Wesley's Bizarre Adventure Interlewd: Tantric Ona Milky Homes

You are Wesley Keki, bullying victim and destroyee of anime pussy.

Olivia is, at last, close to finished with ringing up Talia's purchases. She takes each book, reads the cover page, and looks up the price in her database to add it to the running total. No pricetags -- stickers are an affront to the book's integrity, you guess. Unfortunately, Olivia is the kind who has to read aloud to transcribe:

"Yeoman's Account of King Edward VI's Court... Phoenician Influence on Greek Society... Personal notes of Albert Speer... Collected poems and writings of Charles J. Guiteau..."

Summer shuffles her weight from the flats of her feet to the sides of her feet, while she noshes on bubblegum and leans against the checkout counter. She, like you, is growing antsy. Talia stands there placidly waiting for Olivia to work her way through the entire pile.

"Royal Society Discourse on the Possibility of Extra-Terrestrial Life: The Moon, Mars, and Venus Duly Considered... Vampirism in Mesoamerican Legend... Grimms' Fairy Tales--" Olivia runs her fingertips along the finely textured leather binding, and glances up. "This is a beautiful edition, Talia, you won't be disappointed with it!"

"I know."

Olivia sets the book aside with the others. "...Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend... a-- first edition, first issue of Huckleberry Finn-- you do know what I'm charging for this, yes?" Talia nods. Olivia shakes her head in surprise, and continues: "a second edition copy of The Waste Land... and, last but not least, let's see... oh. A beautiful 19th century translation of Archimedes' Sand Reckoner -- this one has the Greek, Latin, and English all in one. An excellent selection."

Talia lets one strap of her purse roll off her thin shoulder, unzips the main compartment, and fishes through it for the slender, feminine wallet she has stowed there. Meanwhile Olivia finishes her bookkeeping, tallies up the total, and says: "That will be... ahem. Well, I hope you don't have sticker shock... that will be $12,422. And 23 cents."

Talia holds a credit card aloft across the checkout counter for Olivia to take. It dangles loosely from between her thumb and fingers.

"Right," Olivia chirps. She tries to run the card through her scanner, but it comes up declined. "Try again," Talia tells her, so she does. It comes up declined again. You give Summer an anxious look.

Talia is unfussed. She undoes the brass clasps of her wallet again and produces a different card: "Try this one." It comes up declined as well. So she finds another to try. And another. A few minutes later, there's a stack of declined credit and debit cards on the counter, like a scale replica of the stacks of books that Talia had wanted to buy. Talia is still wholly unconcerned -- she's taking this turn of events much better than Olivia, who looks like she's ready to sob as she watches this windfall going up in smoke with every rejected swipe.

"I guess I can't buy these books after all," Talia says when at last she runs out of cards, gathering them all up again.

"Maybe... we can take a few of them off the bill?" Olivia tries, sounding not a little desperate. "Or charge the purchase to a few different cards in smaller increments? Or -- I could offer you a payment plan -- I promise you that your poor credit and crippling debt won't be an issue! -- or--"

"I didn't need the books anyway," Talia says, and you can tell -- although it takes the discernment you've developed from dealing with her inexpressive voice for so long -- that she sounds somewhat crestfallen.

>[x] You're rich, right? Offer to buy the books for her. She'll be in your debt. (sub-choice: [x] buy them yourself / [ ] split the tab with Summer / [ ] suggest Summer buy them for her)

[ ] Let it go. Offering to buy the books for her might embarrass her. Or it might be what she planned all along by bringing you. Either way, you don't want any part of it.

"I'll buy them," you say.

"Uh... huh," Olivia says. "Well, then. That's great news! For me!" She claps excitedly for herself.

Summer grabs you by the wrist and spins you through a 180, to huddle and confer with you in whispered semi-private: "what the hell are you doing?"

"Buying Talia some books..."

Summer purrs in anger. "Obviously. Read between the lines, idiot. WHY are you doing this?"

"Because then she'll owe me."

"Seems like Talia isn't the kind of person who cares about what she owes. FYI."

"Then you'll just have to help me with debt collection," you tell her. Summer's face goes slack when she realizes how you intend to accept repayment. "Wes, you dirty little slut," she says, smiling broad and goofy.

As Summer relinquishes her grasp, the two of you find Talia standing on your other side -- she was listening in, undetected, the whole time. Summer giggles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. But you don't bother playing casual. Talia is unworried, so you're unworried right back. She tilts her head at you. You tilt your head back at her.

"I'll take a couple of the more expensive books off my tab," Talia tells you. "I wouldn't want to drown in... compound interest."

"You know, it's a real pain in the keister to delete items off a checkout order," Olivia tells her as she reapproaches the counter. "This software is so buggy."

But if Olivia thought that Talia would be swayed by such mild social pressure, she clearly doesn't know Talia at all. Talia waits in blank wordlessness for Olivia to undo the purchase of the five most expensive books on the stack. So long, Huck Finn, and so long also to the Illiad, and an anatomy textbook from the 18th century, and a couple of others. Olivia is like a little kid told the Disneyland trip is canceled as she sets the unwanted books aside.

"That will be... $9,696..." Olivia tells you.

"I'll pay you tomorrow."

"--I'm sorry?"

"My Dad's a billionaire. You know I'm good for it."

Olivia makes a murmuring little moan that might be best transcribed as "mmmnnnmnnnmmnn..." -- at the same moment as her tummy rumbles. But she's in no position to say no. It's either take payment tomorrow or take no payment at all. Wesley Keki, you're a master negotiator. A real alpha bitch.

"I look forward to making my first payment," Talia tells you, slinking up from behind, and taking a few books in hand from the massive haul. You shiver a little. Isn't the debtor supposed to be the one who's more anxious?

Talia makes only one token trip to her car with one token stack of books, before she pawns off gofer duty on the two of you. Meanwhile, Talia herself enters into a protracted discussion with Olivia about Québecois separatism. Olivia, through her travels, apparently knows a few separatists. Talia wants the skinny on whether the so-called AFR is more than just urban legend; whatever Olivia whispers in her ear makes Talia put a hand to her collarbone and arch her eyebrows.

Stuffing Talia's trunk makes the back end of the little car literally sag under the weight. As you and Summer are just finishing up, returning to the inside of BRB for the last time -- Talia takes a pair of huge, round-rimmed sunglasses out of her purse and dons them.

"Uh, Sn-- Talia, honey?" Summer says. "It's night. You know?"

Talia ignores her. Next she pulls a small white tube from her purse -- which turns out to be a telescoping cane. She extends it fully, and begins to tap it across the ground.

"What the f--" you begin. The chime above the entrance interrupts you. Amelia walks in.

"Wes," Amelia says, smiling warmly. "Summer. Such a pleasant surprise... and-- oof--"

Talia, swinging the cane back and forth across the ground, waps Amelia in the calf, and bumps into her from the front. Not hard, but enough to startle her.

"Who's there?" Talia says. She reaches up gropes Amelia's face. Behind Talia's squeezing hand, Amelia's facial muscles twitch with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"I didn't know that poor woman was blind..." Olivia says. "It does make her interest in books rather odd. She only bought two titles in braille..."

"This is Talia," Amelia says, air of politely veiled anger. "One of the girls' teachers at school. Summer's told me a lot about her. Funnily enough, she never mentioned anything about blindness."

Talia's hand across Amelia's face freezes. A split second later Amelia grabs it by the wrist.

"Like what you see?" Amelia asks, and directs Talia's hand down to her breasts. Then she leans in, which forces Talia to squeeze her there. She whispers in Talia's ear: "Don't believe everything you see." She guides Talia's hand even lower, and takes another step towards her, so the two women are chest-to-chest. With their closeness concealing it, you can't glimpse where Talia's hand has gone. But you have a pretty good guess, as Amelia holds it firmly between them and Talia lightly writhes. Talia jabs the telescoping cane against Amelia's butt to shrink it back to its purse-ready size and rips off her sunglasses. Amelia smiles cruelly back at her. Talia's face betrays muted surprise. When at last Amelia lets her go, Talia struggles with her purse-strings and zipper, more flustered than you've ever seen.

"Is it time for sex already?" Olivia says. She glances at a wall clock behind her. "Guess so." She puts on her braindead smile: "You girls are going to have to excuse us. Bosphorus Rare Books is closing for the next 45 to 90 minutes."

"I was mostly coming to check on whether you had gotten any business today," Amelia says, sitting with her weight partially supported by the checkout counter: one stockinged foot off the ground, free of the flat it was clad in, her raised thigh being squished by the hardwood. She strokes the side of Olivia's face, whose grin goes from ditzy to dreamy.

"I have a new favorite customer!" Olivia says. She points at Talia.

"I see," Amelia says, clearly disapproving of this clientele. "Be careful her checks don't bounce."

"They won't. Her purchases are being paid in full by Wesley here. I guess you're not the only girl she wants sex from!"

Summer snrks. You sputter.

"Oh, Wes," Amelia says chidingly. "Don't debase yourself. You have better options." She glances down again at Olivia: "How much did she spend?"

"Well, right now? Um. Zero, technically -- now hold on, Melly, she's going to pay me back tomorrow! So it's fine! Probably!"

"If you're going to take large purchases on credit, you should at least secure some collateral," Amelia tells her. "This is business 101."

She slips her foot back into her shoe, pushes herself off the counter, and strides over to you, smiling -- then squats, and reaches up under your skirt, and tugs your underwear down to your ankles. "Step out of those, please," she says, as cheery as always. Shocked, heart thudding, you do as she says. She stands again with the pilfered underwear and stows them in her purse. You feel a draft.

Summer is laughing. Talia is smirking. You feel like you're being slowly baked to death in a microwave. Your scalp itches.

"You'll get these back when you pay your bill," Amelia tells you, parting your bangs from your blushing face. "Almost as a good as you left them, too."

"That's very poor collateral for a purchase of almost $10,000," Olivia says, leaning to the side to peer around Amelia. "Are you sure about this?"

Amelia rolls her eyes.

[ ] Spend some time with Amelia and Olivia at the store.

>[x] Help Talia drop her load off at her apartment -- and collect the first debt repayment.

>[x] You have a dinner date, don't you? Take Summer home to wine and dine the moms. (sub-choice: [x] Invite Amelia too. / [ ] Three's a crowd. You don't want to leave a bad impression on your mommies, anyway.)

"Thanks for helping me out today," Talia says as she pulls into her apartment's parking lot. "Ulterior motives notwithstanding. It was extremely generous."

"What's up with all those declined credit cards?" You ask her. You're a little worried, honestly.

Talia throws the gearshift into park and gives you a deflated look. "Life is expensive, sometimes, on a teacher's salary."

"Yeah, and it's expensive sometimes when you drop 12k on books like it's no big," Summer says from the backseat. She laces her hands behind her head and stretches -- which, as always, bares her armpits, and makes the car stink like a mix of lotion, deodorant, and a hint of feminine sweat.

"I'll manage my finances," Talia says. She cracks her neck -- one side and then the other. "You can manage the books." With that, she steps from her car.

Summer scrambles to reach the window and roll it down before Talia walks away completely. "Hey -- where are you going!"

"Upstairs. I live in #322." (Somehow, that number feels wrong. Why?) She presses the button on her key fob that unlatches the trunk. "You're more than welcome to come along."


Talia's apartment is a fire hazard. Not only is it choked with books, but also mounds of clothes -- some clean, some not -- and school supplies, and ungraded papers, and old electronics, and amps, and instruments, and too much other random shit to catalogue. There's a strange order to the disorder, however: nothing is mixed, but navigation is still nearly impossible. The lighting in here is dim but strangely colored, lavender and pink, casting the walls in a pastel pall. Figurines on her shelves and glitzy posters arrayed all about are proof that she's an anime fan. You could have guessed. You remember seeing her listed as the faculty adviser for PAP's anime club. A thankless job if you've ever heard of one.

"Where do you want this shit?" Summer huffs, knees knocking and legs threatening to give out as she steps past the threshold -- she shouldn't have tried to take so many books in one go. Your stack of five is just fine for you.

"Just set it down," Talia says, a directive Summer is only too happy to follow. Talia kicks back on her sofa. "I'll organize them."

"Will you?" Summer says.

Talia stares at her.

"Wow... Renren-sama," you say, spying a poster on the wall nearest you as you set the books you carried in on top of Summer's. "What do you think of the new season so far?"

"A little too shonen for me. Hard to get used to the new look. Renren herself is still the living worst."

"What? Don't tell me you like Tsukime."

"Of course not. I watch Renren-sama for Tomo." Talia tilts her head just slightly to one side, directing your view towards the far corner, where above an ironing board there hangs a perfect Tomo cosplay outfit: slutty maid uniform, purple wig, striped socks and platform shoes and all.

You furrow your brow. "But Tomo's a--"

"Uh, excuse me?" Summer cuts in. "Hate to interrupt Weebfest but are you seriously not going to help us lug these books upstairs for you? Are you that much of a bitch, Snug-- uh..." Summer shakes her head, puts her hands on her hips, and stomps. "Well?"

Talia lets her head fall back against the headrest of her couch and stares at the ceiling. "I'm paying you two with my body. That more than entitles me to your manual labor, doesn't it?"

Even Summer can be taken aback by a certain level of forwardness -- so to speak.

Looks like you have to be the one taking the lead again. You crawl onto the couch with Talia, straddling her lap. You take her face in both hands and force her to look at you. "That's right. You sold your body to me. I'll take my payment now..."

Behind you, you hear Summer draw a shuddering inhalation.

"Books first," Talia says.

Your sultry expression crumples. "What."

"Books first. Then you can fuck me."

Drearily, you and Summer return to hauling Talia's new old books up the two flights of stairs leading to her apartment. It leaves both of you sweaty and exhausted. Talia snacks on celery sticks and reviews essays the whole time, hardly paying you and your girlfriend any mind at all.

"You're gonna need a bigger place pretty soon if you keep shopping at BRB," Summer says after making the last circuit.

Talia looks up at her. "Are you offering?"

"Offering what?" Summer asks.

"To let me live with you."

"Oh, go fuck yourself."

Talia sets the essays aside and kicks her heels up on the low coffee table in front of her couch. She's barefoot -- she wiggles her toes. "Wouldn't you rather do that for me?" She says.

Summer glances back at you. Grinning, you shut Talia's front door. Talia got you both perspiring, so now it's time to return the favor.

She watches with her feet still propped up on the table as you and Summer get undressed. Her eyes are quick and unhesitating as she drinks in your nakedness. She stares without compunction at Summer's huge, tan, heaving breasts, and your pale, almost concave chest. She pauses to appreciate the way Summer's cunt looks -- Summer grew out her pubic hair a little, and shaved it into a landing strip. Unlike her bleach-blonde hair, her bush is au naturale -- a deep russet that borders on black. Talia turns her attention, then, to your cunt. It's bare and squishy, with the labia folded-in on themselves just like Summer's. You're both so wet you drip, as you approach your teacher together. A couple of prowling bitches out to relieve some stress.

Summer gets there first. She pinches Talia's cheeks in one palm, and sneers down at her. Talia says, "why don't we fuck in my bedroom? It'll be more comfortable."

That's no problem with either of you, and Talia leads the way, little ass bobbing, into her bedroom, where the light is as gaudy and pastel as out in the living room, but the surroundings are far less cluttered. It's clean enough in here to show off to the public -- which you guess Talia probably does, judging the by the stream setup at the PC desk in the corner. There's music playing from her stereo system already, the thumping ethereal thrum of some chillwave mix. Who seduced who?

Talia begins towards her bed, tugging her overcoat off and pulling the straps of her top off her shoulders. The thin silk garment slides off her skin, bunching up around her waist, baring her chest -- flat and braless. But Talia doesn't make it to her mattress, because Summer grabs her, and forces her against the wall, and starts to kiss her deeply.

"You're... very... damp," Talia murmurs. "You'll stain my clothes."

"So what?" Summer says, trailing kisses up and down her face. Watching from behind the pair, you can't resist an urge to tickle your horny pussy. Summer's meaty, dark-toned body is such a contrast to Talia's much frailer-looking frame. Physically speaking, Talia couldn't possibly be more mismatched with Summer unless she was... well, unless she was you. Summer writhes and moans directly into Talia's mouth. She holds Talia loosely around the throat to make sure she stays pressed to the wall.

Summer gropes her teacher. She squeezes Talia's nipples, eliciting a cute but only half-audible gasp, and runs a palm sensuously up and down Talia's outer thigh. Then, growing bolder still, Summer's fingers creep around, and up, to play with Talia in more intimate places. But all at once, Summer pulls her hand away and steps back from Talia, eyes going wild. Talia stays standing flat against the wall as if still pinned to it.

"What... are you?" Summer breathes.

"I'm a girl," Talia says. She tilts her head just slightly forward. "Like you."

"Not like me! I mean -- I mean, okay, yeah, I'm all for love and acceptance and stuff, but you have to tell someone that shit first! Not cool!"

Summer is walking around the room, agitated and flushed. Talia remains her usual unflapped self. "Does this mean you no longer want to have sex with me?"

Summer pauses and points at Talia. "I didn't say that! Just give me two seconds to, like, recalibrate myself! Fuck!" She resumes pacing around.

"One," Talia says. "...Two."

"Fuck," Summer shouts. "I need to take a second." She steps out.

"One," Talia says as the door drifts shut. Silence engulfs the room. After a palpable beat, Talia swivels her head and regards you.

"I guess you have a dick, huh," you say.

"Sure," Talia says.

"...Can I see it?" You ask, more curious than anything.

Talia gets her hands under her skirt and hooks her thumbs in her panties.

You feel a little woozy with anticipation, so you sit on the foot of Talia's bed to watch. Talia may lack outward charisma, but she knows when she's performing, and can put on a show in her own way. She shimmies towards you and takes her time pulling down her underwear. She's flexible, that's for certain. She bends all the way in half at her hips, face about low enough to suck the dick she's hiding, and fingertips low enough to touch her toes. You hear the shuffling of skin on carpet as she gingerly steps out of her panties. She stands tall again, holding the underwear between spread palms so that you can see the stained crotch. That wet spot isn't like any wet spot you've seen made by a pussy: it's smaller and higher than that. And, eyes drifting down, you can confirm: Talia has a penis. It's hard, smooth, and curved, poking past the hem of her skirt. It oozes precum and twitches.

Not as impressive as Amelia's, granted. But Talia is no slouch. Her cock is big enough to make you think twice. Its girth isn't too intimidating, but its length would get her right up into your guts if she insisted on going balls deep.

"Okay, okay, I--" Summer says as she barges back in. She sees Talia standing in front of you, half-nude, and with her erect cock jutting out right in front of your face. She stops in her tracks.

"Okay what?" Talia says.

Summer swings around and sits beside you on the bed. She grips your hand like you're about to depart to fight in the war. Her eyes won't leave Talia's drippy dick.

"O-okay," is all Summer can say.

Talia drops her undies. She holds her dick down at the base and gives it a couple languid tugs. This has the effect of milking even more precum from her slit. The low light glints off of it as is dangles in a long thread all the way to the floor. It creates a steady, viscous, laminar stream. Standing on tiptoes, she rubs her cockhead against your cheeks -- yours and Summer's -- smearing you both with the slimy fluid. It smells deep and musky. It makes your nostrils flare and your pupils dilate. Her thumb rubs back and forth across the top of her dick to keep the prefuck flowing.

Summer's eyes cross as she stares down at Talia's member with you. "I've... never been with someone who-- has a dick--"

"First time for everything," Talia says.

"How about you, babe?" Summer asks.

You answer by not answering: you suddenly lean forward and get your face beneath Talia's cock, the way you did with Amelia. It's a move anyone with a cock can appreciate -- placing you in a position of worship and submission. Your mouth drifts open and you allow Talia's cock to leak directly into the back of your throat. That long, thin strand of her cock juice is streaming down your esophagus and into your stomach. It may be only psychosomatic, but you think you can feel the whole thing, that uninterrupted fishing line of Talia's arousal, against the entire length of your esophagus. Summer squeezes your hand. Talia squeezes her dick.

One thing you have to give Talia, as compared to Amelia: Talia leaks more when she's horny.

"Wes... you're drinking it... right out of Talia's cock..." Summer stammers.

You nod slightly, but don't say anything -- don't want to spill a drop. You let the tip of your tongue drift forward and lick Talia's frenulum. With that, she lets go of herself and just stands there while you do the work of milking her. Your eager tongue wags up and down her shaft as far as it can reach, tickling her, and drawing even more of that syrupy, musky, and delicious slime from her cock-tip.

You can't resist wrapping a fist loosely around Talia's pretty dick. Unlike Amelia's, which is angry, red, and veiny -- Talia's dick is cute, unblemished, soft. Almost, well, feminine. Almost. It's still a cock, and it still nearly burns to the touch. You slowly jerk her off and let her cock drool into your tummy. Your eyes, burning with lust, never break with Talia's blank gaze. You play with your cunt.

"You've sucked cock before," Summer says. Even a novice like her can tell. She doesn't sound half as hurt as she is plain surprised. She seems to be building a mental image of you as this wanton slut... well, maybe it's true. Maybe you are a slut, one who'll fuck and suck anything that moves.

"If you're not used to dick -- I do have a pussy," Talia tells her. You're about ready to believe that Talia is a marvel as rare as Amelia is, but no. Talia means her asshole. She bends at the waist and hikes the back of her skirt up, showing off her tiny butt. She spreads her cheeks with both hands. "It's very sensitive, too... do you want to play with it?"

Summer glances uncertainly at you, as if she needs your permission. You wink. Why not? You shouldn't be the only one who gets to play with Talia's genitals. Summer wanted to take part in your debauchery with you, after all. That was her rule.

Having been granted permission to join in, Summer gets on her knees behind Talia and inspects what she's been presented with. She can see Talia's smooth balls and even smoother ass -- and, from between Talia's legs, Talia's cock still dripping its Cowper's fluid into your hungry mouth. Talia lets her ass cheeks go, and Summer's hands replace hers to keep her butt spread open. As Summer stares bug-eyed at Talia's hole and you jerk Talia off, Talia combs her fingers through her hair and basks in the pleasure. Soon enough she ditches her already partially-removed shirt, leaving her upper half totally naked.

You hear a wet plop, and spy Summer removing a couple spit-coated fingers from her mouth. These she cockscrews at the entrance to Talia's ass.

"Unn..." Talia moans. Her knees bow and her face goes momentarily slack before she catches herself. She looks down at Summer over her shoulder. "There you go. Play with my pussy, plum."

Reminding Summer of that nickname was a risky move. It has the effect Talia probably expected. Summer jabs two of her fingers straight into Talia's back hole -- all the way to the third knuckle. The "unnnnn~" Talia makes at that is deeper and more drawn-out than the first, and her eyes roll up. She collapses against you, pushing you onto your back. Her hard cock is pinned between your bodies now, pressing hotly against your tummy, as Talia lies atop you.

"So this is how we get a reaction out of you, huh?" Summer says, rising on her knees a little and flipping her hair. She intends to take full advantage of Talia's weak spot. She works her fingers in and out, and Talia groans like a fucking bitch.

You want to overwhelm her even more. She's cute like this. You press your lips to Talia's and share a kiss with her. Of course your tongue and the inside of your mouth are both totally coated in a film of Talia's own juices, so this lewd kiss has the side effect of making Talia taste the very mess she made. She lets out a couple hard exhalations through her nostrils, tensing, and trembling all over, while you orally ravage her. Your navel swims in a pool of Talia's copious precum.

"Not such a robot now, are you?" Summer says, giggling, as she finger-fucks Talia's pussy.

...Pussy? You suppose that word suits a hole so lewd. Or maybe you should call it something even more vulgar yet -- like a cunt. Talia's hungry little cunt. You stroke her face and almost cum to that thought while you make out.

"Lower drawer... strap-on..." Talia groans, sounding drugged and sluggish.

Summer pulls out of Talia's anus and presents her fingers to her. Talia understands implicitly: she sucks her ass off Summer. It makes her look stupid and slutty... it's a really nice image for her. When Summer is happy, she fishes through Talia's bedside table for the toy, and finding it, she holds it up with a low laugh. "Two sided... ooh-- it even vibrates!"

Talia kisses you again while Summer puts on the toy. Now you taste Talia's ass as well as her cock. It's a heady mixture, one that makes you feel dizzy and dirty. Talia regains her composure as easily as she lost it, and whispers in your ear: "will you let me fuck you?" You nod. "In the ass?" She adds. This time you don't nod so quickly.

Talia runs a hand underneath you and pokes at your tender asshole. You've had things inside it before, but never a real dick. Maybe Talia realizes that Amelia got your cherry, and wants the consolation prize. Or maybe Talia just wants a tighter hole to nut in. Either way, she seems intent on having it. You're not fully certain she would stop if you told her no... and honestly, you're not sure you'd want her to.

The strap-on's straps bite temptingly into Summer's flesh, leaving deep indentations where they criss-cross over her thighs and around her fat ass. She holds her hands up by her face, elbows cocked, staring down her torso. She clearly enjoys the sight of herself with a dick to match Talia's. The skin tone is off, but this thing has something a real dick doesn't. It buzzes and hums and vibrates steadily. Summer's face is taut with pleasure so intense it makes her grin -- this thing is steadily buzzing away inside her pussy, too, after all.

Talia takes a bottle of lubricant from the top of the table and clacks the lid open. She dispenses a liberal amount over her twitchy dick, and then, as Summer climbs onto the mattress on her knees, she dumps even more over the thrumming toy.

"Don't go easy on me," Talia tells her.

"I'm gonna rape you until you're seeing stars," Summer says.

They kiss.

"Uh-- you can go easy on me, though--" you start, but choke on your words as Talia lines herself up with your butt and thrusts herself home. Balls deep in one swift motion. That thing you noticed earlier, how Talia would be long enough to bury herself in your guts if she insisted on it? Looks like she's insisting on it.

"Oh-- you're hot--" Talia says, breathy. She likes the way your ass feels on her cock. Which means she definitely won't go easy fucking it...

Summer is your avenger. She grabs Talia by the shoulders, up by her neck, and fucks the ersatz dick to the base up Talia's back hole with even more force than Talia used on you. "Take it," Summer grunts cruelly.

It becomes a three-person pileup, then. Talia thrusting on top of you, and Summer thrusting on top of Talia. The weight of it is oppressive, and hot -- you're sweating like a pig, and your pussy is dripping all over the place while your teacher rapes you. Talia turns into a moaning, salivating, dull-eyed idiot with a cock up her. She can't even hold focus enough to kiss. Instead she rests her slackened jaw on your shoulder while she wags her hips and takes the full length of the toy inside her. From the very start, and for the whole time she fucks you, she insistently bottoms out with every stroke. It fucking hurts. It hurts like she's ripping you open, and it burns, too. And you can feel your deepest parts getting slimy with her neverending fuck juices. Resting with her butt on her calves grants Talia the favorable geometry and mechanical advantage she needs to really hammer your asshole in a way that maximizes her own selfish pleasure by maximizing the depth to which she can fuck you. She's getting off inside you like you're just an onahole. You're not even sure if she's aware of how rapaciously she's treating you, either -- her expression is blank in a different way than usual, distant, glassy, melty, and barely cognizant, barely even human. She's become a being of pure sexual lust. And although Summer tries to punish Talia's ass with the vibing toy dick, that forceful fucking only heightens Talia's sexual bliss.

Summer, hair whipping and droplets of fragrant sweat flying off of her dark skin in millions of directions, pants hard with exertion. She grabs Talia's wrists. Holding Talia's arms behind her back like a ragdoll, Summer bottoms out in Talia's asshole as hard as Talia bottoms out in you. "Every time I fuck her..." Summer moans, "it presses against my clitty... I'm gonna cum like this, babe..."

She's warning you, not Talia. She doesn't care whether Talia cums, too. But she wants to make sure you get your joy. You nod, and stare distantly at Summer's jiggly body. She's jiggling all over as she fucks Talia -- her breasts, her tummy, her thighs and ass. One ripple has hardly begun before another one is cresting, like choppy waters in a storm. It hypnotizes you. And as viciously as Summer fucks, as awkward and powerless a position as Summer holds Talia in to do her -- Talia still finds the strength and stamina to shake her hips. She never stops shaking her hips -- never stops thrusting her horny cock -- straight into your depths, where your clamping walls give her the relief that her hot, leaky, aching girldick so desperately needs. She's nothing more than a rutting dog right now, and she makes the low grunting sounds of one, too.

You force a hand down your front, underneath Talia's sweaty, heaving chest, and strum your clit while you watch Summer fucking. It's so beautiful: Summer, holding onto Talia's wrists with the kind of forcefulness she's never dared to use on you, fucking herself into Talia's body with the kind of careless sadism that she hasn't ever, even in roleplay, perpetrated on you. This is Summer actually dominating someone else. And you like it. You LOVE it. Talia loves it, too. She hasn't said anything but "unnnn, unnnn" for the last ten minutes. She's drooled as much spit on your shoulder and the side of your face as her cock has drooled slimy cock juice inside your butt.

At last, the orgasm hits. Talia is the first to pop. Her cock swells up, spreading you open so wide that you grit your teeth and hiss at the sudden surge of pain. Her cock seems to get even hotter too, as it pulses and throbs, and suddenly you feel a wet explosion. It happens deep, deep inside. And your butt is even sensitive enough to feel the cum racing up Talia's pipework before thickly belching from the head. In that way, you can feel her seeding you with her entire length. This obscene sensation makes you climax, too. Your legs pinch together around Talia's thighs as that wonderful wet and nasty wave crashes through your body. Summer is the most vocal of you all: she practically shrieks, biting her lower lip, and then sighs "fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk~" as she mashes the strap-on against her joy button and lets her cum gush in pulses from around the toy's harness. She cums all over Talia's ass, drilling her deep and spattering her backside with her aromatic cunt juice. She looks like a depraved goddess with her eyes rolling around and her huge jiggly ass pumping Talia's.

When Summer pulls out of Talia, and Talia pulls out of you, your gaped-open ass pours cum out onto the bedspread. The stuff is so thick it comes out almost in layers, milky and sticky, and leaves you lying breathless in a puddle. Talia, back to her senses again (although dripping with sweat and drool that leaves her blank features looking blurred and gauzy), tests the cum with two of her fingers. "I came a lot more than normal," she says. She looks you in the eye. "You have a really fuckable ass, Wes. I like cumming in you."

"Lemme try," Summer says, pushing Talia aside. Using Talia's cum for lube, Summer picks up right where she left off. Seems Summer wants to keep pressing that rubber dick against her hole. Pounding your ass is a great way to do it. Summer is still more gentle than Talia, though -- and even embraces you, kissing you messily, while you screw. You thrust your ass back against Summer's hips to meet her fake cock with every pump. It creates a wet, vacuous slapping noise that fills the room.

Talia is still hard, and she views your lesbian kiss as a great place to rub her cock. From up close, you can see that Talia's cock has a severe upwards curve to it, leaving a triangular dimple in the skin of her crotch directly above the cock's root. She jerks herself off and rubs herself against your soft skin. You and Summer alternate kissing each other and kissing Talia's stinky, cum-smeared dick. Occasionally she forces it between your lips, yours on bottom and Summer's on top. Other times, you wrap your lips around the cockhead to suck her like a lollipop while Summer teases the shaft and balls. But mostly Talia contents herself by rubbing her cock leak all over your cheeks -- every once in a while accentuating it with a hard, wet slap that causes the droplets to leap from your skin.

You lock your ankles behind Summer's thick body and your arms around her strong soft back, and let Summer have your pre-used asshole. It feels dirty but loving at the same time, letting Summer get your sloppy seconds while the two of you service the cock that just painted your inner walls white. You're kind of a messy bitch, aren't you?

You have your revenge too, though. When Summer gets off a second time, you and she team up to test the limits of Talia's cunt. You get her against her headboard, on her knees. Summer uses some red rope she finds in Talia's top drawer to secure Talia's wrists together. On all fours beneath Talia, you and Summer toy with her ass for a good hour. She makes those distant, guttural noises as you get four, five, six fingers inside her. It's a hole that seems to have an endless, taut, rubbery elasticity. She oozes cock-leak all over your heads. You and Summer take turns tasting her -- eating Talia out, seeing how deep you can get your tongues. Then you suck her from both ends. You swallow Talia's dick while Summer rims her, and that oral service gets Talia back to wagging her hips with wild abandon like before. It gags and chokes you. Taking pity, Summer switches with you. You delight as she sucks her first cock, taking it straight to her sputtering gullet, and as you suckle on Talia's tasty, pale pink butt, rooting your tongue around inside it until you're sure you're licking her prostate, Talia has her second cum of the night in Summer's gulping, clamping throat. Summer's eyes bulge with her inaugural taste of sperm -- but then, as well as she can with a spurting, thrusting cock shoved down her throat, she smiles, and her eyes droop, and she swallows it all without complaint.

In the afterglow, you share a three-way kiss, swapping the flavor of Talia's cock and asshole amongst yourselves. You suck on each other's tits, nursing and enjoying the way your sensitive nipples get hard, and lazily finger one another's holes -- pussies and assholes alike. You play with Talia's still half-hard dick. It's cozy and obscene. She leaks like a sieve on your legs and tummy, yours and Summer's both. You and Talia share an interest in Summer's armpits, and enjoy burying your faces in either one, huffing her unique and nearly overpowering odor, making out with the crevice in them like it's a mouth. Summer whines so cutely when you do it.

You and Summer idly play your fingers through the puddle of her spunk still pooled on the bed. Getting the same perverse idea at the same time, you smear her flat chest with it. Talia looks really cute plastered with her own semen. She must think so, too. She's smiling; rare sight.


You and Sumer take a shower with Talia afterwards, during which you fool around a bit more. By the time you're ready to go home, it's -- oh shit -- around 10:30 PM, and you know your moms are going to be absolutely pissed.

"I don't suppose we could bum a ride home," you say as Talia, hair still damp and stringy from the shower, kicks back on her couch in a really comfy looking two-piece pajama set, nightshirt and trousers, that lays baggily over her frame.

"No, I don't suppose you could," Talia says. She settles in, curling her legs and socked feet underneath her. She pauses as she notices something in the front pocket of her pajama top. Reaching for it, she produces a key. She holds it up in front of her face, considering it, confused as anyone. Then shrugging, she puts it back in her pocket, takes the stack of essays on her table, and begins again to grade them.

"That's fine," Summer tells her. "We'll just have to rape ya again the next time we see ya."

"I look forward to it," she says, not taking her eyes from the paper that her eyes are quickly and mechanically scanning.

"Maybe sometime soon you can show us those secluded places on campus you mentioned," you add.

"Mm hmm." She makes a mark in red ink on the paper, and moves to the next in the pile.

Not much of one for pillow talk, Talia. You and Summer glance at each other and shrug. You leave her apartment together.

Out front, you tell Summer that it won't be too far to walk back to your place. But she has a different idea: "why walk when we can ride?" She says. "BRB is only a few blocks away, too. And Mel should be done with that weirdo she's dating, so maybe she could swing by and take us." Summer blinks, confused, then adds for clarity: "Mel, that is. Not the weirdo."

"Well..." you murmur. "It's just that I'd feel kind of weird asking her to take us to dinner but not inviting her in."

Summer grins. "Invite her in, then, Wes. Fuck. Do I need to teach you how to treat all your girlfriends?" She gets on her phone, and Amelia answers after just a moment. Summer immediately lays the sweetness on thick: "Mel, honey. Could you swing by Talia's place and pick us up? ... Yeah, she was a real butthole about it. Wouldn't take us home. ... Uh huh. That's what I said! Uh huh. Yeah, totally. ... Okay, yeah, sure. There'll be a free dinner in it for yoooou~ ... Hee hee. See ya."

"Did you just invite someone into my house without my permission?" You grouse.

Summer tugs on her lower eyelid and sticks her tongue out at you.

When you climb into Amelia's car, another minor humiliation: it's Summer who calls shotgun, racing to the passenger side door and playfully flipping you off when you make a disgruntled noise at her.

Amelia is the kind who keeps her hands at 10 and 2 even when her car's in park. Her first concern is strictly about safety: "buckle up, you two." Then it's about sexual impropriety: "you stink. You really did have sex with Talia, then, didn't you."

"What are you, a bloodhound?" Summer says. "Yeesh."

Amelia, clucking in disapproval, pulls out of the parking lot. She doesn't realize how much she relies on her drive assist. She would reverse straight into the bumper of the car behind her if the assist didn't forcibly stop her car in time. Then when she shifts into drive, she floors it. The only reason she doesn't hit 70 MPH before making it to the end of the parking lot is because the assist throttles her accelerator. She has the pedal to the metal, literally, but the car chugs and jerks as, instead of speeding, it slows, from over 35 to 15 in the space of about 3 seconds. The motor makes a high-pitched whine as it fights against Amelia's driving.

You and Summer jostle all about, bracing yourselves on the sidewall and feeling sudden onset carsickness, but Amelia doesn't even notice. This is just normal to her. It's the same way out on the road: Amelia dodges multiple fender-benders and sideswipes only because her car intervenes on her behalf. She avoids blasting through red lights and stop signs only because her car stops itself at these junctures. You can't believe this woman fails to notice these glaring issues with her own driving, but she doesn't comment on them at all, and carries on talking to you like she isn't actively trying to kill you all in a fiery wreck.

"So it's like I thought," Amelia says, trying and failing to merge into a lane currently occupied by a Mercedes-Benz. The driver of the other car blares his horn. Amelia either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "Talia is trans, right?"

"Stunning deduction," you say, fighting back the urge to vomit all over Amelia's backseat. "What business of it is y-- ugh--" you grunt in surprise as Amelia clocks a hairpin turn and nearly rams you all into oncoming traffic.

"Perhaps if you don't want me to know about Talia, you two shouldn't get into my car smelling like her penis."

"Are you jealous?" Summer says.

"...Only a little," Amelia admits.

Summer giggles -- and then hiccups in fright as the car suddenly accelerates to prevent Amelia from braking in the middle of the road for no fucking reason. Composing herself, Summer says: "you shouldn't be jealous of Wes, at least. She got with you too, didn't she?"

Amelia blushes. "Well... yes..." She looks at Summer. "I would have asked you first, but it just sort of... happened. You don't mind, right?"

"Mind? Pff. The only thing I mind is that Wes still hasn't shown me the video."

Amelia takes her hands fully off the steering wheel -- which, on balance, is probably a good thing -- and says, with a suddenly more sensuous voice, "Summer... you're quite the naughty girl, you know that? I never even suspected. Maybe Wes is a bad influence."

"Oh, she definitely is," Summer agrees.

"I'm right here," you say.

"I'll have to punish her for corrupting you," Amelia tells Summer with a low "hmm" of laughter.

"Guys!" You say. "You can't blame this shit on me--"

"I'll help," Summer says. She pounds a fist in her palm. "I need to revenge my purity!"

"Avenge," you correct, but neither of them are listening.

"In any case -- if you want the video, I have it. Here..." Amelia fishes her phone from her purse and texts Summer the goods.

As Summer waits for the brief few moments it takes the video to finish sending, she says, "don't feel threatened by Talia. Wes and me like to fool around, sure. But I'm pretty sure we still love vagi--" Summer trails off as the video begins to play. You can't see the screen, but you do hear Amber's voice unmistakably from the phone speakers: "You seeing this shit, Summer? Mel's gonna knock your girlfriend up."

Summer watches in mute shock for the rest of the trip. But it's clear she approves. Her breathing gets heavy and she rubs her tanned thighs sensually together. When Amelia, grinning like a naughty cat, occasionally pets Summer's leg while she watches, Summer doesn't tell her to back off.

K-Mom greets you at the front door. She's wearing a scowl.

"Took longer at the bookstore than we expected..." you explain -- a little white lie.

"Took pretty long at Talia Berenstoin's apartment, too," K-Mom says. You gulp. "The tracker put you there for about 2 hours."

"Tracker?" You sputter.

K-Mom holds up her cell phone. "A little trick your aunt showed me. Don't think we haven't been keeping a close eye on you since the incident."

Goddamn you, Aunt Cerise, you think. A phone tracking app definitely has her name written all over it.

K-Mom peers over your shoulder. "Who's this slut?"

"Kay, this is Mel," Summer says. "She's my manager at Shake 'em Up. You don't mind if she comes inside, right?"

K-Mom straightens her glasses, folds her arms, and blows a bang from her face. "I guess I'm feeding the whole neighborhood now, huh."

"It's no problem, Mrs. Keki," Amelia tells her. "I only gave the girls a ride when they asked. I don't expect you to feed me too. I should be going anyway--"

"Kay, where are your manners?" N-Mom says, sidling up. "This woman is one of Wes's friends. And it's not like we don't have the food to spare. You always make way too much..." She holds out a forearm to bump: "It's a pleasure, Amelia. You can step in for a few minutes and have a plate if you like. We're having tacos!"

"The pleasure is all mine," Amelia says, grinning, and returning the arm bump. "I love tacos."

K-Mom rolls her eyes.

K-Mom's tacos are her specialty, as cliche as that sounds. She makes it all herself, nothing from a kit: deep fries the tortillas, grills up the meat -- pulled pork and brisket -- mixes in a self-selected blend of fresh spices from the farmer's market (she refuses to reveal the secret ingredients, even to Dad, who pesters her endlessly), makes the pico herself too, and grinds up the guacamole right there at the table with a mortar and pestle the way a restaurant would. She begrudgingly allows you and N-Mom to top the tacos with grated cheese and lettuce, but sour cream is verboten.

"We're so happy you could make it tonight," K-Mom tells Summer, grunting and really putting her shoulder into the guac grinding. "Noelle and I were thrilled when Wes finally came out of the closet."

N-Mom makes a face. "Well... sexuality is a complex thing. Ahem. Anyway. We really are glad that you and Wes get along so well. You're very cute, Summer -- uh, together. You two are cute together."

"Uh huh!" Summer chirps, serving herself a plate without asking. "You're cute, too, Noelley." N-Mom blinks rapidly as meanwhile Summer pulls some meat off the still-steaming skillet using tongs and layers it in a monstrous heap into a taco shell. The bottom cracks. She doesn't care.

As K-Mom finishes with the guacamole and sets the stone bowl at the center of the table, Amelia golf claps. "This is just like being at a real taqueria."

"A real taqueria wouldn't give it away for free," K-Mom says. She glances at Summer, who's busy putting a second and a third taco together, bending halfway over the table to reach the things she wants. "Sure, help yourself..."

The rest of you dig in too. K-Mom perches her chin on the backs of her palms and tells Summer: "So. I take it you're doing quite well in athletics."

"Yep!" Summer says, and pumps her fist. "Go Shoebills!"

"Go Shoebills," K-Mom replies with a mutedly enthusiastic fist pump of her own.

"Shoebills!" N-Mom shouts, a little too loudly, punching the air like she's shadowboxing. Summer and K-Mom both give her a strange look. She cringes and glances away.

"You'll have to pardon my wife," K-Mom says. "But we do like having you here. You're welcome anytime."

"Thanks so much, Mrs. Keki!" Summer says. She scans her eyes across the table. "Hey, do you have any sour cream?"

"Get out of my house," K-Mom says.


K-Mom stares at her severely.

"Jesus, Kay," N-Mom says. "Yes, we have sour cream. In the fridge. Feel free to go get it."

"You're really going to let her disrespect this meal like-- hey--" K-Mom reaches out as if to grab her as Summer circles the dining table on the way to kitchen, but the girl far too quick. "Goddamn it." Leaning back so far in her chair that the front legs leave the ground, she calls into the kitchen: "You're going to ruin the food like that! Hey, just so you know, I'm not afraid to beat you!"

Amelia titters. N-Mom arches her eyebrows. "Oh, get your head out of the gutter," K-Mom tells her wife.

"What a cute dog," Amelia says. She scruffs Guy behind the ears, bending in her seat to reach her.

"Yappy piece of shit," K-Mom mutters.

Amelia gives her an uncertain look.

"She's just tsundere," you explain.

Amelia gives you an even more uncertain look.

"Wes, what have I told you about doing that?" N-Mom says. "Does she look like she knows the first thing about anime? Don't make me get Aunt Cerise over here again for a circle of shame." (A jolt of fear phases through your very soul.)

"I like anime," Amelia insists. "Is Tsundere a character or something?"

N-Mom narrows her eyes and sighs at her. Some things are worse than letting your power level slip. "Tsundere is -- never mind... I don't suppose you're keeping up with the current season, are you?"

Amelia shakes her head no. "You and Wes will have to pass me some recommendations!"

"Whatever you do, don't watch Renren-sama," N-Mom tells her, heading you off at the pass. "It's garbage. But what shows do you like?"

"Oh, it's been years, but..." Amelia puts a finger to her chin. "I liked Madoka, Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, JoJo," (N-Mom's face lights up with every successive title), "Um, Part-Time Orc Hunter, Toyo in America, Umi Da Tengoku..." (N-Mom's frown grows deeper with every successive title), "Oh! And Haurhi."

"You should catch up on Haruhi," you tell her. "Third season's starting next summer."

"Hm?" Summer says, glancing at you from over a massive bite of taco.

"Not you," you tell her. She goes back to focusing on the food.

"Did you ever see Yuru Camp?" N-Mom asks.

"No. Is it any good?"

"Oh, it's great. But I'm surprised you haven't seen it already."


N-Mom thinks about that for a few moments. "I don't know," she finally admits.

Amelia tears up a piece of brisket and slyly lets her hands drift down to the floor. Guy eats from Amelia's palm and then licks it clean. Amelia, forefinger to her lips, winks at Guy as if to say -- it'll be our little secret. Guy definitely knew who to cozy up to tonight. By K-Mom's decree, none of you feed Guy table scraps at dinner. It makes her gassy.

As the small talk winds its way through the difficulties of work in a diner, the Shoebills' upcoming games against rival schools, what it's like being a "super FBI agent" (as Summer puts it), and whether K-Mom will divulge her secret recipe to the girl who's dating her daughter (no, she won't) -- Amelia surreptitiously slips a foot out of her shoe and extends her leg until she's resting her sole on the seat of your chair. It was a mistake sitting directly across from her, clearly.

"Really?" Amelia is saying, swatting at the air, laughing. "You must meet a lot of diplomats and dignitaries."

"Too many," K-Mom says. "You get to thinking the world is nothing but diplomats and dignitaries. But you don't get the real scoop from folks like that. The whistleblowers are the consulate workers, disillusioned intelligence agents, you know. By the time you're a diplomat, you're too invested in the system to buck it..."

Amelia is wearing stockings, and her gently wiggling toes, through the fabric, are rough against your skin. Especially your skin there, past your skirt. That collateral she took from you at BRB is coming back to haunt you. Amelia winks at you across the table as K-Mom prattles on. "Tell me more," she prompts your mother.

You pinch your thighs together, but that just traps her foot there. You stare madly at your plate.

"Well, you get to go to places that you've never even heard of, which is a perk. I mean, try finding Palau on a map. Bet you can't." K-Mom is always so proud when she gets going about her line of work. She doesn't notice you writhing in your seat beside her.

On your other side, Summer belches. "Scuse me," she giggles. She does that armpit-flashing back stretch she's spent so long perfecting. N-Mom doesn't even pretend not to be staring. "Say, I never did get that tour of the house Wes promised me. And I got pretty overheated moving books for Talia. Would you guys mind showing me to the nearest shower?" She slides her chair back, standing.

(Smooth, Summer. Real fucking smooth.)

With both hands, you try to grab Amelia's ankle and push her foot away, but Amelia is stronger.

N-Mom gives K-Mom a half-petrified, anxious look.

K-Mom rolls her eyes. "Just remember what you owe me," she says.

N-Mom jumps to her feet. "Shower?" She puts a hand on Summer's back and leads her away. "Uh, I'll t-take you. No problem... no, no problemo... uh."

Summer laughs. "How about you, babe? Wanna join in?" She asks. Not you, but K-Mom. It's a nakedly brazen proposition that pretty much shatters the pretext that this is strictly a house tour.

You go rigid as Amelia's big toe does something new. K-Mom gives you a suspicious glance. "Maybe in a bit," she tells Summer. "I need to see Mel out."

"Well, okay, Kay-Kay," Summer says. Her smile collapses. "Wait. No."

"C'mon," N-Mom says, lightly tugging on her wrist, impatient.

Summer kisses you. "Back soon..."

[ ] Spy on N-Mom and Summer

[ ] Stay out here with K-Mom and Amelia.


Try though you might to push Amelia's foot away from your crotch, she insistently keeps it there -- as soft and frankly pudgy as Amelia is, she's got a hidden strength that she can take advantage of when she wants to. Right here at your dinner table, Amelia is rubbing your bare cunt with the sole of her foot. Her sock's cotton fabric scrapes your tender flesh painfully. But worse than that is knowing there is nothing you can do to stop her.

"Are you all right, Wes?" K-Mom asks you.

You struggle even to just nod.

K-Mom glances Amelia's way. "You picked them up from that Talia woman's place, right? Do you know whether they did anything... you know."

"Sexual?" Amelia asks.

K-Mom nods. "Yeah."

"Are you looking to get Talia in trouble with the school?" Amelia asks. "That would be odd, considering that your wife is about do something sexual with Summer herself."

"Mom... m-mom, please..." You stutter.

K-Mom loops an arm around the back of her chair. "My girl can make her own choices romantically. She's old enough. I'm just concerned when she starts sleeping around all of a sudden."

Amelia pretends to commiserate. "Of course. You don't want your little girl turning into a slut." Meanwhile, she keeps jilling you off under the table, undetected. "Your suspicions are correct. Wes is in a sexual relationship with Talia." She pauses, eyes twinkling. Considering whether to go further. At last she adds: "and with me, too." She punctuates this by penetrating your twat with one of her besocked toes. Your eyes go wide.

K-Mom stands bolt upright, chair clattering under her.

"You aren't upset, are you?" Amelia asks teasingly. "I'll stop if you don't approve."

"I'm... surprised," K-Mom manages. "I mean, knowing Wes. I -- heard rumors about you -- from Whitney..."

"Oh, Whitney's such a blabbermouth," Amelia says. "Whatever you heard, subtract a few inches."

"So it's true? And you're d-- with Wes --"

"Curious?" Amelia says. She pats the empty chair beside her. "Do you want to take a peek, Mrs. Keki?"

She doesn't say yes or no.

The ball of Amelia's foot, against the lips of your cunt, presses cruelly down and rubs in fast, hard circles. She's gonna make you cum like this. You tremble and moan.

K-Mom swoops around the table and sits beside Amelia. Amelia leans back far enough for K-Mom to glimpse a sight that makes her face loosen in shock.

"You would... come into my home, and expose yourself... in front of my daughter..." K-Mom stutters, feigning outrage.

"I told you. I'll stop if you want. I'll go back home -- leave you alone, so you can go play with your wife and Summer. Or I can stay, and take Wes into her bedroom, get her out of your hair for a while. Or... maybe you'd like to get better acquainted with me?"

K-Mom is still staring at Amelia's lap. "It's got to be even bigger than Alabaster's--"

"Oh, it's very close," Amelia says. You shudder. Dad has a dick as big as *that*? You're not sure you wanted this information. "He's such an egoist. Asks me sometimes to have a literal measuring contest... but a lady never brags. I prefer the mystery." She tilts her head. "You can touch it, if you want. It won't bite."

K-Mom glances across the table.

Amelia reassures her. "It's nothing she hasn't seen before. Is it, Wes?"


"Wes, why don't you go to room," K-Mom says. Her voice has a quaver to it.

But Amelia's stinking sock against your pussy -- you can smell the well-worn scent from here -- has you rooted firmly in place. "I wanna stay," you mutter. "It's okay." Amelia swivels her ankle around, and you buck your hips a little against her masturbatory motions.

"Wes likes to watch," Amelia says. There's a harsh terseness to her words. "She's a little pervert." She strokes K-Mom's hair a bit, and her voice goes sweet again. "So... won't you touch it? It's friendly."

"Just a little," K-Mom allows. Oh, mom. That's how she gets you. It won't be just a little.

K-Mom reaches down and gingerly wraps her fingers around Amelia's straining cock. Amelia coos. "That feels very nice. I'm on a bit of a hair trigger tonight, so I may ejaculate in your hand... all right?"

This seems to snap K-Mom back to her senses. She pulls her hand away from Amelia. "I think you'd better go."

But Amelia just searches through her purse, and pulls out the panties she stole from you. "Here," she says, handing them to K-Mom. "Use these so I don't make a terrible mess in your home."

K-Mom, doubtlessly ignorant of the fact that these underwear belong to you, takes them in her hand, and wraps them around Amelia's dick. She starts to tug and jerk in earnest now.

"Ooh, that's very, very nice..." Amelia says, practically purring. "You may be a lesbian, but you really know how to handle a cock. ... How do you like my cock, Mrs. Keki?"

"Wes..." K-Mom says. "If you want to go--"

"She doesn't want to go. She's a slut, just like you thought. Get that through your head. Of *course* the dirty little slut wants to see her mother jerk me off." Amelia leers at her. "Keep going -- I didn't tell you to stop..."

You can only meekly nod in agreement with Amelia's demeaning words. You've taken to keeping a tight grip on her ankle and literally jamming her foot as hard as you can against your creaming pussy. The pressure of her foot is so nice, and the unpredictable way she moves and flexes it create so many new sensations in your hardened clit... the thick smell is making you dizzy...

"That's it-- I'm cumming--" Amelia gasps. "Keep going. Just like that. Don't stop... milk me..." She luxuriously lets her head roll back and wraps an arm around K-Mom while K-Mom does all the work. After a long and drawn out orgasm that she sighs and mewls the whole way through, Amelia fixes K-Mom with a dreamy smile. "Do you mind if your daughter sucks my cock while you play with me?"

K-Mom falters again. "You-- cannot be serious--"

"Why not? She wants to suck it. And you're jerking me off with her panties anyway."

K-Mom lets go of the cum-sodden pair of panties like it's a hot stovetop. "W-what?"

Right before you get your climax, Amelia pulls her foot away, and says, "go ahead, Wes. Show her."

Your pussy actually clamps and aches from the revoked promise of relief. You see stars. "You... want me... to...?" you drawl. Amelia nods. So, standing, and trembling all over, you reluctantly but obediently hike you skirt, and show your own mother that you're going nopan. In the harsh light of the dining room, it's obvious how wet you are.

"Right now," Amelia tells your mom, "I think just about the only thing going through Wesley's mind is..." she perches her chin on K-Mom's shoulder and whispers harshly: "cock, cock, cock, cock... something like that. Maybe that's what's going on in your mind, too. So you wouldn't begrudge your own daughter her fun, would you?"

With halting motions, K-Mom takes hold of your panties, and continues to wetly jerk Amelia's turgid dick. And since K-Mom isn't stopping you, and since Amelia was dead on the money about your mental state, you crawl underneath the table, and get your face under Amelia's cock.

"Suck the head," Amelia instructs, "like a lollipop." You do. It's acrid and salty and bitter, still leaking cum from the slit. Underneath the foreskin is swimming with her sperm too. And sucking her, you taste pussy, too -- probably Olivia's. You smell the reek of Amelia's cock milk, and Olivia's sex, and your own -- your own dirty smell from the dirty panties your mother is using to stroke Amelia's angry red and veiny shaft. Your face becomes quickly coated in dick juice and drool. A bubble pops from one of your nostrils.

"Thank you," Amelia tells your mother. "Your daughter looks just so cute sucking my cock, don't you agree? ... and I love cumming in her mouth. Will you kiss me while your girl sucks me, Mrs. Keki, please?"

With both hands, you paw at your leaking pussy as, above, Amelia pulls your mom into a slow, sensual kiss that gets them both sweetly moaning. When Amelia reaches into K-Mom's pants, K-Mom doesn't resist -- in fact, unbuttons them to help her get access. They masturbate each other, and you suckle on Amelia's cock like you're nursing from her.

"You cum in Wes's mouth?" K-Mom asks, breathy, half-delirious, glasses askew.

"Oh, yes. When I get like this... I can't help myself. I just can't stop until I pour my sperm inside a hole. The tighter and wetter, the better. Your daughter has some very good holes for cumming in..."

K-Mom looks down at you. Amelia showers the side of her face with lewd, sucking, open-mouthed kisses. "You're having unsafe sex with Amelia, too?"

Amelia answers for you, voice hot but muffled by K-Mom's damp cheek. "She is. I'm barebacking your daughter... Kay." She pulls on K-Mom's head and directs K-Mom's lips towards hers. Between loud smooches, she continues, "it was her idea, I promise... I offered to wear a condom... but she said no. That was fine by me, of course... raw is always so much better." K-Mom is breathing ragged, and you can tell she's about to cum. "I could fuck you raw, too, if you want," Amelia whispers.

"Ungh," K-Mom grunts, spreading her legs, and cumming against Amelia's wiggling fingers. "Would you? Would you fuck me like that, too?" She doesn't care anymore that you're having incredibly risky unprotected sex with this woman -- she just wants to get fucked full of cum, too.

"Of course," Amelia says with a smile. "Just let me finish cumming in Wes's mouth first." She presses gently on K-Mom's neck. "You can watch from up close... go ahead..."

K-Mom sinks out of her chair and squats on the ground with you. She can see everything from this close. Your spit-streaked, cum-smeared face, the foamy drool collecting at the corners of your mouth and running off your chin, the way your lips distend around Amelia's engorged mushroom head. She can see, too, that you're playing with yourself -- balanced on your kneecaps, legs akimbo, having already pulled your skirt entirely off. You finger-fuck your asshole and your cunt with equal force, three, four digits at the same time in each lower hole, as you suck hungrily, hands-free, on Amelia's throbbing cockhead.

"Wesley..." she breathes. She runs her fingertips down your cheek, testing the consistency of the slimy fluids there. "You're..."

You flick your tongue in and out, rapidly, tickling Amelia's foreskin, making a spitty snakelike noise that sounds like "ttt-ttt-ttt-ttt." You peer at your mother from your peripheral vision.

"You're a fucking slut," K-Mom says, voice suddenly much deeper. "Oh my god."

You squirt all over the dining room floor, sitting there exposed to your mother, sucking cock.

"She really is," Amelia agrees. Then her muscles go stiff, and her eyes roll back. She sighs deeply, in an almost masculine voice: "mmmmnnn~ -- here it cums... lick me too, Kay... get me off..."

Kay services the near side of Amelia's cockshaft with the same technique you use for working her head: rapid, darting little licks that search all over. Meanwhile, she uses your panties to rub the far side of Amelia's shaft back and forth. You get the sense she's really trying to milk out all of Amelia's rich, gooey cum, straight into your mouth. In the process, K-Mom gets almost as messy as you. Her prim square-rimmed glasses get smeared with cock milk and her face becomes obscured beneath a film of spit.

And then Amelia is cumming. Your own mother holds Amelia's cock in both hands and keeps it steady for her while Amelia hoses your esophagus with semen. You're cumming so hard on your hands, and all over the floor, you think you may be pissing. You don't care. It just adds to the ecstasy of being so exquisitely and utterly humiliated. Amelia's baby batter is so thick it nearly gags you. You struggle to gulp it down without spilling. There's another fact for K-Mom to learn about you: you swallow.

If K-Mom thought Amelia would be fine with a handjob and a BJ, she has another thing coming. Amelia is already on her feet, dragging both of you towards the living room, one wrist in each hand. "I need a cunt," she says huskily. "Get naked." She drops you and your mother in the living room, by the sectional.

You're already naked enough, but K-Mom gets the message. She quickly strips -- no shame, not even in front of her girl. She just wants a dick in her. You can sympathize. You do, too.

"I'm going to bareback your little girl," she says. "You can watch how I do it. Then it's your turn."

K-Mom nods. You kick your feet wildly, trying to get yourself into an upright sitting position so you'll be ready for Amelia -- but Amelia presses you supine against the floor and mounts you. She treats your body like something inanimate and disposable, as if she's just fucking an onahole, not a person. The thought makes you shiver. You aren't a person to her right now. You're a hole. She gets herself seated raw and balls-deep up your spasming twat with just two hard thrusts. You choke, the wind leaving you.

Amelia holds her cock down at the base of it so that it stays fully seated in your cunt. Rocking on her knees a little, making very sure the seal is tight and that she wont slip out, she undoes her skirt and tosses it aside, her blouse and bra too. Fully nude in your family's living room, massive tits swaying, this futanari bitch rapes you with the full consent and approval of your mom.

K-Mom strokes your face as she watches Amelia screw you. "Wes... I never knew you were like this..."

"I'm sorry, mommy," you whine, voice high and pinched. Amelia ruts in you like a dog.

"It's all right," K-Mom whispers. She stares at you deeply. She sets aside her cum-streaked glasses. Her lips, shimmering and glossy, tremble -- and suddenly, deciding, she leans over you and kisses you. It's a kiss you return. With Amelia's horsecock stuffing you full and oozing cum inside you, you make out with your mother. She smells so sweet and feminine, and her skin is so soft, and her lips are so full. You like it. You could do it some more. When she pulls away, you smile at her. "I'm sorry you raised a slut..." you tell her.

"I'm not," K-Mom says, as she leans against the sectional, spreads her legs, and starts to play with her pussy. It's a nice, full-lipped pussy, with dark lips, and a small well-trimmed bush. It makes your mouth water. She's rubbing her clit not five feet from where you're lying, and she's watching you take a cock almost as big as your forearm.

"Nngh-- nngh--" Amelia grunts, working herself into a lather as she humps. She pours sweat all over your naked body. K-Mom draws her knees up and slips a couple of fingers inside herself, knowing that Amelia is getting close to dumping a cockload in your fertile womb. With K-Mom's feet flat on the ground and her knees up, her ass spreads itself wide open. So you get to stare at the dark, star-shaped pucker of her anus while Amelia blows her nuts inside you. K-Mom knows you're looking, can see your eyes drinking in the sight of her swollen pussy, her frigging fingers, her winking asshole -- and she lets you look all you want.

That's when you feel it. Amelia's cock nestles itself as far as it'll go, past your cervix, and inside your uterus. The phrase "painting your walls white" is almost literal here, you think, since Amelia's cum has the same sticky consistency of paint. It flows only very slowly and clings persistently to surfaces just like fresh paint straight from the can -- only it's also hot, almost scalding, and stinks in a way no paint ever could. She really will imprint you with the stink of her cum, so totally and so deeply that it won't ever wash out. You'll go around for the rest of your life smelling like Amelia's cocksleeve.

When Amelia pulls out of you, most of her load stays inside, and only a big gob of it pearls up at the mouth of your twat like the head of a freshly poured beer. It runs slowly down your crack, and smears your asshole. Amelia tilts you back, getting you doubled over, your legs across your torso, your ass spread wide by gravity. In this way, no more of her cum runs out of you. "Stay like that," she says. "Let it gestate. Make sure it doesn't leak out before it takes."

Before it takes. She doesn't have to explain what "it" is. You know. So does your mom -- and she doesn't try to stop it.

K-Mom shuffles her weight, staring up in slackjawed awe as Amelia's buxom form shadows her. "Bend over the couch," she tells K-Mom.

K-Mom practically jumps. She gets on her feet and bends in two with her palms on the armrests of the sectional, wagging her tan butt back and forth. "Come get it," she says.

Amelia comes and gets it. She grabs K-Mom's lithe shoulders and starts to hammer her cunt, doggy style. No foreplay and no tenderness. You hear the vicious, rapid plapping of it, and from between your knees, you see K-Mom's face contorting in depraved joy. But as much as you'd like to lie here and watch your mother take a thick load from Amelia's dick the way you just did, and as nice as it is feeling Amelia's swimmers inside your tummy... a caterwaul from the other side of the house catches your attention.

You testingly straighten out your posture, and rise onto your butt. Amelia and K-Mom are lost to the world. Their sexual compatibility is through the roof: their wagging hips smack together as Amelia tugs her ponytail. K-Mom's neck goes taut with agonized pleasure. Amelia forces cruel kisses on her that she eagerly returns. Their commingled cum pools on the floor between them and stipples their flexing thighs.

You wander down the hallway, in a sexual daze, your cunt slowly dribbling Amelia's warmed-over genetics down your legs. You stumble your way into the master bedroom at the hall's far end, which is empty -- and then towards the ensuite bathroom, which isn't.

N-Mom has Summer up against the shower wall. One of Summer's legs is up and over N-Mom's shoulder, the calf dangling across her back. N-Mom's face isn't even visible -- it's buried, entirely, in Summer's fat, spongy cunt and ass. N-Mom nods up and down, lapping at your girlfriend, feasting on her, and grunting like a fucking neanderthal. You'd say this is a pretty submissive position for your mother, but it seems like Summer is the one in more distress. She's chewing her knuckles and whining shrilly while your mother eats her out.

Neither of them notice you, and you're so fucking horny that you've lost all sense of dignity. You squat on the floor and play with your milky pussy. The torrential but molasses-like flow of Amelia's cum leaves the carpet underneath you all puddly and stained, but... whatever. You need to get off again.

Summer is an active participant in N-Mom's debauchment of her body. Though balanced only precariously on one foot, she bounces up and down a little, which makes her nude tits jiggle. God, Summer really is jiggly all over. You can't fault your mother for having her hands on either side of Summer's doughy tummy, squeezing her, digging in, almost clawing at her, while she sucks on Summer's cunt. You'd do the same. You have done the same. You take after her, you guess.

It's a nice few minutes lurking there, playing with yourself, making a creamy mess on the floor, and watching your mother making out with your girlfriend's genitals. But you have to go and ruin it. You draw an inhalation a little too sharply, make a pip just loud enough for Summer to hear. Her eyes refocus and immediately find you kneeling there at the bathroom's entryway jilling off. She isn't upset. Rather, she smiles and winks, and mouths "hey babe." And when she sees that your cunt is absolutely swimming with cum, her only reaction is to lick her lips.

You mimic Summer, and start to bounce a little on your haunches while you masturbate. Together, you and your girlfriend enjoy the sensations coming from your clits. Your mother hasn't detected you, yet, lost in the heaven between Summer's legs. This, you think, is your mother's true self, a desperate lesbian pig, pigging out on cunt and ass. Nevermind that she's literally old enough to be this girl's mom. Or that her wife and daughter are in the other room. She's too addicted to pussy to care about those things.

"I'm gonna cum again, miss Keki," Summer says. Her voice is so cute when she's close.

"Cum in my mouth," is your Mom's muffled response from over her mound. You learn then that her voice, when she's like this, is raspy and lewd. Like your own, you figure. She's a born pervert, too.

Summer is only too happy to oblige. She rubs herself back and forth, letting N-Mom lick her clit, her twat lips, taint, and asshole. N-Mom is undiscriminating and greedy for it all. Summer starts caterwauling, again, as she gushes cream from her tan pussy. N-Mom siphons it up, audibly slurping. Only at the very end do you actually see her face, wet, gasping for breath, her hair matted down by cum -- as Summer rises up a little, and N-Mom tips her head back, mouth wide open.

"Do you... really want me to?" Summer asks.

N-Mom nods.

You really do take after your Mom. You were curious about this, too, and you're jealous she got to it first. Summer flexes her tummy, with N-Mom squeezing down on her love handles as if to help her. And then, suddenly, there's a little trickle -- slow and with hardly pressure behind it, but picking up volume. Summer pisses the same way she cums, as it turns out. So to drink it, N-Mom has to bury her face in Summer's twat again. That suits her just fine. She does it without question, and drinks Summer's pee right out of her, right from the source. It overflows, out of N-Mom's mouth, up and across the skin of her face, in multiple pale yellow rivulets that shower down on the tile floor. You can hear the patter of it. Summer grips N-Mom's hair by the roots and mashes her face into her crotch.

You orgasm like that, watching your Mom drink Summer's pee. It must taste really good, because N-Mom is moaning like she's having the best orgasm of her life, and she isn't even touching herself.

When Summer is finished, N-Mom suckles the vestiges of it all up, and leaves Summer's pussy with a parting smooch of gratitude.

Oh fuck. That means she's done. N-Mom glances to the side, looks your way, and sees you.


"Don't worry about her, Noelley," Summer says, suave and smooth, pushing N-Mom slowly onto her back. "C'mon, let me show you again what my tongue can do..."

She snakes her way between N-Mom's legs with a devilish grin and starts to feast on her cunt. She's using all the same techniques you taught her, so you guess N-Mom is weak to them too. N-Mom's wild eyes stare at you -- she can see quite obviously that you've been busy -- but she can't resist Summer's pussy-licking. She lies there with Summer's tongue inside her, moaning and sighing, her face wet with cum and piss.

"Wes... get out..." she pleads.

"Let her watch. It's cute."

"What... is that..." N-Mom says, noticing the pearly mess oozing out of you. "Is that..."

"Yeah," Summer says. "Mel has a dick. Cool, huh? Wes is freshly fucked... mmm..."

"It's true...? Amelia has a--" N-Mom says. "Oh, god-- fuck--"

She tenses, and orgasms. You jut your hips forward to show off to her, to show off your slutty semen-spatted pussy and the way you masturbate while watching her getting eaten. N-Mom decides to roll with it. She gives in, wraps her legs viciously around Summer's head. "Fucking eat me, dyke bitch," N-Mom sneers. "Eat me like you eat Wes."

You think your mommies are both going to have a very awkward post-nut clarity. But for now, you can enjoy peeping on them. You run your hands through your sticky quim and stare unabashedly at N-Mom's skinny body, her little but soft-looking tits and light purple nipples... it's bizarre to think a woman as slight as her could order a girl as healthy and athletic as Summer around like some bitch. But Summer is ready to worship your mother's cunt, ready to be dominated and take orders. You should be taking some notes. You could learn a lot from how your mom can spend an hour kneeling underneath another girl and still come out on top.


[ ] Summer decided to bring the cheer team to cheer for the PAP Cross-Players E-sports match against North High. But you think she has ulterior motives involving Lily.

[ ] You and Amber spend a lazy Saturday at home, getting Summer better acquainted with Amelia.

>[x] Amber divulges some of her more unsavory fantasies to you.

[ ] You can't let Summer just flagrantly screw your mom without responding! Time to make a visit to casa Denali.

You lie on your bed, idly fingering your pussy. Amber sits propped against your headboard, as nude as you are, playing with her asshole. You make small talk while you masturbate:

"So they haven't said anything about it since last night?" Amber asks.

"No. Summer and Amelia spent some time in here while the moms got cleaned up, and they've been kind of avoiding me ever since. K-Mom said hi to me when I got home from school today, but that's it."

"Did you and Mel fuck some more? It still smells like her cock in here," Amber says. She plunges three fingers in and out of her tiny asshole. You can't believe an orifice so small can take so much use. "God, I really want her to breed me again... think it'd fit in my butt?"

"She'd make it fit," you tell her.

"Nnf," Amber grunts. "Wes, eat me out a little."

You flip onto your stomach and wrap your forearms around either of Amber's legs, gripping her knees. With Amber sitting on a hand, you can suck her cunt while she anally fingers herself. It's one of her favorite ways to get off. The way you eat her is slow and methodical, but messy. You focus mostly on her outer parts, loudly smooching her puffy lips and clit, leaving her vulva dripping with a mix of saliva and cum. Only occasionally do you wedge your tongue in her gash to lick her inner walls, vacuuming up her juices. She likes getting teased and she always cums really hard like this.

"Mel, Talia... think any other girls we know have dicks?" Amber asks.

"Nah," you say, kissing her up and down her vulva. The noise of your smacking lips echoes off your walls.

"That's too bad. I could use some more dick in my life..." She pets your hair. "Say, now that you have a real sex life. What's the next thing you wanna do?"

You gaze up at her for a second, thinking. "Uh," You say, but don't elaborate. Too embarrassing. You bury your nose against her clit, and start to kiss her on the pussy again.

"Don't make me rape you," Amber says.

You wiggle your butt back and forth as you eat her.

"Don't make me NOT rape you, then," she says.

You pull your lips away from her twat. A bridge of spit dangles between your lower lip and her drooly hole. You watch her fingers at work, enjoying the way her pale pucker gapes to accommodate her self-abuse. It's so nice here, with your head between Amber's thighs. You love the way your older sister smells, the girly scent of her cunt that you've known so well for so long. Amber gets you off better than anyone, even still. She knows just how you like to be bullied. And just how you like to bully someone in kind.

You tell her what's on your mind. "I wanna have a threesome with Lily and Summer... make Lily beg us to let her cum..."

"Oh, that'd be hot," Amber agrees. "Put that bitch in her place."

"I wanna see Mel fuck Lily, too. I think that would really blow her mind... a girl who's got a pussy and a dick... I wonder how she'd react."

"Oh, she'd go fucking nuts. She'd wig out."

Amber's cunt is juicing from all the dirty talk. You tickle it for her while you go on. "I wanna... do really risky things with Mel and Talia some more. You know."

"Unprotected sex?" Amber says. "That's a lotto you can only play so many times before you hit the jackpot, you know."

"Yeah. I know. I keep thinking about one of them making us-- making me pregnant."

"You'd let someone knock you up just to get off?" Amber says. You nod. "Now *that* is really hot," she coos. But then she narrows her eyes. "Don't think I missed that 'us' in there. You cumming to the idea of someone dumping a baby in me?"


"Me too..."

You bow your head and give her a particularly wide-mouthed, wet-sounding smooch on her quivering pussy lips. You suck on her hole some more, enjoying its rich flavor. After a little bit of this, you say: "Amber... lick me too."



You get into a 69, Amber on top. Since she can't play with her own asshole anymore, she fingers yours while she dines on your pussy. "How about guys? Any guys you wanna get with?"

You wince as Amber twists two of her fingers in and out of your anus. "I don't know. None of the guys at PAP are cute... ow, fuck, that hurts-- uh. Will is nice, I guess. He kissed me. It wasn't bad."

Amber pauses. "You wanna suck his cock together?" She asks.

"Do I w-- fuck, Amber..."

"It's a yes or no question."

"Would he let us?"

"He won't ever say no to a blowjob. Trust me." She blows a puff of air against your sensitive clit, and then gives you a couple long, slow, luxurious licks. It turns your whole pussy to jelly. She's definitely trying to seduce you by proxy. "He'd let us blow him. And who knows? If you make it clear to him that your pussy is open for business, no condoms allowed... gay or straight, that's hard for a guy to say no to."

You bite your lip. "You're gonna make me cum," you warn her.

"I am? Or your disgusting slut mind is gonna make you cum, thinking about letting just any random dick blow a load in you?"

"Does he... have a nice dick?" You ask.

Amber kisses your pussy all over, the same way you kiss hers, tastingly, teasingly -- loudly. Sucking it like a lollipop as she talks. "It's pretty good. Nothing to write home about. Not like Mel's, that's for fucking sure. But it gets the job done."

"You've been fucking him?"

Amber shrugs. "We've done some oral... I like to let him pound my ass. He prefers it the Greek way anyway. But I was, uh... keeping my cunt off limits..." she clears her throat.

You wrap your lips around Amber's asshole and plumb its depths as far as you can. It makes her go momentarily wild, wagging her hips and sliding her sopping pussy back and forth across your face. When she cums, she cums hard and fast, and ejaculates all over you without the courtesy of warning you. So you return the favor, and squirt on her without letting her know in advance. For about thirty seconds the two of you just writhe around together on the mattress with your tongues lodged up each other's holes, cumming and moaning like whores. Sometimes it's nice to just use each other's faces as masturbation devices.

When you come down from that sexual high, you resume your more languid oral service, your tongues lazily circling and only irregularly penetrating one another. The loud smooches resume, too.

"What about your moms?" Amber asks.

You shrug as best you can with Amber's weight on you and her dripping cunny pressing down on your face.

"Don't tell me you haven't been thinking about your lesbo mommies since last night... since before last night, even."

"It's weird."

"Yeah, it is weird. I fucking reckon so. It's weird as fuck. Not just every girl in America sucks futanari cock with her mother's help. Or jills off while watching her mom eat her girlfriend's pussy. You're a real fuckin' weirdo, Wes, congratulations. What are you gonna do now?"

"What should I do?" You ask.

"Do you really need someone to spell this one out for you? Fuck your mommies already, Wesley."

"Would they..."

"Would a woman who jerked a spurting cock into your mouth using a pair of your own panties also have sex with you? Tough question." Amber slaps your cunt. "I'm gonna spank you, you stupid slut." She slaps your hole again. "Fucking dumbass cunt."

"Amber, stop-- ow--"

She doesn't stop. She spanks you until your cunt is red and raw and you're almost crying in pain. She rubs herself on your face and gets off from the sadistic way she treats you. This, she tells you, is your punishment for not fucking your mommies already, and the longer you spend wussing out, the worse the spankings will get. Next comes whips and reeds. You cream up and lose a load, despite yourself.

Of course, Amber's sadism is matched in equal measure by her adoration of all things pussy. When she sees you creaming from all this punishment and she's had her fill of spanking your twat, she soothes your soreness with the most tender licks and puffs and kisses she can muster. Pussy addict that she is, she wants to wash the back of her throat with more of your cum. Since she's still grinding on top of you, you can't exactly turn her down.

"How about you?" You ask. "What kinds of things do you want to do next?"


Oh, that shit is not going to fly. Amber can't browbeat you about your fantasies and then play coy about hers. You have access to her weak point right now: you open wide, and nip at her vulva, which is still all puffy and sensitive from cumming so much. She winces and gasps in pain.

"Jesus fuck, Wes -- ow! God!"

"What do you want to do?" You demand. "Tell me or I'll make you bleed."

"Good lord. You let a few girls fuck you and it goes right to your head. Think you're some queen bee bitch all of a sudden. Whatever..." She thinks for a few moments, absentmindedly licking your still-stinging pussy, and then softly says: "you remember how you said Mel made that comment about having a dick measuring contest with Daddy?"


"Have you ever seen Daddy's cock, Wes?"


Amber crawls free of you. You sit on your butts facing each other.

"I-- like to watch him fuck. I sneak into his closet. Spy on him. Daddy fucks so many women... they always cum real hard, and he *always* sperms 'em deep inside. And his cock! It's like this." She holds her hands apart to indicate what it's like. "He's got such a nice thick Daddy cock. He can make a real mess with it, too. Inside..." Amber is drooling by this point.

One of the hallowed rules of the Masturbatorium is that you don't pass judgment on each other. But you can't resist saying: "oh my god... are you messing with me?"

Amber punches you in the shoulder. She pouts. "I can't help it... I think about how big his cock is, and..." she runs a flattened palm down her chest, to her navel, and all the way to her pussy. "...I mean, it would absolutely destroy me if he put it in. But that's why I want him to..."

She locks eyes with you. Her irises glimmer with lust. "I keep trying to get him to rape me. Doing things to piss him off, then kind of-- you know-- flaunting myself at him. But he won't take the bait."

"Have you tried asking him?" You say. "Seems like Dad's a pretty easy lay, if we're being honest..."

She slumps her shoulders. "He wouldn't do it even if I begged him to." She slaps her pussy to indicate it: "dumb asshole has grade-A teenage pussy right here waiting for him and he won't even rape it! Men..."

Amber seems pretty torn up about this, and you're in no position to judge her even if the rules of the Masturbatorium didn't dictate it. After all, you'll be fucking your own parents relatively soon, if things go as you expect. So you do the only thing you can think to: you indulge her.

"Wes...?" Amber says, eyes following you as you hop up and dig around on your messy floor.

You find a strap-on that you suppose is pretty close in size and shape. It's close to Amelia's, so if the rumors are true, it should be close to his as well. You get to work putting it on.

"Uh..." Amber says.

You crawl back onto the bed. Amber recoils just a little as you prowl right up to her, but you shock her still by hauling back and slapping her hard across the face. An open-handed blow that sounds as painful as it looks, the shape of your hand and all five of your fingers burning themselves redly into Amber's white skin. Her face passes through a panoply of emotions before settling on open-mouthed anger. "You f--" she begins.

"You've been-- a very-- BAD girl," you say, trying on your best baritone. "I'm going to... have to... um. Punish. You."

Amber rolls her eyes. "Oh Jesus." She turns around and lies flat on her stomach. Looking back over her shoulder, she says: "Don't talk. Just fuck me. And don't stop no matter what I say or do. Okay?"

You can handle that much.

You mount her from behind, laying atop her with all of your weight. This is a position you've heard called the prone bone, and supposedly it feels pretty good when you have a real cock. The benefit for Amber in this position, though, is she gets to close her eyes and focus on her wild imagination:

"Daddy?" She says as you line the strap-on up with her pussy. Her voice is about an octave higher than normal. "I-- I'm sorry! Wait, stop... don't--!!"

You penetrate her, getting your cock past her cunt lips with not a little force. Since her thighs are pressed together, it's hard to wedge such a massive tool inside. You have to pry her legs apart a bit. She resists it, kicking against you, but only weakly. She wants to be overpowered.

"Stop-- Daddy, Daddy no! I'm sorry! I'll be good!" Her neck strains, and she grits her teeth as your cock sinks ever more deeper into her cherry-red pussy. "Daddyyyyy..." she whines despairingly when you get your cock balls deep. As you put your hands over hers and rise up to begin hammering away at her overstuffed cunt, she starts to sob. She's helpless and pitiful. You'd think she really was getting raped. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... stop... don't fuck me... don't rape meee..."

But the more you rape her, the wetter she gets. She's leaking all over the rubber cock, down her thighs, and onto the sheets below. Her dirty cunt is getting turned on from being fucked against her will. The room stinks of her sex. She starts to swing her hips back and forth to meet your brutal thrusting, slowly at first, but picking up speed. You lay your chin on her shoulder and breathe hard through your nostrils, against her face, hugging her close -- acting like you're really her Daddy, selfishly pleasuring your cock inside her cunt.

"I didn't mean to be bad..." Amber mewls. She clutches the bedsheets and whines. She keeps her eyes tightly closed.

She told you not to talk, but you talk anyway. Short and to the point: "You want this."

"Daddy, no... I don't..."

You pound away at her pussy, and feel her start to cum. Picking up the pace, you leave her with one last whispered thought to carom around inside her skull. "You've always wanted this."

"Daddy-- fffffuuuuuuuck," she heaves, her voice going hoarse and breathy. Amber's hips and yours are twin blurs while you nail her as hard and fast as you possibly can. Half-giggling, like someone high on ether, she says, "you're cumming inside me... you're raping me full of cum, Daddy... you're gonna make your little girl pregnant..." She giggles like a stupid little girl and cums on your raping Daddy dick.

You hope she enjoys the orgasm.

As you roll off her, Amber takes a few to calm herself down. She's still breathing heavily as she rolls onto her back as well, and wipes her sweaty forehead as she stares at the ceiling.

"I didn't even tell you the things I'd like to do with Mommy," she finally says.

"...do we have undiagnosed parental issues?" You ask.

Amber, heaving, still staring at the ceiling, says: "Yeah. Freud would have a field day."


"At least you'll get to actually fuck your parents. Lucky fucking stinky-ass dumbass bitch."

Fair enough, you suppose.

Amber props herself on one elbow and looks at you. "Now. How do we accomplish that?" She says, grinning.

You stand in the downstairs bathroom with your ear pressed against the door, waiting to hear footsteps down the hall. Your plan, hatched with Amber's ample help, is to step out just as either N-Mom or K-Mom are passing by. But both your mothers must be preoccupied, because the minutes drag on without any sound approaching from either direction. The steam in the bathroom dissipates, and you, still dripping from the shower, are getting shivery. After about half an hour, you finally decide to warm up with a second shower. You're just turning the faucet on when at last you hear someone coming. So you shut the faucet off and nearly trip over the ridge of the bathtub as you clamber out, stumbling and thudding. You race into the hall.

In all your hurry, you don't notice how close N-Mom is. You nearly bump into each other. N-Mom startles, skids to a halt, and says: "Hey! Where's the fire?"

All of your rehearsed seductions dissolve into a staticky mess within your mind. You fake a laugh and stammer, "u-um, I-- was trying to -- ...." you trail off. Silence envelops the hall as you just stand there awkwardly in front of your mother, half-wrapped in a towel, teeth chattering.

"Are you okay?" N-Mom asks. "Your breathing is a little..."

"I should go get dressed!" you say, all at once. Then, with less finesse than a charging rhinoceros, you purposely drop your towel to the ground, baring your body. You're flushed red all over with embarrassment already.


"Oop-- oops," you mutter. "I... dropped -- uh... I dropped it..." You turn a full 180 degrees, even though you don't need to, and bend sharply at the waist to pick the towel up. "B-b-better grab that." You wag your butt from side to side in a way you imagine is enticing, and don't straighten your posture even though your towel is clearly in your grasp again.

N-Mom rolls her eyes. "Aren't you getting laid enough?" She says, stepping past. "Call your girlfriend if you need some," she adds, disappearing down the hall. "Weirdo."

"H-huh?" you feign, but N-Mom is already heading upstairs. You watch the empty hallway for a minute or two. Then you ball the towel up and hold it to your face to muffle your scream.

That night in bed the memory of this encounter keeps you company for hours. Your own embarrassment makes you hot. Your mind is filled with unchaste images: N-Mom pushing you onto your back on the mattress -- "You really aren't getting laid enough... let me take care of that." And so forth.

You struck out today, but maybe not the next time.


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