Kay hears the knock on her apartment door, but she doesn't answer. She just stays splayed out on her yoga mat as she slowly finishes with her head-to-knee forward bend exercises -- working at her own pace despite the impatient guest waiting for her answer.
The knock comes a second time, more insistent than the first. Kay sighs to herself. Limbs all limber now, she scoops herself to her feet and strides slowly to her tiny foyer. The knocker is knocking again when she answers.
"Oh!" Noelle squeaks, fist still held up by her head as the wake of the door's opening ruffles her hair. "There you are."
"Here I am," Kay says with a wry frown.
They cut quite a contrast right now. Kay is wearing a getup Noelle's never seen on her: a tight white tee and tight black yoga pants -- and she's a bit flushed and damp from the exertion of her workout. Whereas Noelle herself dressed like she was going out on the town, donning a really nice pencil skirt and matching blouse, getting all perfumed and doing her hair... strange choices, since the intent tonight was only to sit down for a brief interview in Kay's apartment.
Kay's eyes drift downward.
Noelle, noticing this, hefts the bottle up so she can get a better look. "Tequila!"
When this draws no noticeable reaction, she appends, a bit halfheartedly, a faux-enthusiastic "wooo-ooo!" noise.
"Why?" Kay asks.
"Well -- to lighten the mood," Noelle says. "And I figured you'd like it."
"Why do you figure I like tequila?"
Noelle is at a loss. "Because... I mean."
"Are you racially profiling me?"
So she's taking the shit again. Noelle makes a face. "The hell is wrong with you? It's tequila. Mexicans don't have a monopoly over tequila."
"I'm not Mexican."
"Half-Mexicans don't have a monopoly either--"
Kay steps aside. "Just shut up and come inside already."
Noelle enters.
It's the first she's ever been in Kay's apartment. She swivels her head this way and that as she passes the threshold, taking stock. The pictures on the wall are all clippings from Kay's stint as a photog for the Air Force Times. Along with that are some shots she's taken in her spare time, and her diploma for journalism, and a couple small shelves bearing some minor awards she's won. The shelves are arranged in a sort of pyramid -- but the arrangement's pyramidion, its uppermost shelf, is bare.
"What's up with that?" Noelle asks, nodding at the shelves as she sets the bottle of tequila on Kay's squat black wood coffee table.
"My awards," Kay says unhelpfully, and plops back down on her yoga mat in front of her bookcase.
"You're missing one," Noelle informs her.
"For now. That's where my Pulitzer's going."
Noelle shakes her head. She knew Kay had an exorbitant level of self-regard, but making her living room a shrine to herself crosses into narcissism, doesn't it?
Noelle sits on the loveseat facing Kay's ad-hoc yoga studio. "Anyway, I figured you'd like a little something-something to ease the loneliness," she says, indicating the liquor she brought.
"What loneliness?" Kay asks, and resumes her head-to-knee extensions. Noelle is transfixed by Kay's flexibility for a palpable moment.
"It's -- Valentine's Day," Noelle says, catching herself. "Instead of being out with someone, you're cooped up at home."
"Is there something the matter with that?" Kay asks as she shifts position to stretch herself towards her other knee.
"Well, no, but... some people might find that a little--"
"I'm not some people."
Noelle nods. "Well -- I had to totally blow off my boyfriend to come tonight, so I guess we're both a couple of dateless broads anyway, huh?" She swipes a strand of hair behind her ear, holds her knees and giggles nervously.
"Hmm, good point," Kay says. She rises, then begins a truly bewitching downward-doggy stretch that leaves Noelle dry-lipped and slackjawed. "We've been meeting so much lately. Maybe you could finally introduce me to this boyfriend of yours."
"I -- uh --"
"Who is he, anyway?" Kay asks, hyperextending, getting her face almost level to her crotch and putting her ass way up in the air.
"He's... er... a field agent."
"Oh, interesting. Workplace romance?"
"What about me?"
Kay straightens up. Noelle is inwardly crestfallen. "Not you," Kay says. "Hugh. Hugh Thurston."
Noelle can't hide her grimace. "Oh, no... no. No."
"Bill Cheslock? Paul Gunderson?"
Noelle waves her hand anxiously. "No -- it's no one in the San Fran field office. It's... someone from a different field office. Uh. You wouldn't know him."
Kay smiles. "Does he go to a field office in Canada?"
Noelle doesn't get it. "No -- there's only the one office in Ottawa. He isn't there." Desperate to move the conversation on, she grabs the bottle of tequila by its neck and produces a couple shot glasses from her purse. "L-let's get drunk!"
"I'll drink, but I'm not really in the mood for drunken revelry," Kay says. She grabs the full shotglass Noelle proffers, and knocks it back. She makes an appreciative "ahh" and smacks her lips as the warmth spreads through her chest. She examines the empty glass, then the bottle that Noelle still holds in her lap. "Whoa. This is the good shit. How much did you spend on it?"
"I always go for broke when it comes to tequila!" Noelle explains, and downs her own glass too. She coughs. "You get what you pay for... the cheap stuff tastes like furniture varnish."
Kay huffs. "Yeah, well. Coming to my place all perfumed-up, with an unopened bottle of Patron on offer -- you better look out, or I'll start thinking that you want to make ME your Valentine's date."
Noelle is silent for a split second as she flushes practically infrared. "...Hahaha!" She laughs, a little too late to be genuine, and obnoxiously loud. "That's -- well that's stupid, I mean -- I -- mean --"
"Hey, top me."
"Top me off." Kay holds her shotglass out. Noelle nervously pours it, splashing a little bit on the coffee table in the process. Kay jumps back to make sure none hits her.
Noelle is mortified by the faux pas. But Kay, inoffended at the messiness and grinning broadly, repeats that downward doggy pose from earlier. She bends in two, keeping the hand holding her shotglass high aloft, and siphons the tequila from her tabletop using her pursed lips. Slurrrrrp. When the table is dry once again she straightens up, and downs her second shot of the night.
Noelle presses her thighs together, with her hands folded in her lap, and hopes that Kay doesn't notice how aroused she is.
"Careful where you spill," Kay warns her. "This stuff is way too good to go to waste. I want it all in my belly."
Noelle coughs like she's been punched.
"Yeah," Kay says, thinking. "I change my mind... you're right. It's Valentine's Day, we're alone -- let's get drunk."
"Never have I ever stolen towels from a hotel room."
Kay scowls. "That's a lie."
"No," Noelle says, "it's true."
They're sitting Indian style facing one another, each on a cushion of Kay's loveseat.
"Fucking seriously? How can you go your entire life without taking towels from a hotel room? Have you just never slept in a hotel, is that it?"
"Because it's theft. I'm not a thief. But man did I read you right. You are. Take your drink."
Kay guzzles down the shot, and Noelle immediately replenishes her. After a satisfied "pwah," and taking back her refilled glass, Kay says: "cut it out with the girl scout act. It's not impressive."
Noelle laughs derisively. "I'm so sorry I'm not a scumbag like you."
Kay uncrosses and recrosses her legs, grumbling. The black spandex of her yoga pants bulges. "Buying all your own towels... a chump, is what you are... thinking you're all high and mighty because you're willing to blow $100 at Bed Bath & Beyond--"
Noelle rolls her eyes. "Oh my God. Just take your turn already."
Folding her arms, Kay says, "never have I ever arrested someone."
"What!" Noelle howls. "That's not fair!"
Kay, arms still folded, leans forward until she's practically butting brows with Noelle. "Take your drink, bitch."
"The point of this game is to learn things about the other person. You can't just use stuff that you already know. You might as well say something like, 'never have I ever been named Noelle.' It's bullshit."
"That's a good one. Maybe that should be what I use on my next turn."
"That's so fucking st--"
"I play to win," Kay says.
"Win HOW? There's no points! There's no winning! This is just a social game! Psycho!"
"You win by being the least drunk at the end."
But the bottle of tequila is less than a third empty, and they're both rosy-cheeked. They haven't been playing long, and the tequila is going to be creeping up on them in a major way soon, even as they continue to down their shots.
"Drink," Kay sneers.
Noelle drinks. Then grumpily, as she repours her glass: "Never have I ever done yoga."
Kay doesn't drink. Instead, she flicks her wrist, and splashes her shot of tequila all across Noelle's face.
"Oh, FUCK you," Noelle growls, tiny droplets spraying off her lips. Still in shock, she holds her arms out to the side and tilts her chin towards her body as the liquor drips off her face.
"Think you can target me like that, huh?" Kay says. "Go to hell. Hypocrite."
Noelle, in a rage, splashes her back.
"Ugh! Bitch!" Kay screams.
"Take your goddamn drink already!" Noelle screams in reply. She motions for Kay to hand her her glass so she can refill it. But rather than that, Kay steals the bottle from her. Then she rises to her feet, crosses the short distance between the two of them -- and takes Noelle's face in her hand.
"K-Kay--?" Noelle stammers. "What are you--"
Kay leans in. She puckers her lips into an oval and sucks the vestiges of the alcohol from the left side of Noelle's face. From top to bottom, her lips quickly swipe up Noelle's jawline and to the ridge of her brow, finally swooping back towards her ears. Then, using Noelle's chin as a handle to swivel her now-trembling face the opposite direction, Kay sucks the alcohol off the right half too. When, done, she relinquishes her grip on Noelle, Kay licks the traces of tequila off the fingers that were clasping Noelle's chin.
Noelle's teeth are chattering like a Kalahari bushman who got teleported to the south pole.
Kay did this on purpose. It was a calculated effort to turn Noelle into a gibbering mound of gelatin. Boy did it ever work.
Kay rests the back of her wrist on her waist, staring down at Noelle. "Yeah, I do yoga. I actually give a shit about my body. I like to stay active, and healthful -- and flexible. Maybe you could use the exercise. Pasty-ass desk jockey."
"Y-you -- y-yoooouuu--" Noelle can't settle on whether to be angry or aroused.
"Allow me to demonstrate," Kay tells her. She squats down, right in front of Noelle, her calves and thighs forming a rough M shape, her palms pressed together near her crotch. The material of her yoga pants stretches and strains, and even though Kay isn't very meaty, there's only so much give to the material. Her cameltoe is clearly outlined. Noelle decides, at that moment, to settle on being aroused. The tequila Noelle splashed on Kay's face is still dripping off of her, down to her tee that's already a little damp with perspiration.
"This is the Mālāsana pose. Beginner stuff. I bet you can't squat like this, can you. Not for an extended period."
Noelle folds her hands in her lap and tightens her face. She's trying very hard not to let the signs of her arousal show. "I -- never tried..."
"But I'm no beginner," Kay says, talking over Noelle. She claps once, then slams her palms flat on the carpet. Unbelievably, then, she hunches her back and hoists herself up -- supporting her entire weight on her hands as her feet draw into the air, crossing at the ankles. She waggles her toes for effect. Her knees are so high that they rest on her shoulders, and she sways slightly back and forth as she maintains her balance. But even drunk, it takes precious little effort. "This is the Bhujapidasana."
Noelle is flapping her lips, but no words escape.
"Never have I ever masturbated in public," Kay says.
If Noelle wasn't shaking before, she sure is now. Kay can practically see the motion blur outlining her upper half.
"Well?" Kay says, maintaining her flawless Bhujapidasana. "Are you gonna take your drink?"
Noelle clears her throat. "Wellll, n-no-- because I haven't ever-- done that -- either."
"Now THAT'S a lie," Kay says. "Liar. You've got public wanker plastered all over your face. Don't you dare try to tell me you've never done something like that."
(It's true. Kay is right.)
Noelle feels the throbbing in her crotch grow more insistent, plus the equally insistent throb of the blood circulating through her cheeks. She gulps, and wrings her hands in her lap.
"Drink," Kay demands.
Noelle uselessly indicates the bottle sitting on the table where Kay left it. "I don't -- I don't--"
Kay swings her entire self backwards, gracefully plopping supine on the carpet with her limbs sprawled all akimbo. The swift motion makes her shirt ride up, and bares her belly button. "Shavasana. For the end of yoga sessions. Have you ever done body shots, Noelle?"
Now she's just fucking with her. Kay is cruel like that. A little red meat tossed to this lesbian bitch will have her wrapped around Kay's pinky for eternity. Noelle'll be a font of useful inside info for as long as Kay needs, all for the effort of a little titillation. That's all this is for, Kay convinces herself. Just part of the honeypot.
"Uh -- yeah," Noelle lies.
"Awesome. I shouldn't be the only one stuck sucking tequila off another girl. If you don't want to take your drink out of a glass, then take it out of my belly button why don't you." She points at her midsection, the taut tan tummy just slightly concave as she lies there, with the perfectly smooth innie of her navel at center. Noelle's breath hitches.
"What are you waiting for, sex offender?" Kay demands.
Noelle, legs hardly capable of supporting her, totters towards Kay as she weakly clasps the bottle in hand. She gets on her knees at Kay's side, and gently pours a tiny dribble of the high-end liquor into Kay's navel. She pours like she's afraid using too much will kill them both. Kay, grinning, puts her hand around Noelle's on the bottle and tips it farther forward, pouring out considerably more. It makes a tiny pool in the bowl of her stomach. When Kay is satisfied at the amount, she takes the bottle for herself with no resistance from nervous nelly Noelle. Noelle stares at the translucent puddle, like a gambler down to his last quarter agonizing before a slot machine that's surely due for a payout.
"Come on, bitch, drink," Kay says.
Noelle gets on all fours, bows her head -- and vacuums the tequila into her mouth. It's tainted with Kay's sweat. The tang of it overpowers the smooth flavor of the tequila, and Noelle has never tasted anything more delicious. Kay giggles, ticklish there, although she holds Noelle's head gently in place.
"So how often do you do it?" Kay asks as she stares at the crown of Noelle's hair and listens to Noelle's piggy slurping.
"...Do what," Noelle says flatly as she finishes and draws her face upwards and meets Kay's eyes. Her voice is woozy with exhilaration, and she isn't quite paying attention to the meaning behind words right now.
"Jerk off in public. How often?"
Noelle feels a little dribble escape her nether regions. "N-never," she insists. "I told you."
"Then why'd you drink?"
"You TOLD me to--"
"You do everything a pretty girl tells you to do?"
Noelle swallows hard. The taste of Kay's sweat is still dancing saltily on her tongue.
Kay draws one knee up, her sole scraping against the soft carpet. "Are you into girls, Noelle?"
"Never have I ever kissed a girl!" Noelle says -- truthfully -- all at once -- desperate to avoid answering the substance of Kay's question.
Kay, still on her back, drinks directly from the bottle. It's an amount she judges to be roughly equivalent to a shot, but which is actually quite more. "Pwah," she gasps when she's through.
"I knew it," Noelle says. "You're the one who's into girls. That's why you're making me play these -- SICK games--"
"I'm not into girls," Kay says slyly, "but... in bootcamp, when there isn't any dick around, you take what you can get. I'm not gay. More like... prison-gay. You get a pass on that."
Noelle closes her eyes and shakes her head.
"Come here," Kay beckons.
Noelle opens her eyes, but doesn't move a hair. Can't move. On hands and knees, looking at Kay's shiny olive-colored skin and beautiful body, she's turned to stone. But when Kay crooks a finger, it drags Noelle out of her trance. Noelle leans forward, and down, so that her face is hovering inches above Kay's.
"You have to take a drink too, because you've also kissed a girl," Kay tells her.
"But I haven't--"
Kay fills her mouth with another venti shot of the Patron, grabs Noelle roughly by the back of the head, and pulls Noelle's lips to hers. Though Noelle, flabbergasted, keeps her lips firmly pressed together, Kay's skilled tongue pries them apart, and then she slowly fountains the warmed-over liquor into Noelle's waiting mouth. Noelle has no choice but to swallow, and does. Then she lets Kay mack on her for a few lingering seconds. Noelle has no idea how to respond, and though she settles on trying to respond in kind, all she succeeds at doing is knocking her teeth with Kay's.
When Kay lets go of Noelle's hair, and lets Noelle pull back slightly, Kay croons:
"You smell good."
What Kay smells is the sweet, heady scent of Noelle's perfume melded with her sex.
Noelle, without another word, leans forward again for a second kiss. She wants it so bad, that and more. But Kay stays her with a palm against her chest.
"That's enough fooling around," Kay says, "I kissed you so that you wouldn't go to your grave as a kissless virgin." She begins to rise to her butt. "Like I told you though, I'm not actually into girls. So--"
Noelle forces Kay onto her back again. Kay is unprepared for such assertive behavior, and can't react until Noelle is already straddling her. Noelle's skirt hikes up as she swings her calves over Noelle's waist and she sits on Noelle's belly -- ass to tummy.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Kay snarls. "Get off of me."
Noelle falls forward and kisses Kay hungrily. Kay might by a certified yogi, but all the flexibility exercises in India can't help her overpower a Quantico-trained lesbian who's had her switch flipped. She tries, uselessly, to fend Noelle off, flopping and writhing around beneath her. Finally she resorts to upending the bottle of liquor over Noelle's head. It waterfalls out of the bottle with steady glugs, and coats them both, not just Noelle. Noelle is undeterred, anyway. Her breathing through her nostrils against Kay's face is heavy and desperate and hot. Her tongue in Kay's mouth is hotter.
Noelle, never breaking that forced kiss, swats the bottle out of Kay's hand lest she drown them both, where it topples to its side on the floor unheeded and spills over Kay's carpet. Noelle then pins Kay's wrists on either side of Kay's head to forestall any further resistance as she probes Kay's mouth and moans like a cunt into Kay's throat. Kay tastes so good -- vital and sweet and feminine.
Once Noelle finally stops to take a small breath, Kay uses the opening to wail: "YOU STUPID DYKE SLUT! GET OFF ME! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO, RAPE ME?"
Noelle is a babbling mess. "It's not rape -- it's not rape -- this is what you wanted--"
Kay's spine goes rigid as Noelle begins to gyrate atop her. Through the thin material of Noelle's panties, pressing against her tummy, Kay finally feels it.
"Ghh-- what-- what is that?" Kay asks.
"Be quiet," Noelle says, and kisses her -- harder, more voracious even than before. She keeps humping back and forth against Kay's firm but supple body with an increasing tempo. Her precum is smearing against Kay's stomach. Kay rolls her eyes downward, straining to get a glimpse between their two bodies, at what Noelle was concealing. But she feels it, even if she can't see it.
"Are you... wearing a strap-on?" Kay heaves.
But Kay knew that already. No rubber dick has heat and vitality in it like that. No rubber dick throbs and pulses like that.
"You're a -- a man? All this time... you're a MAN?" Kay can hardly believe it. It's impossible. Surely her research would have turned up that the ballyhooed agent Keki was a man in drag all along.
"I'm not a man," Noelle tells her. She trails kisses down Kay's tequila-coated neck as she rubs her hardness against Kay's stomach.
"Transexual, whatever!" Kay spits. "You've got a DICK--"
Noelle rises to her knees, and using one hand she lewdly pulls her skirt up. With her other, she tugs aside her plain white panties. Yes, she has a dick, a big drooling veiny fucker. But underneath that, drooling equally copiously, is a honeyed little slit -- a vagina, with smooth pink folds and tender lips set in an adorable mound.
Noelle explains, voice equal parts embarrassed and lusty: "I was born like this... but... I'm a woman."
Kay's eyeballs nearly pop out of her skull. She stares in mute wonder and apprehension at this enormous, twitching member Noelle presents.
"You said..." Noelle begins, but stops to take a gulping breath of air. With the fingers of the hand she's using to hold her panties aside, she starts to diddle her own cunt. Slowly, but obscenely. The sound is wet and drippy. "You said you're only into girls when you don't have any dick around -- well -- here's a girl with a dick."
"Listen..." Kay says, anxious pinched-off twinge to every syllable. "...I talk a lot. You know? I'm a motormouth. But I haven't... I mean to say -- I've never been with -- and you have a -- you--"
Noelle pulls Kay's glasses off her nose and chucks them aside. Masturbating still, she kisses Kay's soft, full, brown lips again. "You teased me so fucking much... and you're just a virgin?"
"Well... I--"
Noelle pets Kay's hair. "What the fuck did you think was going to happen, fucking virgin? Huh?" Noelle's voice is deeper, husky and tinged with sexual lust, but still undeniably feminine. The awful realization is dawning on Kay: she's definitely going to get raped. She's going to get raped by a woman with a dick.
Kay begs. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tease you so much! Just -- let's talk about this! All right?"
"No more talking," Noelle growls. She grabs the waistband of Kay's spandex yoga pants and tugs. They slide down Kay's legs with no small resistance, clinging tenaciously to her deeply toned flesh. Noelle coos. "I'm gonna punch your V-card. Get ready..."
"Noelle! This is rape! Get ahold of yourself!"
But Noelle is physically incapable, any longer, of getting ahold of herself. Between the drunkenness, the teasing and the male aspect of her arousal, she's a girl pushed over the edge. She lines her dick up with the tender opening of Kay's slit. With a girlish grunt of pure joy, she rams herself home, all 8 or 9 thick inches of it, right up Kay's unwelcoming twat. She really did punch Kay's V-card. Kay even still had her cherry intact -- keyword "had" -- and now a tiny trickle of virgin blood runs down Noelle's cockshaft.
"So soft..." Noelle moans. She was a virgin, too. She's had plenty of pocket pussies to jizz in, but nothing could possibly compare to a real human cunt, its heat and complexly organic texture and wetness.
Kay, in spite of her resistance, is turned-on. She's been turned-on since the second Noelle showed up at her apartment dressed up like she wanted to fuck. And by now after all the teasing, and after seeing the monster Noelle packs, her cunt is dripping. It accepts the absurd size of Noelle's futa dick without trouble. She shudders at that full feeling, deep inside her belly. At the sensation of Noelle's spongy cockhead knocking at the door of her cervix. At the gooey feeling of Noelle's precum oozing into her body.
Noelle pulls Kay's tee up, to grope Kay's pert little breasts. Although Kay is quickly warming to the experience of getting raped, Noelle isn't here to give Kay any pleasure one way or the other. She's just trying to enjoy Kay's body to its fullest extent. This isn't foreplay or passionate exploring, this is molestation. She grabs Kay's boobs, tweaks the dark brown nipples, and establishes a hard, thwapping fuck-pace inside Kay's quickly bruising insides.
But Noelle, to her credit, is an apologetic rapist. She brushes Kay's hair from her face, brushes her lips to Kay's cheek, and moans deliriously: "Sorry... I'm sorry... I have to fuck you... I have to CUM... just fucking take it... oh god... so soft..."
Kay shivers with every hump and thrust of Noelle's enormous cock. To think that this slight, pale church-mouse of a girl had THAT between her legs, all this time... to think she could use it like this... Kay exhales, and orgasms.
Noelle feels the orgasm around her raping dick. She might be inexperienced but she knows what it is -- she's cum with own pussy plenty of times. Noelle thrills at the feeling, at the way Kay's swampy pussy clamps down and hugs her fleshpole. "Yesssssss," Noelle moans through gritted teeth.
Kay stares up at this woman who's violating her. Noelle is on a different fucking planet right now: her face is contorted into a shape barely human, the lips hanging open, her eyes glassy and half-lidded and rolled up, her skin all red and sweaty, mouth drooling, with even a trail of transparent snot leaking from her nose unnoticed, and sweat dripping from her every pore, off her bangs, off her chin, off her neck, and down her torso, making her blouse all soiled and transparent. She's a mind-melted slave to the pleasure her dick is giving her, and her stupid fuck-face shows it.
And as wet as she is up top from the drool and sweat and snot, Noelle is even wetter below. At the union of their bodies, Noelle's cock leaks like a sieve, and her cunt does too, smearing Kay with juices both inside and out. It works to tenderize Kay even more, and lubricate the way for Noelle to fuck as deeply and as brutally as possible. The slapping of their thighs and crotches mixes with the throaty "uh-uh-uh-uh" grunts that Noelle's apologies have dissolved into, creating a lewd cacophony that overloads Kay's frazzled brain. The sheer volume of liquid makes it feel, to Kay, as if she's been pissed in. And that's before Noelle cums--
Oh, no, Kay thinks. If Noelle cums inside her... if Noelle cums inside her, then what?
But, Kay realizes with a shuddering mini-climax... it's not a question of "if," now, is it? It's a question of when. Noelle won't stop. Noelle won't stop fucking her until she blows her wad inside.
"Stop... stoooop... noooo..." Kay pleads in vain, even as hot cums rip through her body, too.
"Soon, soon..." Noelle promises. "Uh-uh-uh-- uh -- uhhh~"
At the moment it happens, Noelle kisses her again. Her tongue snakes out and reaches almost to the back of Kay's esophagus. Kay gags on it. It's not a tender or loving kiss, but a selfish, violating one. She kisses Kay's mouth like she fucks Kay's pussy. For perverted pleasure.
And like that, she lets loose a torrential outpouring of semen into Kay's previously unsullied gash.
They both moan, in unison: "oooooohhhhhhh" -- as Noelle's seemingly never-ending supply of jizz pumps like a geyser into the too-small confines of Kay's body. The dense, sticky, smelly semen clings like glue to Kay's walls, to the mouth of her cervix and even to the back of her womb. Then the backpressure forces it all out with a sick slllrrrp, to splurt and froth up all around Noelle's thrusting penis. The backflow coats both their mounds and makes their pussies all shiny and slimy and white. Noelle's face is even more contorted than before, all blissed-out and cum-drunk. Kay's face is the same now, too. They cum in, and on, each other for what seems like minutes on end.
But it does finally end. And so all at once, Noelle is back to her old self. She's off of Kay and remorsefully staring down at what she's done, before Kay even realizes it. She surveys Kay's battered body -- the yoga pants half-around her legs, stained white with jizz, her bare torso all sticky with flakes of dried prefuck, her face slimy with sweat and slobber -- and the jewel of her femininity, her pretty brown pussy lips, leaking a sloppy, clumpy, stinky puddle of Noelle's copious sperm. Kay is vacantly staring at the ceiling, only half conscious and babbling lowly to herself as she turns her head this way and that.
The sight of Kay's defiled, raped body is enough to stir Noelle's cock back to full mast, although she hates herself for it. She sits on her butt, covers her face and cries. "Oh no -- oh no, no, no -- oh god... I'm sorry..."
Kay, slowly coming to, rises, and crawls towards her rapist. "Oh, you're gonna be sorry..." she says between panting inhalations.
"Just kill m--" Noelle begins, but chokes off her plea with a gasp as Kay pushes her to her back. How the tables turn.
Kay lies on her belly in between Noelle's legs. Flipping Noelle's huge futanari dick up and pinning it in place against the skirt that no longer hides it, Kay gets her lips latched onto the female part of Noelle's genitals.
"Ahhh~" Noelle groans, and bites her hand to stifle her cries.
Kay laughs to herself. "You might have a dick, but you're still a lezbo bitch... I've dealt with plenty of your type before. You're gonna FUCKING regret raping me."
Some punishment. Noelle appreciatively stares at Kay's small, plump butt and the genetic material leaking out of her, as she eats Noelle's pussy. Noelle has never been eaten before -- it's something she could get into. Kay's skillful tongue wagging back and forth inside her body is heaven... and the delicate way Kay applies pressure to the underside of her dick only adds to the enjoyment...
But it ends too soon. Kay stands, looming over Noelle. In Kay's shadow, Noelle stares up, and finally now comes some fear percolating in her stomach.
Kay parts her cum-leaking pussy with two fingers. "I hope you were paying attention. It's your turn, slut."
She plugs Noelle's nose between thumb and forefinger. Noelle gasps for air, opening her mouth; and so Kay squats, half-sitting, on Noelle's face, right over that opening. The cum runs in nasty rivulets from out of Kay's broken-in pussy, and across Noelle's tongue. Kay cums hard, her cream mixing with Noelle's to create a thick, delectable broth of fuckslop that Noelle happily drinks. Kay enjoys the sight of it, Noelle guzzling the fluids from her cunt.
Once you take the edge off and let her blow a load, Kay realizes, Noelle goes back to her same old pliable, suggestible, mostly submissive self...
Kay turns in a semicircle, arches her back and spreads her plump ass cheeks wide. "Back here, too."
Unquestioningly, piggy bitch she is, Noelle latches her mouth to Kay's rear end, and the brown pucker of Kay's anus. Kay laughs cruelly as Noelle, face buried in her ass, begins to desperately jack off with both hands. "Yeah," Kay says tauntingly. "Make out with my asshole... that's it..." She wags her hips back and forth and humps against Noelle's overeager tongue.
It goes like this, back and forth, all night. They guzzle down the rest of the tequila, and take turns raping each other. One never has the upper hand for long.
But in the end, finally, they wind up entwined with each other in the middle of Kay's ruined living room; Noelle nuzzling Kay's chest, Kay breathing hard against Noelle's head, enjoying the scent of Noelle's shampoo.
"You... don't actually have a boyfriend... do you," Kay drunkenly murmurs.
"Yeah, I thought so. Good."
"Why good?"
Kay doesn't respond to that. Instead she says: "what time is it?"
Noelle glances at the clock on a nearby end-table. "12:24 AM."
"Oh. Damn..."
"Why damn?"
Kay uses a forefinger under Noelle's chin to draw Noelle's face level with hers. "I was gonna say we should be each other's Valentines."
"Next year," Noelle says, smiling like a dope.
Kay frowns with one side of her mouth. "That's a little presumptuous. Don't you think?"
"Next year," Noelle repeats.
They fall asleep on the floor together.