Season 4 Supplement 7 (Episode 13 Extra Content)

Charlotte and Scarlett have taken a maternal interest in Alex. They have that mother's instinct, after all, that tells them Alex is a bit lost in life, a boy in need of support and encouragement. Scarlett teaches him how to bake; Charlotte is the first person Alex has ever met to share his hobby for bird-watching. Both women pose for him to paint; both shower him with frequent affection. Alex's real mother, wherever she is, is hardly a contender for World's #1 Mom. But these two surrogates are putting in some serious work to make up for it. He can't muster the courage to tell them how much it means to him -- but he doesn't have to. They know.

There's a sexual aspect to it, too, of course. It is the Nail House.

One night after dinner, Alex is drinking cocoa with them in Charlotte's room and talking about politics, when the sound of sex carries from the room below: Alabaster is fucking the shit out of Vivian, and she's screaming like she's being beaten (maybe she is).

Alex and Scarlett find the racket a bit awkward, and blush about it. But Charlotte is nonchalant. She sips her mug and says: "he must be really worked up tonight."

Alex clears his throat. "Guess so..."

Charlotte smiles at him. "It's a lovely sound. Don't you think?"

And now, only a little muffled by the floor, arrives a sound Charlotte finds even more lovely: Alabaster groaning in that incredibly deep, masculine way that he does when he drops a load: "oooooooh, fuck -- I'm cumming!!"

The pounding from the other room gets louder and faster, and Vivian wails loud enough to wake up New Delhi; then all at once it all goes quiet, as Alabaster finishes depositing his semen inside the tiny girl.

"Lucky girl," Charlotte says.

"He didn't last five minutes!" Scarlett says. "That's hardly lucky."

"You're looking at it all wrong," Charlotte tells her. "Sometimes it's not so bad, being used for quickie. It feels nice when he's so desperate to orgasm like that... and he lets out all his pent-up frustration in your body." She swipes a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, look at me. I'm getting carried away again."

Alex stares hard at his lap.

"I'm sorry about Charlotte," Scarlett tells him. "She's always been a nymphomaniac."

"It's... fine..." he mutters.

"More than fine," Charlotte says. "This sort of thing interests you too, right?" She doesn't wait for him to answer before answering on his behalf: "of course it does. You've been on the receiving end of his quickies plenty of times."

"Well-- yeah..."

"And you like it, don't you?" Charlotte leans forward and cocks her head to look him in the eye. "Hard and fast -- and dirty."

He's neon.

"Get a grip," Scarlett tells her. "You're terrorizing the poor boy."

"You should get a grip," Charlotte retorts, straightening her spine again. "He's a grown man. And he's obviously got an opinion on the matter -- but you're just afraid he'll take my side, aren't you?"


"So what do you think?" Charlotte asks Alex. "Don't you just love it when Alabaster pins you down and *really* screws you? Isn't it such a rush? And even if he finishes in just a couple minutes, that only makes it even better, right? Because you made him finish inside you so quickly."

"Well..." Alex begins, but trails off.

Charlotte blinks.

"See!" Scarlett says. "You're speaking for him. Putting words in his mouth. YOU might like a quickshot, but Alex here actually likes to savor a darn moment! He's got taste!"

"Is it a bit warm in here?" Alex asks, tugging at his collar.

Charlotte pulls his hands away from his lap, to reveal the tent in his shorts. Alex squeaks.

"Just like I thought," Charlotte announces. "The way he was using Vivian in there turned you on."

"I'm sorry," he says meekly.

"Don't apologize," Charlotte says. "You're with friends here. Nothing to be ashamed of! It just reminded you of how Alabaster screws you -- didn't it?"

She slowly unzips his zipper.

"M-Mrs. Mallory--"


Trembling, almost shivering, he stutters: "W-well, yeah -- I mean -- he does me like that sometimes, too."

"Isn't it fun?" She asks.

"Charlotte--" Scarlett begins, but Charlotte is already fishing Alex's hardened cock out of his shorts.

"Oh my," Charlotte says deeply. Alex's dick is twitching and shines with precum, and it hasn't even been stimulated. She wraps her fingers around the shaft and slowly starts to jack him off. "Tell us how you like Alabaster to fuck you, hmm?"

Alex closes his eyes, bites his lips. He leans back, bracing his weight with his hand. Tries to buck his hips. But Charlotte sternly tells him, "stop that," so he does.

Scarlett would do something to stop her niece, but the truth is that she's getting kind of into it, too.

Alex continues: "H-he -- can be pretty rough... you-- you know?"

"Oh, absolutely," Charlotte agrees. "He can really bruise you up if you aren't careful. Or even if you are."

"He's... so big, and -- well -- when he does it with me -- I'm... not very big, in the place he puts it... you know?"

"I know, honey," Charlotte says. She squeezes his cock tenderly as she tugs on it. "It hurts when he fucks you like that, right?"


"And it feels good, too, right?"


Charlotte can't hold back the lilt that develops in her voice: "It just hurts so good when he breaks your little hole open and pounds it out, doesn't it? You like getting beaten up inside by Alabaster's cock?"

And Alex is desperately trying not to hump Charlotte's hand, while Charlotte slowly, slowly, slowly masturbates him. "Yes! Yes! I love it!"

Scarlett stands at the foot of the bed where Alex and Charlotte sit. She folds her arms. She's not going to cede ground on the argument at hand: "But sometimes he's done too soon -- isn't he?"

Alex half-opens his eyes. They're glazed and stupid-looking. "I mean yeah... I want Ally to last as long as possible because... it feels soooo good -- when he -- when f-fucks me."

Scarlett smirks at her niece. But Charlotte is hardly fazed at losing on the merits of the original dispute. "It's because you're a boy, honey," she tells him.

He looks vacantly at her, as she continues to massage his thick rod. "What do you mean?"

"Alabaster is so self-conscious, you know," Charlotte explains. "A part of him is still uncomfortable having sex with a boy, even after all this time. He's so prudish and quaint that way. But that's how he is. So when he has sex with you... he's trying to cum as quickly as he can. Because he's embarrassed."

"Is that... is that so..." He gulps. "Mrs. Mallory, if you don't stop... then I'm gonna..."

"It's fine, Alex dear," Charlotte tells him. She kisses him on top of his head. She keeps her lips pressed against his crown as she adds, tightening her grip on his member: "Unlike Alabaster, I appreciate the fact that you're a boy. You can blow your load whenever you want, okay?"

"Ffff--" he huffs, and then gasps for air. His eyes roll to the back of his skull. A split second later his dick is spurting strands of ropy jizz in between Charlotte's gentle fingers. She doesn't miss a beat, and milks it all out for the boy.

When he's done cumming himself silly, and Charlotte pulls her sticky hand from his lap, that post-climax clarity sets in for him. He flushes and says: "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I made such a mess!"

"You're a messy boy," Charlotte tells him. "It's okay." She wipes her hand off with a Kleenex and tosses it in the bin beside her bed.

"I... should probably go," Alex says, mortified.

"Don't be silly!" Scarlett cuts in. "I heard you loud and clear. You want my boy to fuck you properly for once, don't you?"

Alex looks uncertainly from Scarlett, looming over him, back to Charlotte who's still beside him. He clutches his knees. His cock, still half-hard, and slimy, throbs in the open. He feels trapped in a den of cougars -- well, he is.

"Scarlett has the right idea," Charlotte says sagely. "We can help -- we'll get Alabaster to screw you all night long, if you want."

"Would you really..." he begins. Then, shaking his head: "How?"

"Since Alabaster prefers girls," Charlotte says.

"We just have to make you into a girl," Scarlett says.


First they clean him, inside and out.

Alex can't see. Wedged in the shower stall between the two soapy MILFs, his entire field of view is nothing but their slick, fleshy bodies pressing against him, their tits and torsos practically smothering him. They giggle and coo and pet him as they do his ablutions for him. They soap down his chest, neck, and shoulders; stoop to reach his feet, ankles, calves and thighs. They work in perfect harmony together, deliberate but efficient. They wash him under his testicles, lightly scraping his taint with their fingernails, then the balls themselves, each in turn, getting them all sudsy. And they spend a very long time, longer than strictly needed, scrubbing his sensitive cock with their palms. He cums again from that with a shrill whine, this time in Scarlett's hand. She kisses his cheek and washes the sperm off under the shower head with a breezy laugh. They grope and squeeze the globes of his ass while they soap it down, and they have great fun slipping their fingers inside his body, deep, very deep, to make sure he's totally pristine for Alabaster to fuck. Alex is so overwhelmed by it all, their slick flesh and skilled fingers, that he gets all woozy and knock-kneed. He grabs them, their boobs and their torsos and fat hips, not for sexual gratification (although it does make his cock pulse and hum), but just so he has something to brace himself. He'd fall over, otherwise. They lovingly chide him for being a nasty little pervert all the same.

After the shower, they towel him down and blow-dry his hair. Charlotte does the toweling and Scarlett does the blow-drying. Alex, sitting at a stool at the bathroom mirror, watches abashedly as the nude older women, still dripping wet themselves (in more ways than one) do their work.

Charlotte rubs the towel back and forth under Alex's raised arms, to dry off his bare armpits. The hair on his head ruffles all over with the force of the hot air from the dryer.

"Look at yourself," Charlotte instructs. "What do you see?"

He shrugs. "I dunno. Just me. Alex."

She starts toweling off his chest. He lowers his slender arms. "Not just Alex," she says. "You have to see something more than that! You have to see what you want Alabaster to see."

He studies his reflection again.

"I'm not sure I'm doing it right," he allows. "What do you mean?"

Scarlett, running the dryer back and forth across his scalp, filling his ears with static on an alternating frequency, says: "See yourself the way you want Alabaster to treat you."

"...Like a girl?" He asks.

"If that's how you want him to treat you!" Scarlett laughs.

"Not just like a girl," Charlotte says. She takes hold of his shoulders and leans down to perch her chin on one of them, too. She meets his eyes in the mirror. "You have to see yourself as a nasty slut."

Alex's breath catches.

"Do you see it?" Charlotte says.

He looks at himself -- and the two naked women drying him off.


"Say it," Charlotte tells him.

"I'm a nasty slut."

She shakes him lightly. "Come on. Say it like you really mean it, for goodness sakes. Say it like an actual slut would say it."

"I'm..." he swallows hard. "I'm a nasty fucking slut... I'm a nasty fucking slut-bitch for Alabaster's dick."

"Yes you are," Charlotte says.


They sit him down in front of Charlotte's vanity next.

"If you really want to be a nasty slut," Scarlett tells him.

"You have to dress like one," Charlotte says.

They're all three still nude, and the cozy bedroom is beginning to smell of their arousal.

Charlotte holds a brief, sheer teddy of hers to Alex's chest. "What do you think?"

"It's too big on me."

Charlotte pouts. She doesn't like her clothes being in the same vicinity as adjectives like "big" -- even if they are.

Scarlett holds a bra of Charlotte's by the strap, dangling it off her forefinger. "This would definitely be too big on him."

Well, maybe there are some articles that Charlotte likes to hear are big, after all.

"You need some slutty clothes that fit," Scarlett tells him.

"I have some in my room," Alex offers.

"Of course you do."

"No, no, no," Charlotte says. "You need some slutty clothes that don't fit at all. That's the key you're missing."

"You just want him to wear your things!" Scarlett says. "Honestly..."

"No," she says, "I'm thinking of something else." She glances down at Alex. "Vivian's room is right below us..."


Alex sneaks into Vivian's bedroom, while Scarlett and Charlotte wait at the threshold. Vivian is on her bed, half-conscious, gazing at the ceiling. Alabaster's cum is leaking in thick glops out of her bare pussy.

Naked, bold with horniness, his cock bouncing with ever step, Alex goes to her dresser, and starts to dig through it.

"What are you doing in my room," Vivian says flatly.

"I just need to borrow a couple things..."

"Did I give you permission to go through my belongings?"

"No... but... it's for Ally..."

"Explain yourself."

Still squatting at her dresser drawers, Alex swivels in place to face her. "I want to wear something sexy for him."

She frowns at him. "So you've come to steal my things."

"I'll give them back!"

"You cannot--"

"Just shut the fuck up, dear," Charlotte tells Vivian.

Vivian ignores that. She struggles out of bed and weakly stands. "So you want Alabaster to mate with you. And you've decided to entice him by wearing my clothes."

Alex nods.

"Afraid you cannot entice him on your own? You want to borrow some of my femininity and grace to trick him? What a pathetic thing you are."

Vivian takes her used panties from where they lie on the bed. Though they can hardly be called panties in the proper sense -- the crotch is missing entirely, from front to back, and what little material does compose them is a see-through black. Vivian wipes her pussy clean with the garment, smearing Alabaster's cum all over it, and then shoves the stinking thing into Alex's hands. "You can have that. Don't return it. I don't want it back after you've stained it with your fluids."

She tosses him a matching top next, also from the bedtop. It looks like a camisole that's been artfully torn to shreds. It's less a top and more a series of lacy, geometrically connected silk straps with a hole to put your head through. Of course it leaves both the navel and the breasts totally exposed, and a lot of flesh besides as well.

"Thank me," Vivian tells him.

"Thank you."

She forces him to his knees. "Thank me properly. Clean Alabaster's sperm out of me. It's what you want so badly anyway, no?"

It is. Clutching Vivian's clothes in his hands, Alex tilts his head back and starts to eat Alabaster's creampie out of Vivian's pussy. Vivian grins haughtily. Holding his shoulders, she stands on tiptoes, and rides his face. Although she wiped a lot of the jizz on the panties she handed over, there's still plenty left deep inside her body, coating her internal walls -- Alabaster cums like a horse, and its viscous consistency means it clings tenaciously to the inside of a cunt. Especially a cunt as small and tight as the one belonging to little Vivian Darkbloom. So Alex has his work more than cut out for him. It's a job he relishes, and he eats Vivian's twat with gusto, swabbing his tongue around to scoop out all of Alabaster's sperm. He gets every nook and cranny, vacuuming it all up into his greedy slut mouth.

Vivian finds herself impressed. She regards Alex as a mincing faggot, but it turns out that he knows how to eat a pussy too. She just wanted him to clean her out, but she winds up cumming on his face a couple times. The way he can tease a clitoris is just divine, and the texture of his tongue against her cum-dripping insides is perfect. She may have to call on his services again in the future. This is what she thinks to herself as she meanly plugs his nose between her pinched fingers, and smothers him with her bald, jism-splattered cunny. He just about drowns. And there's no help coming for him from either Scarlett or Charlotte, who stand at the doorway to Vivian's room, masturbating to the sight. They finger their cunts and enjoy the way Vivian forces Alex to lick her. They, themselves, cum to it also.


They get him on his back on Charlotte's bed. Vivian's clothes hardly fit him, but that's the point. The crotchless panties dig into the flesh of his ass and legs; the top bites into his trunk. He's a slight, slender boy but this getup makes him look a lot fleshier and softer than he is. With makeup thickly smeared to his face, he looks like a woman. A very loose woman.

Scarlett and Charlotte make him spread his legs. Scarlett retrieves a bottle of baby oil and liberally applies it to him. She douses his entire lower half -- twitchy cock, tight balls, and ass. On her stomach in front of him, she starts to corkscrew her fingers in and out of his anus.

"Ms. Catachresis -- not so rough..."

"Shh," Charlotte coos. "Don't fuss."

"You have a darling pussy," Scarlett tells him. She pauses to admire it, its pale hue and smoothness, and how easily it spreads open for her invading digits. "I can see now why Alabaster likes to use it."

"It's a bit uncomfortable..." he whines.

"We have to get you ready, don't we?" Scarlett says.

"If you're going to get fucked like a girl, you have to be properly prepared," Charlotte says.

Charlotte adds a couple fingers of her own, to join her aunt's. Together, the women stretch out Alex's hole. It's a task they adore, for a couple reasons. There's the simple perverted fun of it for its own sake, of course, the act of violating this supple little asshole and seeing how deep they get their fingers, how far they can spread it open. Then there's the fact that they're doing this terrible thing to Alex's hole to get it ready for Alabaster to fuck it. They're tenderizing it, softening it up and getting it slick with lube, all for Alabaster's dick. They're teasing Alex to the point of frustration, abusing him, really -- all so Alabaster's fuck inside him is a bit more pleasurable. These dirty women are doing their best to make Alex into a real girl even despite the ugly, oozing dick between his legs; to transform his ass into a pussy that Alabaster won't mind burying his prick to the hilt inside of and giving a long, hard fuck to, complete with creampie.

"Please..." Alex pants. His dick won't stop leaking.

Scarlett rises, and circles around. She gets behind Alex, cradling his head in her lap. Meanwhile, Charlotte gets ready for phase two: she pulls an enormous, rubbery dildo from her nightstand. Alex's eyes go wide.

"Hold on," he says.

"No," Charlotte says tersely. "This is about as big as Alabaster -- it'll get the oil much deeper than our fingers can go. We have to do this..."

"You want it to feel good for Alabaster, don't you?" Scarlett says.

Alex nods.

Scarlett soothingly pets him, and pulls his face towards her pendulous chest. "Here."

He latches his lips to her, and starts to suckle. Charlotte wedges the head of the fake cock at his entrance. He sighs and tenses.

"Nurse on Mommy while we fuck you, baby," Scarlett says.

"Mommy..." he mutters into her tit.

"Yes," she says softly.

He sucks harder.

Charlotte seizes the moment, and jabs the dildo past the ring of his anus. Having blown past that resistance, she can easily slide the thing up to its very base in one swift movement. All of a sudden, Alex, in his crotchless panties and slutty top, sucking Scarlett's nipple, has a dildo lodged entirely up his asshole; only the suction cup and fake balls are sticking out. The toy's base twitches rapidly in the air as Alex's anal muscles clench and unclench around it. Alex screams, but Scarlett presses his head to her chest, muffling him.

"You're such a good daughter," Charlotte tells him through gritted teeth.

He mewls.

"A nasty slut of a daughter," Scarlett adds.

"But that's what you wanted," Charlotte says. "You fucking freak."

"Mommy's good little girl," Scarlett says.

Charlotte starts to fuck the dildo in and out of Alex's body. "Naughty, perverted little boy," she spits.

"You've got a perfect pussy," Scarlett tells him. "Alabaster is going to cum inside it like crazy, I'm sure of it."

"He'll blow his fucking nuts inside your cunt," Charlotte says. She grips the toy with both hands and viciously rams him. A squelching noise fills the air.

"Mommy's cunt daughter," Scarlett growls.

"You're so good for us," Charlotte says.

Alex is beet red and close to passing out. He squeezes Scarlett's sides tightly and nurses on her for all he's worth.

"Are you going to cum from your pussy, darling?" Scarlett asks. "Do you want Mommy to rub your clitty for you?"

He nods, face rubbing against Scarlett's considerable titmeat. She reaches across his small body and tugs on his rock-hard prick for him. Charlotte continues to fuck him. Together, the women bring him to an enormous orgasm. His cock shoots off so powerfully that the arc almost hits the high ceiling, before raining back down over his own chest, and Scarlett's face. But not even blowing a load that spectacularly can make these crazed mommies stop, now that they're going -- Charlotte keeps fucking him, and Scarlett keeps jerking him while pressing his face to her chest.

But the noises Alex makes are even shriller and louder now.

"Swap with me," Charlotte says. "I'll keep him quiet."

They change places. Only Charlotte doesn't have Alex suck her tits. She swings her knees over his face, braces herself on the headboard, and sits on top of him. While Scarlett resumes anally raping him in their quest to turn his asshole into a cunt, Charlotte makes use of his mouth. "Lick my hole," she grunts. "Suck my clit." She bounces up and down, thick ass jiggling.

They're getting carried away. But they make sure to keep Alex feeling good, too. Scarlett even sucks on the tip of his "clitty" for him while she rails his ass with the dildo. They continually praise him for being such a good little girl... in between vicious insults and degradations. When Alex's cunnilingus gets her off and Charlotte creams all over him, the women trade places a second time, and Scarlett gets her turn with Alex's tongue inside her. The hair above her cunt tickles him as he sucks her cream out of her. Charlotte takes to pulling the dildo entirely out of his ass, to thrill at the way Alex's pink cunt gapes open in its absence. She pours almost the entire bottle of oil into his slut-hole, glug-glug, lodges the dildo back in and keeps pounding him. His brain is turning to mush and he really feels himself turning into a girl. In his heart of hearts, he feels like the nasty slut he's always wanted to be. He's their nasty little slut daughter, and he's ready for big brother to come dump a load in him... so, so ready.


"...Charlotte's room?" comes Alabaster's voice, from out in the hall.

"Just come on," Scarlett says. "Do you want to fuck your sister or not?"

"Well -- yeah, of course. Which sister, though? Cerise, Amber, Rose--"

He's beyond gobsmacked when he steps into Charlotte's room and sees Alex.

He's lying with his back partially propped up on a pillow, knees bowed so that the soles of his feet touch. The bed in front of him is totally stained with oil and his underwear is stained with cum. His cock is hard, poking up through the hole in Vivian's panties, and has a little bow tied around the head (Charlotte's idea). His asshole is visible, and twitching in hunger as it drools. His pink nipples are hard, mostly because Charlotte is rubbing them. He has his arms thrown back behind his head, and wrapped around Charlotte's thick, nude body.

And he wears the most lustful, perverted grin on his face Alabaster has ever seen him wear.

"S-sister?" Alabaster says.

"Your sister Alex," Scarlett says.

She sinks to her haunches, pulling Alabaster's pants down with her.

Alabaster gawps.

"Hi Ally," Alex says, voice as feminine as it's ever been. "I'm a girl now, so... please, fuck me like one."

He doesn't need to be told twice. He crawls into bed with Alex, and gets between Alex's legs. Alex pulls his feet apart just enough for Alabaster to get in position -- then locks his ankles around Alabaster's hips.

"Oh my god," Alabaster grunts, as he peers down at the oily mess of Alex's asshole. "You're so wet down here..."

"I'm wet for you, Ally... I'm a nasty slut... I got all wet thinking about your dick."

"He really wants you to cum inside him," Charlotte says. "It would be so mean of you to deny your little sister, wouldn't it?"

She tweaks one of Alex's nipples, drawing a squeak of pain/delight.

Scarlett tickles her son's anus with a forefinger, and rests a chin on his shoulder. "Fuck him hard for me, baby. Make sure he doesn't forget that he's your bitch..."

"They got me all ready for you," Alex says. "I really need it now, so..."

"God," Alabaster breathes.

He grips his dick by its base and roots it around a little bit to find purchase against Alex's slippery little girl-hole. Despite the efforts of both mommies to stretch it wide for Alabaster to fuck, Alex is still really tight, and Alabaster has to push pretty hard to slip in.

But once he's in -- he's in. And he sinks all the way to his nuts.

"Fuuu-uuu-uuuck," he breathes in sheer relief. Alex's hole is hot, wet, and grippy. Just perfect. As good as any pussy anywhere on earth.

Scarlett, still running her finger around in circles on Alabaster's own anus, cups her cheek with her other hand, and smiles warmly. "That's so sweet..."

"It really is," Charlotte agrees. She has Alex suck her nipples -- Scarlett isn't the only one who enjoys that sensation. Her enormous jugs just about swallow Alex's head entirely.

Alabaster glances back at his mother. "Lick me," he tells her.

"Yes dear."

Scarlett unquestioningly gets down on all fours, behind Alabaster, and lodges her tongue in his ass while he fucks Alex's pussy. The heat and taste and aroma of her son's hole makes Scarlett's heart do somersaults. She slumps down to her shoulders on the mattress, raising her ass high in the air, and starts to dig at her twat with the fingers of both hands while she services him. Alabaster humps Alex's cunt forcefully, and his ass smacks repeatedly against Scarlett's sweaty face.

Charlotte is jilling off, too. She's got the best seat in the house, at the head of the bed; she sees every moment of perversity.

Alex hugs Alabaster. He's latched to Alabaster with all four limbs now while Alabaster fucks him like a cheap whore. Alabaster pulls Alex's face off Charlotte's breasts. Their mouths find each other's, and they begin to make out while they fuck. Alabaster kisses Alex without any reserve, swabbing his tongue around inside Alex's mouth as if he really were any other girl. For maybe the first time ever, Alabaster is treating Alex like the other haremites.

But Alex, greedy for praise, wants to hear him say it. "Am I a good girl?" He begs. His voice is a high and pinched-off whine.

Alabaster is half out of breath from the exertion of wrecking Alex's pussy. Sweat pouring from his brow, he pants back: "no... you aren't..."

"I'm not?" Alex repeats, distraught.

"You're a nasty fucking slut," Alabaster snarls, as he continues to hump the satiny, oil-slick interior of Alex's ass. He kisses Alex deeply, tongue snaking to back of Alex's throat in tune with Scarlett's tongue wiggling around inside his own asshole. Alex almost gags on it. After a few moments of this, Alabaster sighs: "I love it... the best..."

Alex, a strand of spit joining his lips to Alabaster, smiles warmly. It's the exact praise he wanted. He wiggles his tailbone around to settle a bit deeper into the pillowy mattress-top -- gentle cushion from Alabaster's relentless pounding.

Letting out a low and whorish giggle, Alex puts his cheek to Alabaster's. Alabaster is lying almost totally over him now, in a missionary position, and fucking with abandon. Their faces are slick with commingled sweat, and the skin-to-skin contact is feverish. What Alex whispers, hotly, is a confession meant only for Alabaster's ears -- not even their Mommies get to hear it:  "I never wanted to be a girl... until the first time I saw your cock..."

Alabaster throws his head back and moans, a deep and guttural and masculine moan.

Alex cries out too. He's nearly squealing from the force of Alabaster's suddenly more rapid fucking. "You turned me into a girl, Ally... you made me such a slut!... Mess me up..."

Alabaster has rarely felt pleasure this intense, and he wants to draw it out. He wants to mess Alex's girly pussy up forever. So to stave off his cum, he draws down the rapid pace of his fuck and establishes a more steady, but still-forceful rhythm. He fucks Alex for more than just a few minutes, oh yes. It becomes a long, slow, hard fuck that lasts for close to an hour before he finally can't hold himself back a single second longer, and paints Alex's womb with semen. Alex's womb? Well, that's the thought racing through Alabaster's head anyway, that he's pumping a creamy load of sperm directly into Alex's uterus. Nevermind the anatomical impossibility of it. In that moment, Alabaster believes it. Charlotte loves to see it. Alex really is a good daughter... and a wonderful fuckdoll for his big bro.

With Scarlett still slurping on Alabaster's asshole, Alabaster's orgasm is lengthy and drawn out, a creamy, pulsing, squelchy, messy cum that takes almost half a minute to finish. It's a powerful prostate orgasm -- on both boys' parts. Scarlett's tongue tickles Alabaster's prostate, and Alabaster's dick pounds Alex's prostate. As Alabaster releases his pent-up semen into Alex, Alex himself drops a load as well. It squirts between their writhing bodies, painting both their tummies, and making them both all sticky. Alabaster doesn't care at all that Alex is cumming all over him. He's too busy getting off. And anyway Alex is a girl now -- his little sister -- and he'd never mind his little sister squirting girl-cum on him, would he?

Even after he's done orgasming, Alabaster lies entangled with Alex, prick still fucked up inside him, kissing him. Alex keeps all four limbs wrapped around him and kisses him back. Charlotte and Scarlett watch with approval as the boys gently rut and kiss.

"I love you," Alex repeats over and over between wet kisses, to which Alabaster replies in kind: "I love you." Alabaster, over the course of another couple dreamy hours, cums inside Alex a couple more times before exhaustion claims them. They both fall asleep like that -- and Charlotte doesn't mind the company in bed. Besides, it just means that in the morning, she can wake up to round two.

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