Fuck Quest Miscellany

Fan Art

Many talented people have drawn the characters of Fuck Quest. If I have missed a piece of art, or if you have some to submit, let me know right away!


Hosted externally, THE CHART contains everything you never wanted to know about every member of the harem. Even Makoto!

2-Axis Charts

How do the various members of the harem compare against one another?

International House of Shitposts

Fan art is cool and all, but FQ fans excel at shitposting most of all.


Throughout the series, most usually at the end of each season, I fielded reader questions. You can revisit these here.


I love to create boring graphs and breakdowns. A couple others do, too.

The Forbidden Tomes

When Season 1 ended in 2014, I posted what I had originally planned for season 2. Some things made it into the 2018 reboot, but most of the plan was totally scrapped.

Music of FQ

Music has played a big part of FQ, and I have included a soundtrack of sorts here.

You Are Alabaster Soliloquy...

Or sometimes someone else.

Lore Snippets and Unused Scenes

Random bits of canon and a couple unfinished scenes that got scrapped.

The FQ Neural Net

A friend of mine fed the entire text of Fuck Quest into a neural net so that it could start generating new content. Here are excerpts from a computer's rendition of FQ.

Is it gay though

At long last, we can use science to answer the question of whether Alabaster, and you the reader, are gay for wanting to fuck Alex's bussy.

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