Wesley's Bizarre Adventure: Live Más

You look from N-Mom to Summer. Both seem eager for you to leave, and this makes you resolute in your decision not to. Instead, you sit yourself down -- right in Summer's lap.

"Oof," Summer grunts. She needs a moment to adjust with your weight on her.

"Let's get some food," you tell them.

N-Mom frowns. "A-yep..." She pulls the RV in a tight circle and heads back out towards the highway.

She might be more than a little aggrieved to have you tagging along, but Summer isn't fazed at all. Of course. Summer is a complete slut for both of you, so having one Keki woman or another makes no difference in her mind.

She runs her hands up and down your sides. Rests her chin on top of your head. Being so much shorter than her has its benefits... you do like being doted upon. But it makes this dynamic all the stranger: "my knight in shining armor," she whispers.

She still calls you that. And it's not the first time she's done it even today.

"I didn't really... do... anything," you remind her.

She just hugs you tighter.

"I'm getting Taco Bell," N-Mom announces. Probably her petty way of getting back for raining on her Summer fun. Summer must sense the dourness here too, because she says: "cheer up, Noelley-belly. You can still bang me in the bathroom when we get there."

N-Mom coughs. Then, feigning laughter, she says: "Haha -- all right -- whoa! What a... what a joker, you are... uh..."

"Mom. Stop," you tell her. "I know you and Summer are still fucking. I accept it. See? Look at how much I'm accepting it."

N-Mom grips the steering wheel so tight the leather squeaks and, red-faced, she keeps her eyes firmly on the road ahead. That being the case, Summer sees an opportunity here to fool around with you. Horny bitch. Her loving little touches become something much more forward and lewd. She rubs your thighs, gropes your tits, smells your hair -- tickles you through your shorts and panties. You'd love to sit back and enjoy letting your girlfriend molest you, but it's happening right beside your mother, and that makes you so much more nervous than usual. The slightest noise or movement will catch her attention and give you away.

"You're so sticky," Summer whispers hot in your ear.

Well, she means sticky with sweat -- it's true -- but you're sticky in another way, too. And she's well aware.

"Wanna get in bed with me?" Summer asks. There are beds in the very back of the RV -- a tiny compartment containing two sets of bunks. Behind closed doors, you would have privacy. N-Mom would know exactly what you're doing, of course, but she wouldn't see it -- and how could she possibly have the temerity to say no to your fun?

You stand. You and Summer are still holding hands, but Summer hasn't gotten up yet when N-Mom asks, "where are you going?"

"I was... gonna lie down," you say.

"Me too," Summer says.

"No," N-Mom says.

You pull your hand from Summer's and, indignant, you throw your arms in the air. "What? You have got to be fu--"

"We're almost there," N-Mom says. She can't meet your eyes. "You shouldn't sleep until we're back at the camp."

You huff, completely at a loss for words. Is your mother really this childish?

"Noelley-belly-jelly," Summer giggles, leaning across the gap between seats, practically lying in your mother's lap. "We're not going back there to sleep, silly." She puts her lips to the side of N-Mom's face, but her whisper is purposely loud enough for you to hear, too. "She wants to fu-ck." With an obscene emphasis on the word fuck, for effect, so that it comes out almost like a two syllable word.

N-Mom is just as stern, though. "No."

Summer pouts. "Don't be like that."

"You can fu-ck, when we get back." She pushes Summer's face away, forcing her to sit back upright in her own chair.

Summer won't be deterred. "But I'm so horny," she says, coquettish. She spreads her legs, and the fabric of her skirt spreads with it, growing taut and rising up the expanse of her tan thighs. "I don't want to wait that long. I need someone to get me off."

N-Mom gives her one quick exasperated glance before shoving a hand down her skirt. One hand on the wheel, the other in Summer's underwear, she starts fingering your girlfriend right there on the open road.

"Mmm," Summer moans. She giggles and slides forward in her seat to grant your mother better access. "Thank you, Mrs. Keki." Like the submissive slut she is, that's all it took for her -- a hand slid down her skirt.

"That's MY girlfriend, MOM," you shout uselessly.

"You'll have to share her. Or didn't you already accept that?" When you make a frustrated noise, she adds, "go lie down if this bothers you so much."

Summer chews her pinky and gyrates against N-Mom's frigging fingers. She's already cresting a high wave towards orgasm... Summer's no quickshot either, but an experienced dyke like your mother is hard to measure up to.

Instead of retreating, you march forward and rip your mother's hand away from your girlfriend's body. The suddenness of it makes N-Mom grab the steering wheel and veer -- dangerous maneuver in mountainous terrain. She gasps in surprise and slows way down. Traffic behind the RV honks, then passes.

Meanwhile, you get on your knees in front of Summer's seat. "Ever hear of road head?" You ask.

She laughs sensually, a low "hmmhmm" of wicked intrigue. "You're gonna eat me out in front of your mom, Wes?"

"Why not?"

Summer has no objections. She quickly pulls down her cheetah print g-string and lets it hang from one baggy-socked ankle. There in front of you is that delicious golden-brown pussy you love so much, with its pinched-together lips and jelly-like soft squishy appearance, and its seemingly permanent glaze of feminine arousal, and its cocoa butter scent tainted by something altogether dirtier and more disgusting, which only serves to make your mouth water more. You can't begrudge your mother for being so hooked on this pussy, in the end. You're hooked, too. Chin against the faux leather seat, you latch your lips to it and start to feast. All the dinner you need, right here between Summer's thick legs.

"Oh fuck, Wes, that's good," Summer says. Her voice gets deeper when you pleasure her -- rougher. "You're such a dirty bitch."

She pets her own thighs and gyrates on your lips the same way she gyrated on your mother's fingers. You're proud of yourself for that. Whenever she juts forward, her tight little rosebud appears from between the fat cheeks of her ass, and you occasionally give it a kiss -- just a kiss, just to tease her. Sucking your girlfriend's cunt and kissing her asshole in plain view of your own mother is a new and thrilling perversion... you wonder how N-Mom feels, now that the tables are turned.

You get that extrasensory tingle of eyes watching you, and know she's having a hard time staying focused on her driving. This only encourages you. You put on a show. You bury your tongue in Summer's rubbery vulva, swab it all around her insides, and across her taint, and over her dark pink clit. You make noises like an animal in heat, exaggerating how wonderful it is to bury your face in Summer's pussy... but not exaggerating all that much, because fuck, it really is the best. Her sweaty, sticky, sweet little pussy is the fucking best. And eating it out like this, no foreplay, no window-dressing, just raw rapacious need, makes your own cunt ache for release. Even knowing Mom is watching, you reach into your shorts and masturbate. Both hands.

"Don't just lick it."

You're slow on the uptake right now, and don't process the words that just entered your ears. You're too busy pigging out and jilling off.

"Don't just lick it," N-Mom repeats.

You pull slightly back from Summer's pussy, face dripping her cream, and murmur "wha?"

N-Mom looks down at you. "You shouldn't just lick a clitoris. You have to suck on it, too. But gently. Like this." She purses her lips and demonstrates.

"I know how to eat pussy," you tell her. "I've been doing it a lot longer than you think."

It's true. She hasn't told you anything new -- you know how to give head, and you'll suck Summer off when she's closer to cumming. But with a mischievous giggle, Summer says, "listen to your mommy. She could teach you a thing or two."

"She--" you begin, but that's all you get out. N-Mom roughly grabs the back of your head and forces your face to Summer's pussy again. Your eyes go wide and you cough, having suddenly and accidentally inhaled Summer's cunt juice. The lack of oxygen and the aspirated girlcum makes you nearly faint.

"Don't blueball your girlfriend," N-Mom sneers, pressing your face repeatedly to Summer's genitals, as if using a sex toy on her. You try to pull back, hands against the front of the seat, but she's so much stronger than you give her credit for. And it's not like Summer's about to help. She's too busy getting off.

You start to lick and suck. Drinking down this fuckslop is the only choice you have besides drowning on it. But even as you strum your horny clit, you burn with anger. You'll get your mother back for this. She's not the only one who can play rough.

"Wes... oh, Wes... I'm gonna cum on your face," Summer breathes, turning her head side to side.  

"Suck her," N-Mom says, as if you need to be instructed. She forces you even harder to Summer's cunt, grips your hair even more cruelly. You suck. You purse your lips as N-Mom said, find her clitoris, and tenderly suck on it. Trapping it between your vacuuming lips, you prod it with your tongue, and feel it throbbing like you never have before. Summer wets on you. You feel the rhythmic pulses of her always so sloppy orgasm against your chin, neck, and front of your shirt. And as if you couldn't tell, she announces it, in a shrill wail: "I'M FUCKING CUMMING! YES! MAKE ME CUM ALL OVER YOU! CUMMING, CUMMING -- CUMMMMMMMMMING!"

All five of your senses become overwhelmed and your entire world winnows to just this lovely brown hole clamping and pulsing and squirting its cum from all your slutty efforts. You cum, too, and make a mess of your shorts.

When you regain your sense of time and space, Summer is panting like a tired dog. She's sitting all slumped back, legs still splayed, and you discover that at some point she pulled out her sweaty tits to play with her nipples. Slut. "That... was..." she says, but has no descriptive powers great enough to say what it was like.

You're also aware that the Winnebago has stopped moving. N-Mom is parked on the shoulder, watching the sloppy sight beside her, breathing almost as heavily as Summer is.

"I thought we were getting dinner," you mutter, wiping your face, and then licking your fingers.

"I... need..." N-Mom begins.

"Awww," Summer coos. "Are you horny too, Mrs. Keki?"

N-Mom nods, trembling.

"They're gonna wonder where we are if we take too long," Summer says.

You sigh. "It's fine. If you two wanna fuck, I can drive."

This snaps N-Mom out of her lust-induced daze. "What? No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"Not legally! You don't even know how!"

"Oh, and you're so concerned about legal. Anyway, I've been driving for years. K-Mom taught me how when I was 12."

"She did what?" N-Mom snaps.

You stand, still a bit woozy. "Be grateful. Because of my teenage delinquency, YOU get to have sex." When N-Mom doesn't move, you impatiently motion for her to get up. Finally, after moments of deliberation, she unbuckles her seatbelt and vacates the driver's seat. Her horniness has won out over her good sense, as it always seems to. Your Mom may just be the horniest girl you know, and that's a feat. You get behind the wheel and pull back onto the highway.

Summer makes no attempt to get herself decent as her eyes follow N-Mom, who's got the slinking prowl of a tomcat in heat. "Eat or be eaten?" Is Summer's only concern.

"Both. Get up."

She pulls Summer to her feet and hugs her, kissing her madly. The two of them make out together for a few moments, N-Mom shoving her mouth to the back of Summer's. But N-Mom is more interested in her other charms. She moves her face down and buries it against Summer's chest. She sucks on Summer's nipples, each in turn. Summer laughs, but N-Mom is in no mood for playful teases. She wheels in a quarter-circle and pushes Summer, hard, towards the table behind the passenger seat. Summer lands on her back atop it, sending playing cards scattering. N-Mom ditches her pants in what must be a world-record time and crawls on top of her.

Driving, it's hard not to pay more attention to the two of them 69ing. Your mother shamelessly gorges on the cunt you just got done eating out -- talk about an indirect kiss -- and humps Summer's face the way a man would fuck a pussy. She does the splits, one foot on either benchback, and pounds her messy cunt against Summer's lips and forehead and nose. The noises Mom makes sound like the suction device a dentist uses during cleanings, and she punctuates it with almost pained groans and moans of depraved pleasure. When your mother cuts loose, she doesn't hold anything back... it's pathetic, but also really hot.

Nor does their passionate oral lovemaking seem the least impeded by your pulling into the drive-thru.

"Hi welcome to Taco Bell."

You lean through the open window. "Yeah. I'll take a uhhhh..."



"...I'll just take two of everything on your menu, if that's okay..."

"Um. Like. *Everything*?"


"Yeah. Is that all right?"

There's a long pause on the other end of the intercom. You take the chance to watch your mother and your girlfriend lezzing out. "You GUYS know they can hear you," you remind them.

"I don't care," N-Mom grunts, and that's all you get out of her before she's got her entire face planted in Summer's snatch again.


"Y-yeah," the guy on the mic says. "That's gonna be... um, $422.24... umm. Would you like to round that up to $423 a-and donate to our scholarship fund?"


"What she said," you say.

"Ok. P-pull up to the first window."

When you do as instructed, the goggle-eyed teen boy at the window can't help staring at the scene behind you. He isn't alone. The entire night shift crew seem to have been under the impression that this was all some kind of prank, and are gathered behind him, half a dozen minimum wage workers, watching on as well. There's an awkward silence.

"Vacation?" A short, flat, peppy blonde girl in a visor and too-thick mascara asks by way of breaking the ice.


"Seems like you're having fun," she says.

"$423," the guy at the register says. "Cash or... cash or card."

You fish around the center dash for Mom's handpurse, and finding it, you pass him the credit card. He processes the payment. "It's g-gonna be a f-few minutes... pull up to spot one... we'll be -- right out-- with the food..."

Again, you do as instructed. Since you have time to kill, and you're not under the obligation to drive, you approach the scene where Summer and N-Mom rut like bitches. You pull down your shorts and panties, too. Fingering yourself, you half-waddle to the edge of the table. Summer's head is hanging over it, and N-Mom is still humping it.

Summer notices you standing there playing with yourself. "Heh heh," she giggles, fingers against either of your Mom's thighs, your Mom's cunt dripping all over her. "You two are something else. Like mother like daughter, huh?"

"Uh huh," you grunt, swimming in pleasure, temples throbbing, mouth dry.

"Here, babe," Summer offers, and reaches up to finger you, even as your Mom resumes fucking her face. You don't stop masturbating, though. Your fingers meet and slide over Summer's, twist and entwine, rub and pinch, and work together to bring you off. It's at once intimate and very, very dirty. It doesn't take very long at all before Summer gets you to squirt, and you ejaculate all over her face -- as well as your mother's ass.

You can't help focusing on that, above all else: your mother's ass... so small, but so well-formed, not scrawny like yours, but cute and full for its petite size. The way the cheeks clap together almost hypnotically as she bounces herself up and down on Summer, the way her cute pink pussy creams itself, the way her dark brown asshole seems to wink at you... your mouth is watering... and you're cumming like a bitch. You can't help yourself. You want your mommy's pussy.

She's cumming, too. Mother and daughter cum in tandem, dousing Summer's face with Keki cream, causing her makeup to run like watercolor down a painter's palette. She guzzles and gargles is and giggles like a dumb slut.

You see some Taco Bell employees outside the RV door. "Bring it in," you call. You hardly break pace -- none of you do. As the workers come in like a troupe of soldiers resupplying the front lines, dropping off the bounty of food on the table opposite, rubbernecking and gawking the whole time, you and Summer and N-Mom just keep fucking.

When at last it's all delivered, and the lookie-loos are gone, and you've cummed yourself empty, you laugh, and shrug, and say: "better head back, huh."

"Can you drive, baby?" N-Mom pants. She isn't done eating yet.


You don't bother to put your pants on as you get behind the wheel and put the RV into gear. But a voice ringing out in the night stays you:

"Wait! Wait up!"

It's that girl from before, the one with that weird mix of gothy and preppy. She comes running up to the RV's door. "There's one more drink!"

You open the door for her, still pantsless, and give her a quizzical look. She gets onto the first step and hands you a large cup of some sort of soda, the ice clattering around inside. She pauses there, to take one last long look at your impossibly horny mom and girlfriend, seeming to burn it into her mind's eye forever. Of course she has no idea the true depths of the depravity she's witnessed here.

She gives your pussy a lingering last glance too, and curls her painted lower lip, and chews it.

"Can I go?" You ask.

"I wrote my number on the cup. Text me if you wanna party."

She steps out. Neither Summer nor N-Mom seem to have noticed, and you think you'll keep this exchange to yourself. The last thing you need is to bring around yet another blonde teen bimbo for your mother to lose her mind over.

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