rose shocks you again, trying to regain the initiative. The electric agony sends you falling forward on top of her.
Taking aim again, you hold down the nozzle and spray a continuous stream of mace in Rose's eyes. In response, she hammers repeatedly on the shock button. You convulse and writhe but keep the stream of pepper spray going strong.
You roll around like animals, your shrieks and cries becoming an indecipherable wail that doesn't seem like it will ever end.
But then Rose's remote stops working. Your pepper spray runs out moments later.
You sit up on your knees, feeling lightheaded, and tug Rose's skirt down. She shakes her head side to side, lying in a virtual puddle of tears and snot from the mace, too weak to fight.
You pull your cock free and fuck yourself inside her without any warning or mercy. You hunch forward for better access, hugging her around the back. You use her as a human cocksleeve -- she lies limply underneath you, sobbing, choking, coughing.
Your cock bottoms out in her juvenile pussy on every stroke and batters her cervix. You know the pain this must be causing her and you grin to yourself because of it. You move your hands up and use Rose's hair as a handle to hold onto as you rape her. You pull at her savagely, and she shrieks as you use her.
But her cunt is creaming and contracting around you all the while. The heat and wetness only increase as your brutality does.
"Useless fucking whore," you grunt. You use one palm to slap her tits over and over again, alternating between them. You leave deep red welts that quickly begin to turn to bruises.
You slap her bare tummy next, and then her face, holding nothing back.
She just bites her lip and cums her brains out. She even begins to hump back on you, as if trying to slam her cervix against your cockhead.
You finish inside her, pumping her uterus full of jizz. You bellow, and give her a punch to the stomach. Still woozy, you stand, leaving her in a puddle of her own filth, covered in cum, battered and bruised.
"You haven't even come close to paying for this," you pant. "You stupid toilet."
Rose looks at you through half-lidded eyes. "...was I a good toilet today?" she asks. Her question sounds genuine.
By way of answering, you sit on your knees, straddling her neck, and put your semi-hard cock in her mouth. She accepts it without protest, her eyes smoldering.
You unleash an amber stream of piss directly into her throat.
She gulps it down happily, but the volume proves too much. When it starts to overflow and leak down her face, you pull out and finish pissing all over her body, spraying her skirt and hair. Rose's makeup, already ruined, runs even more, making her look like a used up whore.
She smiles brokenly, running her hands all over her body as you use her for a urinal.
"Let's do that again..." Rose murmurs. You put your cock away and zip up. Saying nothing more, you stumble out, leaving Rose in a puddle of cum, piss, tears, and slime.

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