S4E11: Chloe Wants It

>[x] Let's make Chloe really want it.

You kiss Rose deeply. You always like the way she seems a bit surprised whenever you kiss her. She tenses up, her muscles going taut as you pull her towards you and press your lips to hers. Then she swoons, her muscles going soft and squishy again, as she submits to the kiss and returns it. You breathe hard against each other, through your nostrils, as you taste each other's mouths. You've kissed her so many times in so many ways but it never fails to make your cock stir a little whenever you really go at it. Especially when, as now, she makes sweet little high pitched moans into your mouth as your tongues wrap around one another.

You pull back. Your lips are linked to hers by a thin bridge of saliva. "I don't want to fuck her just yet," you say.

"Just yet?"

"Let's make her really want it. Let's make her beg for it."

"And then deny her?" Rose prompts, smirking.

"Of course."

"I love you so much," she says, voice dreamy, and kisses you again.


You sneak, as well as you can on a crutch, to the bedroom that Qiangxiang has moved back into. You figure that you'll have to enlist Kay and Noelle as partners in crime for this dirty deed, but they're nowhere to be found: just Qiangxiang, snoozing all by herself on the air mattress.

Kay and Noelle are probably drunkenly sucking each other's cunts out back by the jacuzzi, you figure. Since they have no real privacy in their bedroom anymore, they just fuck out in the open.

Their loss. You and Rose are going to have to go it alone.

Qiangxiang sleeps with one eye open, it seems. She rises to her butt as soon as you step past the threshold.

"Have you come to ask my help on another suicide mission?" She says.


She pauses. "...Prowling the house in search of women to ravish?"


Qiangxiang smiles. She pulls her covers away from her body to reveal the nightie she wears. A long, conservative silk gown that comes just about to her ankles, and halfway to her elbows. Not the outfit of a seductress, but it's quite becoming in its own way.

When Rose steps past the doorway and joins you at your side, Qiangxiang's smile vanishes.

"Do you know how big Alabaster's cock is?" Rose asks her.

"I've heard rumors," she says coolly. "It's improbably large, or so they say. Three or perhaps close to four sigma above median. And I've seen it through his trunks, so I suppose that is probably a good a estimate."

Rose strides to the inflatable bed and hauls Qiangxiang out of it. She moves so swiftly and with such purpose that Qiangxiang doesn't even begin to fight -- doesn't have time. Rose lifts her up -- Qiangxiang is a tiny, frail, lightweight little girl -- and tosses her onto the the bed that's ostensibly Kay's. Qiangxiang lands on her back with a soft pomf. Rose follows her.

Qiangxiang says something reproachful in Mandarin -- something long and involved. Big mistake. When Rose gets in a mood like this, she's not a person to anger. She hits Qiangxiang across the face. It isn't a playful love-tap. It's a full-force, open-handed slap that leaves a mark and sends Qiangxiang reeling with pain. It shuts her the fuck up, too.

Rose looms over her, on her knees. Qiangxiang tries to sit up, but Rose forces her down to her back once more. The look on Qiangxiang's face right now could shatter glass.

"Do you want Alabaster to fuck you?" Rose asks.

"He already wants to have sex with me," Qiangxiang says. "I can see it in his eyes. He burns with lust for my body."

You flip the lightswitch on the wall to its highest setting. Under the bright ceiling lights, the image of Rose -- clad only in underwear that are a bit too small and pinch her plump skin so deliciously -- and, lying under her, Qiangxiang, wearing a loose, frilly nightgown, face streaked red in the shape of Rose's palm, and scowling in anger -- is really, really hot.

"I didn't ask what you think Alabaster wants. I asked what you want."

"Not with you involved," Qiangxiang says. "You disgusting, fat American cow. How Ally could maintain an erection when looking at your repulsive obesity--"

Rose slaps her again, and harder this time. It's louder than the sound of two hands being clapped together as forcefully as possible. The thwack of flesh against flesh rebounds off the stucco walls. But other than wincing, Qiangxiang doesn't let on her pain -- doesn't moan or grunt, doesn't tear up or beg for mercy.

"Don't call him Ally," Rose tells her. So that's what angered her -- not the accusations of being a fatty. Rose holds Qiangxiang's wrists together over her head, incapacitating her, and looks your way: "Come show this cunt how big you are." Her voice is husky with need.

You strip. Slowly. Shirt first, socks, and pants. Only your boxers remain. Qiangxiang, despite the murderous rage plain on her face, is also desperately curious to see. She can't take her eyes off your underwear. Rose hardly needs to keep her wrists held; she'd lie there watching you regardless. But you know this is fun for Rose, too.

You join your wife on the bed with your victim.

"And so you'll rape me now?" Qiangxiang asks. She tries to sound accusatory, but it comes out sounding a little hopeful.

You say nothing. Neither does Rose. You just reach for Qiangxiang's bruised-up face, and stare into her eyes as you stroke the tender skin. The silence is too much for her to bear. She fills it herself: "I knew it. You can't resist. Can you? You want to have sex with me. Despite all the women surrounding you, who you could use as holes for your lusty whims -- it's me, at last, who you want the most. You would even come into my room late at night and rape me to have your way."

You spit on her face.

The foamy, slimy wad of spit lands on the bridge of her nose, and seeps down either side, over her eyes, forcing her to shutter her eyelids. Her face puckers in surprise and disgust. She writhes, but with Rose holding her hands, she can do nothing to wipe the mess clean.

When at last she narrowly wrenches her eyes open again despite the spit coating them, to look up at you through the filmy slop -- Rose spits on her, too. You didn't discuss any of this with Rose beforehand, but you're of the same mind when it comes to tormenting a horny bitch like Qiangxiang. Qiangxiang winces again, and recoils as if she'd been shot. Again with the cursing in Chinese, and now she's really thrashing, trying to get loose -- she's going nuts with anger and barely-concealed arousal.

Rose shifts in place to make room for you as you straddle Qiangxiang's face. Your prick, straining against the material of your boxers, makes indirect contact with Qiangxiang's slobber-slick flesh. She goes instantly still. You jut your hips, back and forth, roughly rubbing your hardness against her. Rose, cooing and blushing, watches approvingly -- still holding Qiangxiang down. Qiangxiang turns her head this way and that as if trying to get away, but all it really does is smear the spit all around, plus now the dollops of precum seeping darkly through the cotton. The delicate oriental beauty of her face is getting all puffy and slimy.

Finally, you let your cock free, pulling it through your fly. You pull your testicles out, too. Despite her disgust, panic, and outrage, in that moment, all of Qiangxiang's attention focuses squarely on the enormous fleshpole you've just presented to her. Her eyes cross and she stares up at it in pure awe. It casts a shadow over her head -- from your vantage, almost completely conceals her facial features. You squat a bit lower -- only a hair -- so that the sensitive underside of your shaft just barely touches the sharp edge of Qiangxiang's tiny nose. Her breaths become shallow, and rapid, but you know her nostrils are filling with your manly scent.

You let your prick hover over her like that, hard, and throbbing, leaking fuckslop all over her forehead and into the part of her hair. It's her turn to decide what she'll do next. For long moments, all she does is lie there, silent, staring. Smelling you. Letting you leak on her. Neither you nor Rose give her any direction or tell her what's going to happen next. You speak not a single syllable.

Her breaths become shallower, her eyes go vacant. The heat of your prick, its huge veiny size, the stench of it, the way it marks her with its precum, is starting to melt her brain. Does she want it? Oh yeah. Finally, after what feels like forever, she gives in to her own need to be raped. She arches her back, and tilts her chin up -- parts her jaw, and licks you.

Her little red tongue makes contact with your horny dick for only a fraction of a second. As soon as she does that, as soon as she unmistakably signals her own desire to get fucked by this fuckmeat of yours, you raise yourself off her face.

"No--!" Qiangxiang moans. A delayed moment later, her eyes bulge, and she gasps, as she realizes that she just begged you for it.

Rose's butt replaces your cock against her. She isn't close to as gentle as you were. She pulls her wet panties off and sits on her, bearing down. Those panties become a gag, too, that Rose shoves to the back of Qiangxiang's annoying mouth to keep it stuffed -- a degradation that makes her retch. Rose, naked from the waist down then, rests her full weight against Chloe's forehead. Behind her back, Rose continues to keep Qiangxiang's hands held securely with one of her own.

Rose's pretty, puffy little innie of a pussy is so aroused that you can see a rare glimpse of her pink labia, blooming a little with how engorged they are. It only makes her cunt all the cuter. Her entire hairless crotch is shiny, her inner thighs too, and she's dripping all over Qiangxiang. Her arousal mixes with yours; Qiangxiang is your cumrag tonight.

You hold Rose by either thigh, down by her knees, to keep her plump legs spread. She undoes her bra, and tosses it aside -- such a pretty sight, her swaying, jiggly udders. You drink that sight in as you seat yourself to the hilt in the lovely confines of her twat.

"Ungh," you moan deeply -- joined by her own, "ooooh..." A chorus of erotic enjoyment.

As you begin to thrust inside your wife, you peer down. Qiangxiang, ruined and defeated, coated in slime, and gagged like a roasted pig with an apple, watches with bright eyes. You grope Rose's tits, enjoying the way her big pink nipples harden under your rough palms, and the way her fleshy body gives to every bit of pressure you apply. The swampy heat of her moist cunt is almost unbearable -- doing this to Qiangxiang with you has turned Rose on like little else. Her sticky insides are going to milk your load out soon. You're about to cum raw inside her, right above this vain girl's face who wants it so bad.

In the moment right before you burst, you remove the panties from Qiangxiang's mouth. Her lips pucker, as if trying to keep ahold of them, but she lets you take them.

Staring down at her over the length of your thrusting penis, you smile cruelly. It's a wordless question, and one she answers, meekly:

"Please... I... do."

"Do what?" You grunt.

"I... do... want it."

Rose laughs at her. "Too bad," she grunts. You kiss her, and jab your tongue to the back of her small mouth, as your cock unloads its sperm in the very deepest parts of her pussy. She tenses, and cums hard against your spunking dick. Qiangxiang can only watch -- and feel your nuts throb rhythmically against her chin as you inseminate Rose.

When you dismount her, Rose wipes her pussy off with the panties that she used to gag Qiangxiang. She catches the majority of your creamy load in them, then wipes the excess from the edges of her reddened, fucked-out hole. Finally, she wads the soiled garment up, and sticks it in Chloe's mouth again.

You dig through a bedside table and find what you suspected you would -- a roll of duct tape -- Kay and Noelle are a couple of kinky bitches. You use the duct tape to tie Qiangxiang's hands above her head the way Rose was holding them. You use another strip make sure the cummy panties stay firmly lodged in her mouth.

"Sleep on it," you tell her. "Then let me know how bad you really want it, in the morning."

You leave with Rose, laughing, and go to the bathroom with her for a much-deserved bath in the indoor hot tub Samantha installed.

Whitney is there already, bathing, by herself -- arms looped over the edges. The blissful look on her face tells you that she's enjoying the tub's bubble-jet feature. Her eyes are closed, and she doesn't notice you two until you're climbing in with her. You and Rose, shin-deep in the hot water, stand on either side of her. She grins at you.

"Scoot," you command her.

"Heeeh," she laughs. "Don't wanna."

"Is that thing blowing up your ass?" Rose says, craning her neck.

"Ayep. Feels fucking awesome."

"Scoot," you tell her again, more firmly.

Whitney points at you, and tells Rose: "See? He wants it up his butt. Prostate massage."

You shove her aside.

"Hey! Assface!"

You settle in, sitting next to her. Rose sits too.

"Are you pregnant yet?" Whitney asks her. "You two look like you've been fucking enough."

"We're working on it," Rose says.

(That might be the first time either of you have ever admitted it aloud.)

"Got any left in there for me?" Whitney asks, touching your dickhead with a forefinger beneath the surface.

"For you? Always."

"Awesome." She does a 180 and gets in your lap. Underneath the water, you're already slipping into her rubbery fuckslit. When you grab her by her legs and start to full-force hump up into her, she doesn't expect it. She drifts slowly backwards, through the water, until her spine is resting against the opposite edge of the tub. Her body is at a roughly 30 degree angle like this, just perfect for nailing her. She lets her eyelids drift closed again, the way they were when she was getting off with the bubble-jets, and lets you fuck her. Rose watches, and lazily masturbates.

Suddenly Whitney opens her eyes again. "Hey, cow-tits. Get over here. Let me soap you off while Ally screws me."

Rose is more than amenable to that, and wades over to Whitney. Whitney takes a bottle of non-foaming bodywash from the tub's rim, squirts a dollop into her hands, and starts to toy with Rose's huge jugs while you fuck. Whitney's hands work roughly, and lewdly. She comprehensively coat Rose's rippling fleshbags with the shiny liquid -- all over them and in between the cleavage, too. She can hide both her hands up to the wrists at the same time inside Rose's cleavage, which she does, repeatedly. Whitney would never admit it, but she's more than a bit jealous of how well-endowed Rose is, and she finds endless fascination in just playing with Rose's breasts.

You find fascination in Whitney's B-cups, too. Small but perky, and lots of fun to feel cupped beneath your palms. You rub them while you rut in her.

With all this fun going on, it would be easy to miss Qiangxiang standing at the threshold, hands still duct-taped in front of her, mouth still gagged. Her face is bruised and coated in drying cum. Her nightgown is ruffled and wrinkled and soiled.

"Shit," Whitney squeaks, startling as she notices the intruder. "What happened to you? Did these pervs rape you?"

Qiangxiang shakes her head sadly.

"You look like you got raped," Whitney says.

You slowly fuck in and out of her. Her pussy is tightening at the idea that you and Rose raped Qiangxiang.

Qiangxiang shakes her head again.

"She wouldn't admit how bad she wants it," Rose says. "So we held her down and fucked on top of her."

Whitney laughs. "That's so hot." She looks back at Qiangxiang. "So, do you want it now?"

Qiangxiang nods.

Whitney's response is exactly the same as Rose's. "Too bad."

She starts to buck her hips back against you, making splashy waves in the water. "I'm using his cock right now... it's real, real good, too. So big and hard and spongy... and it hits me in all these spots, way up deep inside... it kinda hurts, but that's what makes it feel so good. And it's so hot... and when it cums... it cums so much. It feels like it's gonna burn my womb up when he cums in me."

Qiangxiang is shaking like a leaf. She steps slowly up to the tub.

"Look at you," Whitney says. "You look like a slut."

She nods.

"I heard through the grapevine that you think lesbians are disgusting," Whitney says. "Is that true?"

Qiangxiang is still for a long moment. She nods again. Her eyes are simmering.

"Here's the deal," Whitney says. "I'll let Ally jizz on your face -- if you agree to eat my pussy after he's done. What do you say?"

She's still again for a much longer moment this time -- and then finally, an expression of complete resignation on her face, she nods.

When, a few moments later, you feel your nuts begin to tighten, you pull out of Whitney's lovely twat -- reluctantly -- and sit on the edge of the tub. From either side of you, Rose and Whitney jerk your cock off in tandem. They stroke your shaft expertly, corkscrewing their soft fingers around, teasing the springy head. It's not long before they coax out your second load of the night. Qiangxiang stands before you obediently, eyes fixed on the lewd scene, and lets it happen to her. With a guttural moan, you blow your load on her, and she doesn't flinch. Beneath her gag, you think you even see the barest hint of a smile, as you paint her face white with sloppy ropes of spunk. Maybe, in her own twisted way, she thinks it's a victory to get tied up and cummed on.

You've hardly finished cumming when Whitney claims her fee. She rips the duct tape viciously from Qiangxiang's mouth. She sees, then, the panties waded up in her mouth. "Whoaaaa... wicked. So fucking hot."

She takes the panties out of Qiangxiang's mouth, and puts them to her own face. She holds them to her nose with both fists, and huffs deeply for a few long moments, enjoying the mixed scent of your cum, Rose's cream, and Qiangxiang's runny saliva.

When she tires of that, she takes the utterly sodden, dirty garment, and puts it over her face like a mask, the crotch against her nose -- to wear like that while she forces Qiangxiang's cum-splattered face to her pussy. Qiangxiang, without the use of her hands, can do nothing but acquiesce. Whitney fucks her face. She rubs her cunt and asshole all around, and gets off hard all over her. Qiangxiang's little tongue is skilled at this task, and she scoops up all of Whitney's cream. Although she despises this, or claims to, she swallows it without protest. Whitney's cunt, mashing and rubbing against her, smears the jizz you deposited on her all around, as well -- and this ends up in the bowl of her tongue too, before sliding along with the rest of the slop, down her slender throat.

When Whitney's done cumming on her, you all fully exit the tub and surround her. As she sits on her knees in between you, you take a piss on her. She smiles while you do it, catching the golden streams in her mouth until it fills completely, then swallowing, and catching more. The excess splashes all over her and makes the nightgown stick to her skin, turning transparent. It mats her hair and drips off her sharp facial features. It's nasty, and perverted, and the perfect capper to the torment you've just subjected her to.

As you empty your bladders on her, her hand snakes up under her nightgown, and she begins to masturbate. With the way your piss has made her pajamas turn see-through, you can tell that she has no underwear on. But her tanning regimen has left her with some beautiful tanlines, describing the phantom contours of a tiny bra and a g-string. You piss in her hair, in her mouth, up her nose, and down her shirt, all three of you do; and when you're done, you wipe yourselves off on her face. You leave her there on the bathroom floor, in a puddle of cum and piss, still tied up -- Whitney gags her again, too -- to sleep and dream about the debauchment she just suffered. When she wakes up, she'll be a fully-fledged resident of the Nail House -- ready for the real fucking to come.

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