S3E6 Bonus: The Chicken and the Egg and the Egg

Renee sits cross-legged on the floor of her bedroom and Whitney sits in her lap with her legs tightly wrapped around Renee's waist. Both women are naked. Whitney busies herself by rubbing her barely B-cup tits against Renee's considerably larger chest, the hard little rubies of their nipples flicking back and forth. 

They kiss intermittently, gentle and tender, but deeply so -- and stare into each other's eyes like a couple of newlyweds. The introduction of skinship to this mother-daughter bond has already improved it considerably. They seem to have reached a common understanding through carnal passion.

"This is such crap," Whitney says, playing at angry.

"What's the matter, dear?" Renee asks. She pets the back of Whitney's head.

"How come you get to have such big honkers and I'm stuck with these bee stings?" She cups her breasts in either hand for effect, gathers them up and pushes them together to show that there really isn't much there. Though when she lets go, they ripple invitingly.

"Hmm," Renee laughs with a low, mischievous tone. "That isn't my fault, is it? I've obviously got the genetics for being well endowed--" She gasps a bit in sudden shock as Whitney, without prompting, begins to shamelessly grope her udders. With Whitney's jealous hands still exploring, Renee continues: "I-it's your dad's fault. Just look at Vivian. Without my DNA to help out, she -- hsss, not so hard, baby -- she ended up even flatter than you. The poor thing."

"Well Vivian's a midget. She wouldn't look right with big boobs anyway."

"Don't be too sour about it," Renee says. "I think your chest is beautiful just how it is."

"Oh, gee. My MOM says I'm pretty. That makes me feel so much better!"

Renee has a bit of the devil in her too. In response to this, she leans in and grabs hold of Whitney's left breast in both hands. Before Whitney can fend her off, she gently bites down on the bright pink nipple. Whitney's back goes stiff, from the minor pain and major surprise. Renee, teasing her daughter even more, tugs her jaw back just a few millimeters, pulling the nipple with her and making Whitney moan.

"M--mom--" Whitney stutters. Renee changes breasts and does the same thing to Whitney's right nipple. But the little electric shocks of pain from this soft abuse soon meld into pleasure. She grasps her mother's head and rubs it approvingly. Taking the cue, Renee turns her bite into a suckle, twirling her tongue around the areola and enjoying the just-so-slightly salty taste of Whitney's skin. Back and forth Renee alternates, sucking Whitney's nipples, a lewd reversal of what should be; Renee nursing on her daughter's tits.

"Mom... Mommy..." Whitney whispers.

Renee moves on from Whitney's breasts now, reluctantly, and kisses her on the lips again. She loves how simultaneously firm and soft Whitney is all over, a body very much unlike her own; and she's not lying, she thinks Whitney is gorgeous. Renee's hands roam up and down Whitney's sides and face while she makes out with her.

Whitney is equally transfixed by Renee's body, how supple it is, how mature and womanly it is -- how it gives and squishes all over. She wants to dote on Renee, too. So she asks, in a small, innocent, almost childlike voice: "can I play with your pussy, Mommy?"

Renee has vestiges of guilt and doubt lingering somewhere inside, but it's gone this far, and a request like that is too tempting to turn down. She gives Whitney a trembling nod of the head.

Whitney reaches between their bodies and cups a hand over Renee's overheated pussy mound. Whitney is the type who likes to be rough and selfish with most girls, but with Renee, she feels the opposite -- she wants to please her. She wants to make her feel good all over, the way Renee makes her feel. Whitney's hand is slow and light against her mother's cunt, rubbing in small circles and strumming the clit with her thumb. These efforts get Renee gulping for air and shaking her hips like a bitch. Any remaining doubt Renee has is now quickly flying out the window as she enjoys the the waves of pleasure emanating from between her legs. Like her daughter, Renee has a bit of a hedonistic streak, and she quickly surrenders to anything that makes her cunt wet.

"Do you want me to make you feel good, too?" Renee asks, also in a giving mood.

"Mmnn~" Whitney mewls happily, too excited at the prospect of being touched the same way to form words.

Renee finds a synchronization with Whitney; they masturbate each other's pussy to the same tempo. Whitney, in her mother's lap, is leaking all over the place, and so Renee's thighs are getting streaked in Whitney's cream. Whitney is cumming on her.

"I wish Ally would show up," Whitney muses, "I really need something inside me."

Renee has presence of mind enough to come up with a solution. She reaches back, and can just barely get the drawer of her nightstand open from where she sits. Grinning, she produces a flesh-colored strap-on dildo. Despite the doubt and guilt, in a fit of perverted lust last week she bought this device, pretending to herself not to know why; but this is why. She bought it to fuck Whitney with. She bought it to fuck her daughter.

Whitney takes the dildo from Renee to inspect it, gripping it at the base with both hands, letting the harness dangle in the air. "Oh my gosh," she says. It's about as long and thick as Ally, maybe even a little bigger -- and holding it up close to her face, it's intimidating. But the depraved image in her mind of Renee putting it on, pinning her down and pounding her, quickly drowns out any hesitation she might have about getting such a huge cock stuck in her.

"What do you think?" Renee prompts.

"I like it..." She says. She kisses the tip for effect.

"Wanna try it?"

Whitney hands the strap-on back to Renee by way of answering, and scoots back so Renee can stand. She watches with interest as Renee rises to her feet, standing tall above her. Whitney feels very small in this position. She stares directly up at Renee's wet pussy with its cute landing strip, Renee's body casting a shadow across her. Renee secures the ersatz cock, with a little bit of fumbling, strapping the harness around her plump thighs and ass. Whitney doesn't mind that it takes a little bit of time, she could stare at her mother's fat thighs and butt all night long and be perfectly happy. But soon it's done. Renee pokes the rubbery prong with an index finger to test it, and it bounces like a doorstop. It's angry-looking and exaggeratedly veiny and realistic. If not for the black harness it would be easy to believe that Renee had suddenly grown a real dick all her own.

With that thought in mind, Whitney is taken by an urge to do something extra-perverted. She gets up on her knees and grabs her mom by the ass and starts worshiping the fake dick with her mouth. This serves a practical purpose, of course, getting it wet so Renee can better fuck her with it. But she's doing it more because, well, she just wants to; the phrase "sucking my mommy's cock" pinballs around in her skull and gets her off.

"Naughty girl," Renee purrs, a finger to her lips. The sight gets her going just as much, gazing down at her girl sucking her off.

Whitney manages to get the cock all the way down her throat a few times, coating it in a thick, slimy sheen of saliva (and retching hard a few times for her trouble). She never takes her eyes away from Renee's -- stares lovingly up into them the whole time she sucks the dick. Now she pulls out, leaving the dildo dripping wetly on the floor, a bridge of spit linking her lips to the tip.

"Fuck me," she whimpers.

Whitney guides Renee back to the floor, gets her sitting again with her legs splayed out. Whitney wants to be on top, and Renee is perfectly well fine with this. She leans back on flattened palms and watches contentedly as Whitney climbs up, squats over the dildo, gets it pointed at her frothing cunt. Renee adores Whitney's cunt, how tight it is. How it seems to always be wet, always ready to get fucked. She knows her little girl is an insatiable slut, and instead of being dismayed as a good mother should, it makes her thrill with happiness. She wants to make Whitney an even bigger slut for her...

Although Whitney asked to get fucked, she's the one doing all the work. She settles down on the cock, slowly, and a groan of pure pleasure escapes her lips. Inch by inch her hungry little pussy swallows Renee's strap-on. Her cunt grips it so tightly that Renee can actually feel the way it squeezes the rubber, translated down the base by little vibrations that gently jostle against her own oozing cunt. Whitney holds Renee's shoulders for leverage as she sinks deeper and deeper down, determined to take this thing all the way, even if it hurts, even if it pops past her cervix and into her uterus. She wants to get fucked completely.

When finally the veiny rubber cock is all the way inside her, Whitney, squatting like a bitch over her lazing mother, begins to hump back and forth. Only her lower body moves -- she keeps her upper half stone-still and stares into her mother's eyes while they fuck. Her face begins to go all droopy and her mind turns to mush. Over and over, she repeats: "fuck me Mommy, fuck me Mommy, fuck me Mommy..." Her ass is a blur as she humps.

Still resting on her palms, Renee tilts her chin forward and kisses Whitney. Locked at the genitals and the lips, they screw. Or more accurately, Whitney screws her; Renee just sits there and enjoys it.

"Fuck me Mommy, fuck me Mommy, fuck me Mommy... oh GOD..."

Whitney shifts her weight, moves a little further down Renee's lounging body to get a better angle on the hard rubber dick, one that allows it to plunge ever deeper into her creaming pussy. Unable to meet Renee's lips, she instead sucks on Renee's tits, paying back the favor from earlier. Renee coos and runs one hand slowly through Whitney's short cropped hair, while Whitney sucks her nipples and fucks herself silly. Whitney is in a total frenzy and lost to all reason, focused entirely on the obscene relief she's wringing from her mother's dick. There really is something motherly about this, Renee thinks, even if it's nasty and disgusting and perverted; she's taking care of her little girl's needs, after all, whatever they may be. It simply turns out that her little girl needed to get fucked tonight. Can she be faulted for helping out? It's the motherly thing to do.

"I'm cumming!" Whitney shouts. "Fuck! I'm cumming, Mommy! Are you cumming too?"

Renee grips Whitney's hair a little tighter now and half-growls, "Yes, baby. Let's cum together, okay?"

"Fuck! Oh, fuck! Cum with me!" She clamps down on Renee's tit and tongues it lewdly and rides out a delicious, 30- or 40- second rolling orgasm that leaves Renee's carpet darkly stained. And Renee wasn't fibbing, she's about to cum too; the force of Whitney's deranged humping has been jamming the base of the strap-on against her throbbing clit. Now, seeing her daughter cum all over the place, drives her to climax also. She moans deliriously as she watches Whitney's orgasm and soon she feels her own cunt start to squirt. As her orgasm deepens and prolongs itself, the mess is hot and wet and seemingly never-ending. She no longer cares about anything except the pleasure she's feeling. She no longer cares about anything but satisfying her horny pussy. A puddle forms beneath them, redolent of their combined arousal. Their bodies loudly thwack against each other, Whitney's toned upper legs mashing repeatedly against Renee's soft thighs and sending them to jiggling. The deepening puddle in the carpet begins to audibly squelch as Whitney humps, and fucks, and screws herself against her mommy's dildo.

"I love you! I love you so much!" Whitney sings at the height of her ecstasy.

"I love you too, Whitney baby," Renee moans back, her voice smoky and breathy.

They collapse, Renee falling to her back and Whitney falling atop her. Whitney's little tits mash almost painfully against Renee's pillowy breasts. The dildo stays lodged up Whitney's steamy pussy as they enter into an extraordinary long and lovey-dovey makeout session.

Unfortunately, this parent-child bonding is interrupted by the sound of dishes clattering in the kitchen. Vivian, who was still distraught over the loss in the tennis tournament when she fell asleep on the living room couch a couple hours ago, must be awake again.

A little shamefaced, and hoping they haven't been detected, Renee and Whitney make themselves presentable. They dress and step out of the bedroom.

Vivian is on her knees on the countertop, rooting through an overhead cabinet she cannot otherwise reach. Pulling out what she's looking for, she hops down, her white kneesocks making a soft noise on the linoleum.

"Ah, good evening," she says, noticing the two women now, setting her peanut butter next to the rest of the things. She's about to make herself a good old fashioned PB&J. She'd never had one in her life until, at age 18, Whitney introduced them to her. Now, whenever she has midnight cravings, it's her go-to.

"I hope you do not mind my consumption of your foodstuffs," Vivian says. "I fully intend to reimburse you, Ms. Carte."

"Uh... don't mention it," she says.

"I thought you were asleep," Whitney says, watching Vivian spread a thin layer of raspberry preserves on a slice of bread.

"I was asleep until just recently," is Vivian's oblique reply.

Whitney and Renee share an uncertain glance. Vivian focuses diligently on cutting away the crusts from the sides of the bread, the wet tip of her little pink tongue poking out just slightly.

"Sorry?" Renee says.

"I'm sorry?" Vivian replies, looking up, confused.

"Sorry!" Whitney says.

"Ah - Sorry," Vivian says.

A few minutes later they're huddled over the coffee table in the living room, playing the board game Sorry.

It's a compromise choice when the three are together. Vivian and Renee on their own more often play Scrabble, or Trivial Pursuit, or -- this was more of a favorite when David was around -- Diplomacy. These games fly right over poor Whitney's head, but Sorry is more on her level.

In fact, Whitney is always bizarrely lucky, and as she marches the last of her green tokens around, bumping Renee back her starting line for the third time, Renee flies into a rage and flips the board.

"Uh... sorry," Whitney says, laughing, rubbing the back of her head.

"This is bullshit! You're cheating! No one is that lucky! Statistically speaking -- NO ONE is that lucky! It's impossible!"

"Salty salty," Whitney says.

Renee looks to Vivian for some support.

"While it is true that Whitney's luck is a statistical outlier, I believe it falls within the realm of possibility. Three or three-point-five sigma from median at most."

"What!" Renee sputters.

"In other words," Vivian summarizes, "I concur with Whitney. You are simply... salty." She takes a nibble of her sandwich.

"Unbelievable!" She folds her arms and grimaces as Whitney sets the board up again.

"Lover's spat," Vivian murmurs.

Whitney freezes in place, hands clutching colored plastic tokens; Renee chokes. Vivian nibbles her sandwich again with a little "om."

Vivian is socially inept -- to put it gently -- and takes a few moments to register the awkwardness in the room. Looking up, glancing from face to stunned face, she says: "Apologies. I did not realize you had wished to keep it a secret from me. It did not seem as if you were taking great pains to do so."

"You little fucker," Whitney howls, and tosses one of the tokens at her sister. Vivian shields herself weakly with one arm and lets out a little "oof" when it smacks her in the wrist.

"I'm -- I'm so sorry you had to hear..." Renee begins, but trails off. "It's not what it... it... oh..." She can't think of any good way to justify her depravity.

"It is quite all right," Vivian insists. "In fact, I have done extensive research on this phenomenon. Close blood relations who are separated from birth, and who meet later in life, often experience inexplicable sexual attraction. It is perfectly normal. If approached with an open, mutually caring mindset, it may even be quite healthy."

Renee blinks dazedly.

"You would know about this shit," Whitney hums. "You're just like Ally! Trying to pretend you're not a fetishy freak with all your superdork trivia junk!"

Vivian disregards this jab and bites again at her sandwich: "om."

But Renee catches the obvious implication and breathes: "Nooo... you mean -- you and--"

"Oh, yes," Vivian affirms. "Did Whitney not tell you?"

Renee can't hide the small shadow of revulsion that clouds her face for a brief moment -- replaced by a sort of ambivalent guilt over her judgmental attitude (how hypocritical) -- and quickly replaced again, on introspection, by piqued interest.

"I suppose you are surprised. Whitney and I are often at odds, but that does not mean we cannot enjoy one another's company. I am also involved with Alabaster Soliloquy -- and a few others in his orbit, from time to time, as the mood strikes..."

"She means she spreads her legs for anyone who asks," Whitney says snarkily, elbowing Vivian.


Renee has a hand to her chest, to still her fluttering heart. But it won't be still. This is a totally new light to see Vivian in: not as a demure, proper little girl, but a fully grown woman (small as she may be) with sexual cravings and improprieties all her own.

But Vivian's point is quite true, Renee reasons. She's heard of it herself, this familial attraction sparking in the absence of more wholesome bonds formed during the tender years -- the lack of the inwardly felt incest taboo combined with the tendency of similar people to be drawn together. Who after all is more similar than family?

But then -- if this is the explanation -- why is Renee feeling a sudden tingle at the thought of Vivian together with Whitney? Vivian, the girl who was sort of like a surrogate daughter to her all those years ago. Is that not also, in its own way, a sort of incest?

Whitney, who has a much lower capacity for compunction, is, as ever, the instigator. Narrowing her eyes and whispering to Vivian, she says: "Mom called you flat-chested."

"Such is the truth," Vivian replies. Although she can't mask the small indignation she feels nonetheless.

"Psh," Whitney chuffs. "Maybe compared to her. This broad's got jugs big enough to club seals to death. It's a little much. I think our tits are WAY better." She raises a fist: "Darkbloom tits forever!"

"More than a mouthful is a waste," Vivian agrees. "And studies show that more affluent people prefer smaller-chested female partners... it is easy to consider that smaller may therefore be superior."

"Excuse me?" Renee says. This line of conversation has totally obliterated her tortured musings about incest taboo. Just as according to Whitney's plan; Renee's competitive edge is coming out. She turns to Whitney: "You were just telling me how jealous you are of my breasts! Obviously you know the real truth -- bigger is better!"

"Ooooh," Whitney groans, in imitation of an old person, hunching over, "ooooh, my poor back... if only I didn't have these ginormous cow tits... I'd be able to stand up straight!"

"You snotty little--" Renee hollers. She reaches across the table and grabs Whitney bodily, and pinches her skin through her thin tanktop.

"Oh no, she's mad now," Whitney says through peals of laughter. "What are you gonna do? Huh?"

Renee balls one hand into a fist and threatens: "Ever get a titty twister, missy?"

"Don't threaten me with a good time, ma--"

Vivian watches the developing tussle with a wan smile as she finishes her sandwich.

Renee, despite being a little larger, is no physical match for her daughter, and Whitney overpowers her. Wrenching her arms behind her back to subdue her, Whitney says: "you're a fuckin' laugh riot, mom. Is there anything you're okay with not being the best at? I swear. This shit is, like, a psychological condition with you..."

Renee grumbles.

"So," Whitney says, turning to Vivian. "I guess that means you're okay with me and mom doing it, then?"

"It would be a galling self-contradiction if I were perturbed by it," Vivian says. "You are free people. Of course you are thus also free to explore sapphic passions together..."

"I... don't know what that means," Whitney admits.

"Lesbian sex," Vivian says, helpfully dumbing things down. "You can have all the lesbian sex you desire. I do not intend to stand in your way. Nor do I judge."

Renee is horribly embarrassed to hear such frank discussion of her love life and is quickly turning bright red from the neck up.

"Gooood," Whitney drawls. Perching her chin on Renee's shoulder, she says: "And I guess you don't mind that me and Vivian get freaky either?"

"Well..." Renee chokes, glancing away. "H-how -- how could I?"

"Good," Whitney says again. "Then that's settled. The only thing left is..."

"Ah," Vivian says. She stands up and begins to take off her dress. Just like that.

Renee, arms still pinned behind her back, shouts: "Vivian! What are you doing?"

Vivian pauses with her hands also behind her back, the complex series of buttons and clasps there half undone already. She locks eyes with Renee. "I apologize. My deficiency of social grace has caught up with me again. Have I misread you?"

"M-misread --?" Renee says.

"Do you not wish to make love with me? I will not be hurt by rejection, mind you. I understand completely."

"You're so -- so casual about it..." Renee says with a soft voice.

"This is the best attitude among those who are simpatico," Vivian says. "To honestly and without the inhibitions or prudishness, go where the whim of the moment dictates. The ethos of joie de vivre as applied to sexual matters..."

"Oh my GOD," Whitney groans. "Will you shut the fuck up? Tell her what's really on your mind. Tell her you wanna fuck."

Vivian looks Renee square in the eye and says: "Yes. I would like to fuck you, Ms. Carte."

Renee is a trembling mess.

"Shall I cease disrobing?" Vivian says. "It is all right. I do not wish to force you."

Renee says nothing, so Whitney prompts: "keep going, sis."

"Mm," Vivian murmurs. She quickly undoes the last of the fasteners on her dress and tugs it up over her head. Her body, proportioned like a plank and ghostly pale, is naked save for long socks and plain white underwear. She is coated in a minor layer of sweat from having slept in her bulky dress. Renee swears she can feel heat emanating from the girl's body.

"Like what you see?" Whitney asks, literally the devil on her mother's shoulder.

"I... don't dislike it," Renee admits. She can't help but steal glances at Vivian's tiny form, and sort of hates herself for finding her so alluring. This is the girl she helped raise from birth -- but Vivian has grown into a sexy little thing, and Renee can't help the growing feeling of wanting to eat her all up.

And now Whitney is helping Renee's shirt off over her head too, and there is no turning back. Soon the three girls are naked. All save for Vivian that is -- who, either to insulate her feet, or (Renee surmises) more likely to make her even more perversely alluring, keeps the knee socks. Renee can hardly believe the vision before her: a besocked porcelain Lolita no taller than about 5 feet, bare naked above the knees with her pristine pussy shamelessly on display, ready for Renee to debauch her however she wants. Renee feels like a hopeless pervert, and she is, and this makes her shiver with excitement.

Vivian swoops over, and kneels down before Renee where Renee sits on her knees, and lightly sets a palm on either of Renee's thighs. "Shall I kiss you?" Vivian asks.

"Kiss me," Renee says with a tremor still to her voice.

Vivian leans in and pecks Renee on the lips, and Renee pecks her back. They pull away for a brief moment, size each other up, try to assess how that made them feel -- then, closing their eyes, they lean in once more for the real thing. They open their lips and mate their tongues together. Renee surges with adrenaline and lust as she gets her tongue in this too-small mouth and ruts it around. Whitney, spectating, claps her hands together and does her trademark wheeze-laugh. She wanted to engineer this moment, but couldn't have imagined she'd manage it so soon.

Renee's passion inflames and turns wolfish and very soon she has her hands on Vivian's shoulders, leaning in to her. She forces Vivian back, further and further, until she is lying atop her. Her monstrous tits and much larger body bear down oppressively against her. All the while she continues to kiss and suckle the little girl's mouth. Vivian is perfectly happy to be tenderly dominated in this way, and kisses Renee right back.

Whitney, who is never one to stay idle, crawls on hands and knees around the newly minted lovers and gets behind her mom's ass. Without warning, she slaps Renee's butt -- first one cheek, then the other, enjoying the way the supple flesh undulates and turns red. Renee isn't as pale as Vivian, but she certainly doesn't get a lot of sun either, and these light slaps leave a mark. Renee jolts with each hit and throws her head back and grits her teeth. But Vivian, greedy young Vivian, laces her fingers through Renee's hair and pulls her back to her lips, unwilling to let Whitney's little games interfere with this lovely kissing.

Whitney spreads Renee's ass now and gazes lovingly down at her mother's two holes: the dark brown pucker of her anus and the wet slit of her cunt. She doesn't know where to begin, so she doesn't bother to choose. She just clamps her mouth down and goes to town, swabbing her tongue back and forth at random, eating her out. She likes the way her mom tastes, the texture and flavor of her girl-cum, the fleshy give of her tight asshole. Whitney makes sure to be loud about it, so Vivian knows exactly what's going on. And as expected, it turns Vivian on just as much. Soon it has Vivian writhing beneath Renee as they make out.

"Will you... do that for me, too?" Vivian asks.

"Vivian..." Renee says.

"Please, Ms. Carte. I want to feel your mouth on me... down there..."

"O... okay," Renee says.

She lets Vivian wiggle free and scoot back. Vivian sits up on her little butt, leans against the couch. She bends her legs at the knees with her feet flat against the carpet, and spreads them wide. Renee, on her belly, is eye level with Vivian's lewdly wet cunny.

"Lick me," Vivian begs.

Renee is beside herself with lust and shock, but gets ahold of herself enough to obey the command. Gently pressing Vivian's legs even further apart, she gets her face up against Vivian's crotch -- inhales for a moment the lilac-tinged, sweat-covered, feminine scent of her arousal, so fucking delicious -- and then dives in. She eats Vivian out. Mirroring Whitney's efforts on her own genitals, Renee is non-discriminating and sloppy, her tongue poking its way first into the soft inner folds of her vulva, then drifting lower, to the entrance of her vagina, so wonderfully tight -- then lower still, to the even tighter, pale white rear hole. She slobbers all over Vivian's ass, already wondering just how much, if anything, she can take up there. A few moments ago Renee didn't think of Vivian as a sexual being at all, and now she's getting horny at the thought of sodomizing her. Before the night is through, she wants to try it; she wants to get something up Vivian's asshole.

Vivian is getting all shaky and her little pips of pleasure are an intermittent staccato filling the small living room. Despite her obvious enjoyment, she's a bit ticklish, and she seems to be trying to get away. Renee won't allow it. She pins Vivian by the thighs and forces her tongue up Vivian's cunthole. That's all it takes. Vivian's orgasm comes quick. It's breathy, intercut with a moan so high in pitch it becomes almost inaudible. "Ahhn~ Ahhhn~ Like that, pleaaashe..." She rubs her hands all over Renee's head and humps Renee's face. She mashes her tiny pussy against Renee's tongue, her hard clitty rubbing against Renee's nose. She rides out her little trembling cums with her little girlish squeaks and moans.

Having this beautiful little girl cumming all over her face is one of the hottest things Renee has ever experienced. Her mind is melting with her daughter's tongue rooted deep in her pussy and Vivian squirting her face full of fragrant cum. If this is wrong, she's far past caring. She just wants to ride this high forever. She wants to cum on her daughter and have Vivian cum on her in turn. So she does just that. She gives in to depravity and lets it happen. She squirts her moaning daughter's face with her orgasm and gulps Vivian's cream down too. She's never had a climax so thunderous and liberating. She cums and cums until she literally feels her brain cells dying.

Pulling away from Renee's still puckered lips, Vivian gasps in pleasure, half swooning: "That was... wonderful, Ms. Carte... thank you..."

But Renee's cunt is still all hot, and wants more. Much more. She grabs Vivian roughly. "I'm not done with you," she moans. "I want to to fuck you. I really want to fuck you right now..."

"If-- if you insist--" Vivian murmurs, knowing full well that a beast has been unleashed inside Renee and nothing but what she just demanded will quell it. Vivian presses her thighs together and excitedly anticipates what Renee might do to her. Vivian enjoys nothing more than when someone's sexual need peaks so high that she begins to feel as if she may be in actual danger.

"Go get my toy," Renee commands Whitney. And Whitney, who is always an eager assistant in ravishing her little sister to the fullest possible extent, quickly goes to fetch it. She even helps the fuck-crazed and horny Renee get it secured as Vivian, understanding now what is to come, dutifully climbs onto the couch, and gets her legs spread, and opens herself up for the coming rape.

Renee climbs onto the couch with Vivian and rubs the fake cock back and forth across the cleft of Vivian's cunt.

Whitney, who's been edging and close to cumming for a little while now, needs relief; she squats over her little sister's face. "Eat my fucking cunt," is her simple command as she presses her full weight down on the girl, giving her no choice but to comply.

"God..." Renee mutters. "This is so good... this is so good..."

"I know, right?" Whitney purrs. "She's so fun to fuck like this. She's a little fuck-doll..." She grinds her pussy against Vivian's face as she says this, smearing her juices all over.

"She's having sex with Alabaster, too? Has he ever put it in her ass?"

"Heeeh," Whitney laughs. "A few times..." She falls forward and grabs Vivian's ass and spreads it for her mom. "If you want to fuck her up the ass, you definitely should... your cock would look so pretty in there, mom... don't you think?"

That's all the prompting the suggestible Renee needs. She presents the cock to Whitney, jutting her hips forward. Whitney, getting eaten out in earnest by her little sister, repeats the performance from earlier. She deepthroats the dildo, gagging herself on it, getting it ready to go inside Vivian's rear hole.

Whitney, coughing a little, looks up at Renee when she's done: "Am I a good cocksucker, Mommy?" she asks.

"The best," Renee grunts.

She positions herself against the impossibly tight, clenched hole -- Vivian probably overheard what Renee was planning and is tensing with a little fear. Not that it's easy to tell what if anything is going on in Vivian's fucked-out mind, with her face trapped between Whitney's muscled thighs, and Whitney's creaming pussy muffling anything she could say in protest.

Renee holds Vivian about calves, enjoys the soft cotton material of her kneesocks. And then she thrusts forward, forcing the cockhead past the barrier of Vivian's ass through sheer force of will. This was her heart's deepest perverted desire, and she's going to see it through -- even if it hurts Vivian. Renee is quick on the uptake and understands implicitly that Vivian likes to get hurt a little, enjoys it when her lovers rough her up. In fact, it seems to be a need of hers. So Renee's twisted brain begins to think of this the same way she thought of fucking Whitney: as fulfilling the needs of her young daughter. That's right, she thinks. It's not a selfish, perverted act of domination done to get her cunt off -- she's just helping little Vivian feel good, that's it...

With this justification in mind, Renee rapes Vivian without remorse, shoving the cock as deep as she can get it. Vivian's abused ass is stretched to its very limit and Whitney isn't giving her much air to work with, but what little breath she can draw, she spends on pained gasps. Back and forth Renee saws the strap-on, fucking Vivian's ass to dust, grunting like an animal as she rails the poor girl. Whitney is cumming as she watches the show. Abusing her little sister always gets her on a hair trigger. Like lions over a conquered gazelle, the two women gloat, and smile -- and, locking eyes, they kiss. They get off against Vivian as they kiss and enjoy each other's mouths.

Vivian, whose entire world has narrowed to the rubber dick raping her ass, and the creamy pussy mashing against her face, is enjoying herself too. In fact the hard use sets her climax off, and she starts to cum on Renee.

"Yeah... yeah... that's it..." Renee says with a husky voice, giving Vivian's asshole short, deep strokes, enjoying the pressure of the cock's base against her cunt, as well as the idea of forcing Vivian's orgasm out of her. She thrusts hard again and again like that, rotating her hips with her cock as deep as it'll go, hugging one of Vivian's legs.

"Wanna see something reee-ally cool?" Whitney asks.

Renee, still humping Vivian's ass with abandon, kisses her daughter and nods for her to go on.

Whitney reaches down and parts her pussy lips with middle and ring fingers. "She likes it when I piss on her."

Even as far as Renee has gone, this startles her. Her eyes go wide. "W-what?"

"You don't mind if I show you, do you? I can buy you a new couch--"

"I..." Renee begins.

But Vivian, underneath her sister and still getting buggered, only visible from the mouth down, says deliriously: "Yessh... ussshe my mouth as a toilet..."

Whitney stares at Renee waiting for a go or no-go, and receiving nothing, takes it as a go. She begins to pee -- a slow trickle at first turning into a steaming amber stream, loud and forceful, directly into Vivian's open mouth. Renee pauses in her fucking of Vivian's asshole, aghast, as she watches; but seeing Vivian close her lips (the piss momentarily splashing now against her face and body) then gulp, and happily open her mouth again for more -- Renee decides to just roll with it. She resumes fucking Vivian with those deep, short strokes, burying herself and watching Vivian gulp down Whitney's pungent urine. Whitney is masturbating as she pees in her little sister's mouth, and her cum is joining the mess. Her frigging makes everything splash and trickle all over. Very little is making it to Vivian's mouth anymore this way, instead getting in her hair, on her face, splashing on her chest, and the cushions below -- not to mention a few drops splashing all the way back to Renee, which only eggs her on.

When Whitney is empty, Vivian, who is an exhibitionist at heart, spends a second or two gargling what remains in her mouth, before finally swallowing it in one last open-mouthed gulp. She smiles.

"Wanna try?" Whitney asks.

"I..." Renee begins, briefly hesitant. Then lustful: "Hell yes I do."

She pulls out of Vivian's ass without ado, just rips the cock all the way out. Vivian stutters and gasps in renewed pain as her sore anus, gaping, slowly begins to seal shut. Renee waddles forward and hovers over abused little Vivian's sopping wet face, and commands: "Lick it clean."

Vivian does it without hesitation, swirling her tongue all around the dildo, sucking her ass right off it. There is no degradation too low for Vivian to willingly submit to. Renee feeds the dildo to her inch by inch, enjoying the way her neck bulges, and notes with interest that Vivian has not much of a gag reflex anymore. Now here's a little girl who's been put through her paces.

But soon she tires of this, and Whitney too, who's already impatiently helping her mom out of the harness. Tossing the cock aside, Renee gets her pussy right up against Vivian's slack mouth and demands: "do you want it?"

"I want it... I want it so much... please pee in me..."

Renee strums her clit and Whitney hugs her from behind while she uses Vivian's mouth for a urinal. Her bladder is even fuller than Whitney's was and it makes an even bigger mess as Vivian struggles to keep up with the stream. She chokes and sputters as the sheer volume of it overwhelms her. But she never takes her adoring eyes away from Renee's. They stare at each other, and it's oddly loving; Vivian is happy to be used in any way, even this most disgusting and humiliating of ways. Renee pisses down Vivian's throat until she's empty, then forces her cunt down onto Vivian's face and rides out a few more orgasms -- just for good measure.

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