You sit at your dining room table. Smatters is across from you and Dad is busy reading the Sunday times.
"What do you like to eat?" you ask. "You must be hungry."
"Hmm--" Smatters says, finger on her chin. "Carrots -- celery -- spinach -- apples... skinned, of course --"
"No, no, no and no."
Smatters cocks her head. "Huh?"
"We don't have any of that stuff here. Listen. Do you like cake?"
"Oh, no. Sugar is bad for bunnies!"
"You're not a bunny. You're a human being. And humans like sugar. That's lesson one."
You stand, go to the kitchen, and grab a plate of Mom's leftover double-layer superfudge cake from the kitchen. One slice of this is enough to put most avowed sugar-eaters into diabetic shock. You can only imagine how Smatters will react.
When you set it in front of her, she pokes at it with a dainty dessert fork. "Erm-- I'm not so sure about this..." she murmurs. She leans as far forward as her massive breasts will allow and sniffs the cake, her nostrils shuddering up and down just like a bunny's.
"It's weird," she complains, looking up, her jugs still pushed against the tabletop.
"Just try it already. Don't you want to be like a normal person?"
She nods, almost desperately. "Yes! I want to be a human! So-- if that means eating sugar-- o-okay, then. H-here I go..."
She lifts the fork to her mouth, hesitant, and bites off the tiniest morsel.
"Oh," she says.
"Oh. Ohhh. I-- I-- unffff-- mmm~~~~!!!"
She falls sideways out of her chair, collapsing to the ground, writhing in orgasmic ecstasy.
For the first time in a long while, you see your dad's face -- he pulls his newspaper to the side to glance for a split second at Smatters having a foodgasm on the floor, before returning to his reading.
All right. Maybe that was a bit overwhelming for her.
You help her to her feet. She stands on shaky legs. This is a good time for lesson two -- sleeping in a human bed.
"I'm s-scared..." Smatters says as you lie her down on your sheets. "I want my cage... please, put me in my cageee--"
"Humans don't sleep in cages. They sleep in beds. Come on, I'll be here with you. Isn't this more comfortable than a bunch of straw and paper?"
Smatters squirms a bit in your embrace, making herself a little rut in your sheets and comforter. She holds the bedspread to her nose bringing her panicked breathing back under control. "Your bedding smells just like you," she says. "But... stronger..."
"Lesson three. Watch what you say if you're lying in a guy's bed. Things could happen."
Smatters pulls the covers away from her face and smiles up at you, her chin resting against your chest.
"Those guys at school were re-ally staring at me, huh? Men are even worse than rabbits, I think."
You blink. You didn't realize that Smatters had noticed all the attention. She hadn't shown any signs of it.
Her voice goes suddenly silken, loses its catch, becomes huskier. "Do you like looking at me too, Mr. Alabaster?"
You gulp.
"Because..." she says, trailing off, running her little fingers up and down your legs, "I like looking at you. I like looking at you a whole lot..."
[X] Touch fluffy tail
[ ] Genuflect
You can't help yourself. You let your hands roam across Smatter's trembling body. She clutches you tight around your arms and lets you have your way with her. When your hand passes over her cottonball tail, she shudders, drawing a sharp breath through her teeth.
"I'm sensitive there," she whines.
"Where? Here?" You pet her fluffy tail again. She throws her head back and lets out a long, high-pitched sigh. "Ahn~ Mr. Alabaster, please... please no teasing, Mr. Alabaster..."
"You teased me all day," you say. "This is only fair."
Smatters locks eyes with you. "I know. I know I teased you. I'm sorry. Ms. Renee says that-- s-she says I am a slutty bunny. What do you think? Am I?"
You snake your hands in between her latex costume and her naked breast. The flesh is supple and smooth, so soft you could use it for a pillow. There's so much you feel like you could suffocate yourself in them. Smatters bucks her hips against your legs, grinding herself against you while you grope her.
"Ms. Carte was right," you say. "You're a slutty little thing, aren't you?"
"P-please put it in, Mr. Alabaster. I had Ms. Renee's tongue last night but that's not enough for me... I want a real, human dick. Please put your dick in my horny bunny pussy!"
Who can say no to that? You tear Smatters' whorish fishnet leggings to shreds and part the bottom of her costume to the side.
Smatters has the puffiest, prettiest pussy mound you've ever laid eyes on, perfectly wet and glistening, and searing hot against your fingertips. She gnaws on her knuckles as you pull your cock free of your boxer shorts.
"Mr. Alabaster," she gasps, staring down at your length. "It's re-ally big... please put it all the way inside me, okay?"
You position yourself at her entrance and slowly push yourself forward, enjoying every nanosecond of this new, forbidden pleasure. Her juices coat your shaft and run down it in rivulets, over your balls, and to the sheets below. Smatters quakes with lust and makes unintelligible heaving gasps as you seat yourself deep inside.
The texture of her cunt is different -- smoother than you're used to, but also tighter. Her soft mound wraps around the base of your cock like it will never let you go, clamping it in place. Pulling out takes effort, and produces a lewd slurping sound.
"Ungg~~" Smatters groans. "Fuck me... put your seed inside me... cum all the way inside me!"
You grab onto her ears to give you leverage as you slam into her deepest parts. The ears are soft and pliable, and they make excellent handles. Smatters' pussy spasms, orgasming over and over, spilling a milky mixture of her cream and your precum.
This tender, wet hole that you're pounding is unbearable -- you can't stave off cumming, as much as you want to enjoy using this little bunny whore forever. You jab into her, as hard as you can, as deeply as your soon-to-burst dick will go -- once -- twice -- three times more. Smatters is like a ragdoll as you rut inside her and breed her out. Her mouth gapes open and her thighs smack together as you fuck her.
And then -- it happens. With a heave, you bury your cock and fuck her full of hot cum. Her pussy closes around you, taking the exact shape of your member, like a fitted glove. She wraps her arms and legs around you and accepts every drop. You unload to your heart's content.
You wake up to the sound of shrieking. Wearily, you glance at your clock -- it's 3 o'clock in the goddamn morning. Fuck.
"Hey, asshole," Cerise says. You can barely make her out in the darkness. "Your kid is crying."
"Which one?" you ask, sitting up. "Alabaster Jr., Fazil, Scarlet, Spancer, or Whit?"
"Fucked if I know," she says. "I can't tell your mongrels apart. Here."
She hands you a crying bunny-baby, holding it up by the ears. You snatch it away from her. "How many times do I have to tell you not to hold them like that!" you yell. "Goddamn it, Cerise."
You glance down. It's Alabaster Jr. Of course.
"Oh, don't be such a whiner," Cerise says. "Your retard babies love it when aunt Cerise picks them up by the ears."
"Can't you feed him?" you ask. "Alabaster loves it when you feed him."
"Alabaster isn't my problem," Cerise says. "Senior or junior! If you didn't want to deal with childcare, you should have used a little contraception."
"How was I supposed to know Smatters could get pregnant? I cum inside you guys all the time and no one gets knocked up!"
"We're all on the pill, you fucking moron. Maybe before you taught your prostitute from the animal kingdom how to milk your cock, you should have taught her some sex ed."
You grimace and stand up, headed for the kitchen. As you patter down the stairs, you hear Whit start to cry in her crib. Tonight is going to be a long night.